Church Mothers
Sermon Tone Analysis
Sandra asked me to pray and consider a not-so-well- known mother in the bible. There is no other mention of Rufus’ mother.
This short verse is packed with love and inspiration.
It takes years in the Lord to appreciate . Every pastor has a lift of souls she or he owes their ministry to. Like the apostle Paul, I have my own list. I will not mention them now for the sake of time. All the people Paul’s mentions have special significance. Just to name a few:
Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my co-workers throughout his ministry who risked their lives for me.
Greet Epenetus, The first convert to Christ in Asia.
Greet Adronicus and Junia, my cousins and both great apostolic leaders.
Greet Tryphena, Tryphosa, and Persis, Great women of God who worked hard in the Lord.
Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother, who has been a mother to me.”
There are different types of leadership in the body of Christ. There was some official leaders with titles and then there are other unofficial leaders will influence. People look at the pastor and believe he has or she has ultimate authority from a human point of view. The one who keeps the church together is the truth your mother on mothers.
A pastor friend of mine, went through a terrible rift in the church. The church meeting became very negative. The leaders of the church acted like the people who shouted for Jesus’ crucifixion before Pontius Pilate. Jesus before they called to vote the pastor out, one of the church mothers rose. She said, “May I speak?” The moderate said, “Yes.” She replied, I don’t want to speak to you. I want to speak to My Father.” When she finished praying, someone called for the meeting to be adjourned. “Second the motion.’ Meeting was adjourned and the pastor remained several more years. Church mothers lead the family.
Some women in the Lord become mothers to the entire body of Christ. To qualify, they must have lived through a lot of hardships and tribulation. All things to deepen their faith and dependence on Jesus Christ.
Everyone in the church benefits from connecting with church mothers. Church mothers have a special assignment. They heal people. They support spiritual leaders and they keep the church civil and grounded.
It is a simple statement by Paul: read Rufus and his mother who is a mother to me also.
What does that mean?
For Paul to indicate Rufus was chosen in the Lord means the Rufus was a coworker with Paul, or one at least recognized by the body of Christ for his exemplary service.
It could mean something more. Paul may be addressing a man of great honor because his father touched Jesus’ life like no one else. No one was closer to Christ when he was crucified than the father of Rufus. , “A certain man from Cyrene, Simon, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was passing by on his way in from the country, and they forced him to carry the cross.” Rufus father carried the Cross with Jesus; This means, Rufus mother was wife of the only man who carried the cross with Christ Jesus.
When Paul called Rufus “chosen of God,” he was referred to The Sovereign God who chose his father to carry the Cross with Jesus, although the Roman soldiers forced him to do so. Can you imagine Simon’s devotion and what he felt when he heard news of the resurrection! Rufus’s mother was a saint of history. Rufus grew up hearing about the nails, the wood and the blood in a way no one else could know.
Simon was from Cyrene. Cyrene, was on the northern tip of Africa. By the time Simone lived there, it was a roman province. Notice the significance. Paul said,
Greet Rufus and his mother, she was a mother to me.” He was a Jew from Tarsus and Rufus and his mother were from Africa. Yet, this woman treated Paul, the apostle as a son.
Greet Rufus and his mother. Although her name is not mentioned, she has equal status with Paul.
The word for greet means, “embrace with the purpose of bestowing a blessing.” Paul means, “Hug her and show her love because she deserves it.” Paul encouraged holy affection in the church. “Greet one another with a holy kiss.” Church mothers should be loved, honored and blessed by the congregation they attend.
1. She had to recognize the grace that was on her son at an early age and cultivate it. She had to teach him about the presence of God. She had to teach them a life of sacrifice she had to teach him to be a servant. Church mothers turn a congregation into a family. (; ) Church mothers are model’s of Christian faithfulness ( ) Church mothers don’t see color, they only see everyone as God’ child. She had to show hospitality to the body of Christ. She had to offer support to the mission: she had to do what ever she could do at the time to assist apostle's and (EVANGELIST) and Caring out their work. She needed discernment to speak into the lives of spiritual leaders She had to be a good listener She had to be a prayer warrior She had to be an instrument of God's love. Paul said the love of Christ to shed abroad in our hearts.