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Series Purpose: To help our moms understand God's expectations of them and to be challenged to be the Godly Mom's they are called to be.
Series Memory Verse: (ESV) — 30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
May 11 - Mother's Day - A Woman's Responsibility (, 10-24) - to be strong
3 Helpful Tidbits to Know about
1) No one knows who King Lemuel is - the oldest view is that it was Bathsheba's pet name for Solomon (1a)
2) This person is both Rare & Precious (1b)
3) This is advice (applicable to everyone) given from a Mother to a Son - In the form of an Acrostic Poem (vss 11-31)
• Mother Acrostic Poem
6 Responsibilities of a Woman
• Chonda Pierce – Video Clip 1
Mettle (21,25a) Not Afraid/ Strong
o Single Mom – HELP ONE OUving up a child – Adoption
o Bulletin – RETA – Reason Enough to Act
o The Strength to know when you are over your head
Obstinate (13) wool & Flax - DETERMINATION
o Amy and dealing with all the Doctors
o The strength to stay determined
Teacher (26b) Teaching Kindness – things that last
o The Strength to help your child learn from you
o Chonda Pierce – Video Clip 2
o Volunteers for Children Ministry
Honorable (11,25b) Trust, Dignity
o The strength to be trustworthy
Equitable (20) Open to poor; reaches to the needy
o Not Myopic – cares about the Least the Lost and the Lonely, not just her family
o My Ministry is my family – Brag on Amy
o The strength to be generous
Righteous (26a, 30) Wisdom, Fears the Lord
• (ESV) — 28 And he said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.’ ”
• (ESV) — 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!
• (ESV) — 7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
• (ESV) — 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.
• (ESV) — 33 The fear of the Lord is instruction in wisdom, and humility comes before honor.
• THIS IS THE KEY: To derive your Strength from God!!!!
Next Steps
θ Anoint – to have the Strength from the HS you need to be a Mom after God’s own heart
θ Altar – take your Mom to the front of the sanctuary and prayer for your mom/wife/daughter that they would be a Woman
θ Nail to the Cross – Trying to be a person who relies on their strength rather than Gods
θ Communion – Declare to God that you are a person who fears God
θ Commit – to being a Mom
θ Commit – to supporting a single mom; helping at
θ Commit – to support RETA
θ Commit – to Volunteer in our Children’s Ministry – Find Tammy Today (Background Check)