Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
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Thank you for joining with us today for Father’s Day.
Father’s are a different breed, and much of who we are today comes from our relationship with them.
Depending on your life you most likely have a very strong opinion on what the word father means.
We tend to go through many phases in our relationships with them.
John says that parenting is 20 years of doing the best you can as a parent and then spending the next 20 apologizing for all of your mistakes.
While I am nowhere near the age to know all of this by experience I can say that I truly understand this idea.
There is no job in the world as difficult as leading a home and raising children.
Father’s tend to be an easy target of many jokes.
And many of them make all the sense in the world.
For example… Jerry Seinfeld says, “You can tell what was the best year of your father’s life, because they seem to freeze that clothing style and ride it out."
Jerry Seinfeld says, “You can tell what was the best year of your father’s life, because they seem to freeze that clothing style and ride it out."
And while many jokes may be made truthfully there are very few things in life that have more of an impact on our lives than these men.
I loved this quote by Pam Brown: “Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers and singers of song.”
And to round things off this quote has a lot to do with what we will be seeing today.
Clarence Budington Kelland said: My father didn’t tell me how to live.
He lived and let me watch him do it.
We are going to talk about the way to live a life that will impact everything about our children and all the generations that will follow.
Today we are going to travel through two different Psalms that are on purpose connected together here by one central idea.
The word “happy” in and the word “blessed” in both come from the same Hebrew word.
The theme from the last part of is the power of children raised well and then speaks of a blessed man in the context of his wife and children.
I know very few things that a good father desires more than to see his wife and children blessed.
The passages we will see this morning are all about being blessed and how that is achieved.
So lets start in today and look at what we see.
I. His Fortune -
Here in these verses we see the reward that is given by God.
Children are a heritage.
Something that is handed down to us.
It is given to us from the Lord and the fruit of the womb is HIS reward.
As anyone in here that has ever had problems trying to have children we all know that pregnancy isn’t something that happens through our strength at all.
My family knows all about this struggle.
We begged God for children for 8 years and no matter what happened or how many tears were shed we couldn’t have children.
I will never forget the beauty of the day when God gave us our children.
Jacob and Hannah arrived in our lives on July 26th, 2004.
Life changed overnight and literally what we had begged God for for years was finally sleeping under our roof.
It would take hours to explain to you the miracles that God did to allow us to adopt them.
This happened not because of my brilliance but because of his goodness to me.
This verses emphasizes that truth.
A child is a gift, a heritage, a reward from OUR loving Father.
To extend our name and our blood into the next generation is a part of God’s blessing and promise to us in
Then after that first period in verse there there is a slight shift in the focus of the passage.
Children are a gift and not only are they a gift but they are like arrows.
Not just arrows but arrows in the hand of a mighty man.
The word mighty man here speaks of a warrior.
A man of war is the one that has these arrows.
That is what children are like, they are like arrows.
They are the tools that a warrior uses in battle.
They serve to protect the family.
They give the family a sense of security.
I still remember as a young man about the age of 13 watching Old Yeller
I will never forget the scene when Pa leaves home and looks over to his son that was about my age at that time and says hey, it is your job to take care of your family.
I still remember thinking, HEY, I could do that!
No, I would do that!
That is the sense of these arrows.
There is a security knowing that these arrows are used for protection.
Our children are a sacred trust, a solemn responsibility.
We are to wisely and kindly raise our children.
Parents we must understand and take much care in how we deal with our children.
For a warrior an arrow isn’t a hobby or something they play around with.
The way that they take care for and invest in their tool (arrows) is pretty amazing.
Aaron Farley, one of the elders here at the church is pretty amazing with a bow.
I still remember reading once about how he made his own arrows.
Crazy I know, I thought you bought arrows at Wal-mart.
I spoke with him and he gave me some pointers.
The preparation of their weapons matter to them.
I have a video here for you to watch to understand how much the making and the forming of arrows really matters.
You can actually go to this guys site and study hours of material on how to make the perfect arrow.
In this video he is showing us how to attach the fletching (feathers) to the arrow.
He is doing this with a wild turkey that he hunted last season.
Take a look
They prepare them with much thought and care.
Not like idiots playing with sharp tools but as the warrior straightens and polishes his arrow and gives it a solid point and wings it properly.
We must teach and educate our children in the fear of the Lord.
Our children matter.
Not in a spoiled brat kind of way but in the fact that we will raise our children up to serve our Savior.
Our children matter too much to spoil them, they matter too much to let them grow up and do whatever they want.
We form them, we love them and we care for them.
We realize that the decisions we make in how we raise our children matter.
Our children matter.
They tell the story of the father of John Wesley as he recieved his son unscathed from the window of his home while it was burning and he said.
Come, neighbors let us kneel and give thanks to God.
He has given me all my 8 children, let the house go (as it was burning), I am rich enough.
Because of how much our children matter a man that has many children is happy (blessed).
Happy (blessed) is the man that has a quiver full (arrows) of them.
The man will speak with a quiver full behind him and that makes him not be ashamed as he speaks with his enemies.
When he speaks he speaks for his household and that is a powerful voice.
Back when I was a kid (I know that is a sign I am getting old) we would watch tv shows about a man and his son or sons as they came together to deal with life.
Shows like Rifleman, my dad and I would watch and there would be this unspoken of pride that said hey WE are like that too.
Shows like Bonanza.
In this chapter we see that this is the idea of the man that has a quiver full of children.
This doesn’t happen naturally with our children, they must be taught, we still live in a day and age where our children need to know and understand that we are a team and we face life together.
Not afraid of life but willing and ready to deal with what comes our way.
In these verses we see that we can either rely on our vanity or upon God’s blessing.
We can think we control things or we can surrender our false sense of control to the living God.
God will build our house, he will guard our city, he will provide for our needs and he will reward us with fruit to the next generation.
His Favor -
Now we come into the next chapter.
This chapter is full of this word blessed, bless and blessing.
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