Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Finish_pt3: Together We Are Unstoppable
[TODAY] - Let’s talk about relationships
Many times what stops us in our race is...
A breakdown in a relationship
Or lack of relationships to encourage you along the way!
Philippains 3:14
Kingdom: Confess to one another and be healed.
World: Gossip.
Kingdom: Husbands/wives, love and respect.
World: Divorce if you aren’t happy.
Kingdom: Forgive 70x7.
World: Get revenge.
Scripture is calling us to live to a different standard...
On this rock I will build my Church - EKKLESIA: gathering
[EXAMPLE] - Eye for eye... - Jesus raised the bar and removed personal entitlement.
[PAYOFF] - In 1 Peter, we are told to “love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins!
We’re going to need each others!!!
They were running together!
But you can see it i
Relationships are God’s design.
It’s easy to forget I need YOU for my own race.
It reminds me of drafting in car/bike racing...
One racer gets in behind the draft/slipsteam of the racer ahead.
Before long, the entire peloton of racers is drafting along
Reducing the amount of effort needed to go that fast.
You even see it in nature - birds flying in v-formation.
“FROM HIM!...” - It came from Him!
This is how God designed it!
Relationships make us better.
You need friends to make you better!
[EXAMPLE] - Think about marriage – what’s required to make a marriage work, actually conditions our character all together (patience, understanding, respect, humility)
[STORY] – Misty and I met in high school.
We had a great relationship while dating
Then, we were engaged – everything changed
I was just going along with how things had always been…
Unaware of what was required of me now.
Mentor ministered to us, and it became clear…
I was responsible for giving her some things.
Later, I realize why the socks on the floor are such a big deal.
It’s the relationship that draws these things out.
[STORY] – Because of my relationship with my family, I’m compelled to provide.
And to do so, I’ve got to take responsibility
Get over myself - grow!
[STORY] – God has blessed me with a couple of relationships that have literally sculpted my life.
Friends that won’t let me settle for less.
Relationships draw us closer to Him.
…Because they challenge us and make us better!
…Because we have to depend on Him, often, to make relationships work.
…Because a relationship is what He desires from us – and it works the same way!
To the Corinthians, Paul illustrates what our life together should be…
Almost like this Eutopia of relationship.
Connect Groups provide:
Bible study – I need people to balance the Word of God in my life.
Fellowship – I need people who really know me.
Prayer – I need people to pray for me personally.
Support – I need people who will protect me.
Outreach – I need people to whom I can share my story.
[SO] - When it comes to relationships, we will live as designed, we won’t allow the enemy to use God’s design against us.
Laugh together, cry together, live in harmony as best of friends!
[BUT] this doesn’t come easy, we know that!
[EXAMPLE] – Friends will let you down at times, even seem to betray you...
[SO] - In order to keep running as we move forward in relationships, we’ve got to make some determinations…
I will forgive!
Forgiving requires letting go.
Let go of hurt, pain, offence… even loss!
Sometimes what helps us to let go is to understand that we too cause hurt, pain, and offence.
We too need forgiveness…
I will see the best in others!
Always hopes – don’t give-up on that person.
They may need your encouragement to overcome!
You needed someone to believe in you too!
If all else fails, finally…
I will put others before myself!
[ARGUE] - But I’ve done this!
Over and over.
No reciprocation…
[You have a TYPO in your printed notes.
It should be Romans 12:18]
[PAYOFF] - No matter what, you do your part.
If it is possible – sometimes it isn’t possible, so then you walk away IN PEACE.
Take Away
Jesus raised the bar for His called out ones.
Jesus is raising the bar in all aspects of life, but especially how we deal with the people in our life – friends, family and enemies.
In my relationships, I will go the extra mile!
I want to be known as the person you can’t STOP!
You can’t rattle me!
You know exactly where you stand with me!
You can trust me with anything!
You can know I have your back!
You know I won’t leave you!
You know I will go the extra mile with you!
You know I will love you as Christ would!
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9