Your Voice Has Victory
Sermon Tone Analysis
Watch Your Mouth – Your Voice Has Victory
Sunday, May 14, 2017 – Mother’s Day – Hiway Church
Mother’s Day Video
- Grateful for your mother? My mom is here
- Honour mothers of all types this morning
o Stay at home moms here – easy to feel unappreciated
o Working moms – trying to find the balance of home & work
o Single moms – you didn’t plan to do this alone – God helping you
o Young children
o Older children – teens / young adults
o Grandmother
o Spiritual mother – don’t children of your own – mentored / cared for
o Some of you
§ thinking about your mother today - In heaven
§ children passed on
§ not having children
- Lots of times we have mother’s stand on Mother’s Day
o – “Her children rise and call her blessed.”
o If you are the child of someone – stand and bless our mothers today
Pray for Mothers
Series: Watch Your Mouth – power of life & death we have in our tongues
o Today – Mother’s Day
§ Power of speaking God’s Truth over our children
§ Do you believe you can change the course of a child’s life by what you speak over them?
o I’ve seen it both ways
§ Beautiful women – parents told not good enough
§ Children – never believed could lead – praying mama
o Parents – need to be careful of what we’re speaking over our children
§ Recently threw out a shirt of my sons – “Here comes trouble”
§ Not trouble – called out by God to be a blessing and a peace maker
- In a sense talk to mom’s specifically today - principles here for all
o Isaiah – prophet – God used him to speak to his people
§ What we read are God’s Words
o So close to
§ For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. 20 The wild animals in the fields will thank me, the jackals and owls, too, for giving them water in the desert. Yes, I will make rivers in the dry wasteland so my chosen people can be refreshed.
- – Word for the mothers in this place today
- “But now, listen to me, Jacob my servant,
Israel my chosen one.
§ God is saying – “Listen!” to me Jacob / Israel / Chosen One
§ If you know Jesus today – in this lineage – talking to you
2 The Lord who made you and helps you says:
§ Moms, do we know He is the God who made you?
· translation that says, “The God who formed you in the womb” – like even better
· God made you perfectly? Not perfect / way wanted us
§ You don’t have to look like other moms
· For me - look at other moms
o Love to Cook / grow their own vegetables
o house is always clean – daily routine
o they throw the best birthday parties / play dates
o go to the gym and look like a Barbie doll
· hard on ourselves
§ There are a billion different types of moms out there
· Each one of us has our strengths / weakness
o Great w little kids but teen years freak you – vv
o love to be at home
§ Talking to one mom at school… “came alive”
o love to work outside the home – makes you a better mother
· God made you – gifts / talents / interests / strengths / weakness
o He likes you
o Can we be kinder to ourselves?
2 The Lord who made you and helps you says:
§ God made our strengths – also knows our weaknesses
· Our Helper
§ I have yet to meet mother who says: “I know exactly what I’m doing”
· If they say that – probably missing something
- I believe parenting is hardest (most rewarding) job on planet
o One day we are handed a helpless little baby
§ Totally dependant - Can’t eat / move
§ Raise them upstanding independent citizens – contributors to society
o If Christian parent – take that step further
§ raise them to love the Lord – walk in His ways
§ can’t do it with out God
- God is the God who HELPS us
o He is always with us – never leave us
o guiding us - – He gently leads those with young
o giving us wisdom – James
o covering our mistakes & weaknesses / making up for our failures
- We’re not doing it alone
2 The Lord who made you and helps you says: Do not be afraid,
- I kid you not - something happened to me when I became a mother
o My husband lost all his hair
o I aged 10 years
- I used to be fun, carefree
o I used to go on ANY rollercoaster – I loved Wonderland
§ Now look at rollercoasters & think – “why on earth…?”
o I used to fly all time – lived Florida for 3 ½ years –flew back/forth all time
§ never thought about crashing
§ flying out of New York state during 9/11 - didn’t bother me at all
§ Recently flew to Disney World –put on a happy face for kids
· They can’t know that there’s such a thing as a plane crash
§ On way home we had such turbulence
· my kids - “Whoa! This is fun!!”
· I’ve got this huge fake smile on my face
o praying: “Jesus, take the wheel of this airplane. Jesus save our souls.”
o I used live in sketchy part of Hamilton –basement apartment on my own
· first night - car got broken into / stereo stolen
· my door had a bathroom lock
· I really did not think much about it
§ Now that I have kids I triple lock every door
- Part of this is natural / God given – we become responsible for these little beings
o But that natural responsibility à worry à fear – not of the Lord
- My eyes were opened a couple months ago
o Driving to school praying for my kids
o Hear how I was praying:
§ Even my prayers were infused with fear
§ “Jesus please protect them, oh please keep them from harm”
· in my head - kidnappers
§ “Keep them from evil”
· afraid evil from their friends would get in
§ Praying defensively/ instead of praying offensively
· as though enemy is stronger – my kids should just survive
· BUT actually - God in them is greater – let them go change the atmosphere
o Not wrong to pray protection over our kids – we should
§ Are our prayers infused with faith or fear?
But now, listen to me, Jacob my servant,
Israel my chosen one.
The Lord who made you and helps you says:
Do not be afraid, O Jacob, my servant,
O dear Israel, my chosen one. WHY?
3 For I will pour out water to quench your thirst
and to irrigate your parched fields.
And I will pour out my Spirit on your descendants,
I will pour out my blessing on your children.
4 They will thrive like watered grass,
like willows on a riverbank.
5 Some will proudly claim, ‘I belong to the Lord.’
Others will say, ‘I am a descendant of Jacob.’
Some will write the Lord’s name on their hands
and will take the name of Israel as their own.”
- Do not be afraid… why?
- Because God has already decreed your child’s destiny
- God has already spoken it out
o His Word is eternal
o Unchanging
o Stands firm in the heavens
o Everything else will fall away but the Word of the Lord stands forever
- Promise: your children will thrive
o They won’t just get by – thrive
o Other translations: “They will spring up among the grass…”
§ Obviously better than their peers
- Promises: They will identify as His
o some are going to loudly claim it
o some are going to say it
o others are going to tattoo it on their hands
§ like slaves used to do to identify themselves as their master’s
o they might say it different ways – going to be proud to belong to me
§ Is there anything we want more?
§ So don’t be afraid
I’ve shared the story of how God made this passage real to me before
- won’t go into great detail
- One day as I was picking my daughter up from school – in Kindergarten
o Teacher asked me to stay behind
o Started telling me about challenges my daughter was having
§ Look back on it – maybe not the most terrible
§ 1st child / I’m new to this
§ my daughter perfect angel / learning would be a breeze
- We came home from the meeting
o Every emotion - mad / sad / frustrated
o Cried to Josh / to my mom / to God
§ Opened my Bible – happened to be Isaiah – started reading
§ - “they will thrive” - words leaped out – promise from the Lord
- Whatever that teacher said – not that she’s wrong – not the end
o “Rayne will thrive.”
o 3 years later – in another parent/teacher meeting – “She will thrive”
o My son – speech delays – “He will thrive”
Whatever has been spoken over your child – the Word of the Lord trumps it
- they will thrive
- no matter what the teachers / therapists / doctors / professionals say
- no matter what the situation looks like today
- no matter how far they seem from God
God has spoken it – it is established – “Do not fear, your children will thrive.”
Now we as parents have a job to do…
– “… do not become sluggish…
- Don’t become sluggish
o Know God’s plan for our children - We can’t just sit back & watch
o Don’t become spiritually dull or indifferent
o Stay on your game
“…but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”
- Because two things that are required to inherit the promises of God
o Faith
o Patience
- Moms & Dads – anyone waiting on a promise – two things: Faith & Patience
What is Faith?
- Pretty word we hear all time – prayer stones – word art – picture in your home
– Faith is the substance of things hoped for / the evidence of things unseen.
- On Monday - Norma Ward’s brother’s funeral in Oshawa
o Beautiful service / man loved the Lord / police directing traffic
o took the long way home –cheap way didn’t want to pay for the 407
o a lot of time to pray & think in the car – meditated on this verse
o Faith is a substance – something actual, real, tangible, measurable
o Faith is an evidence – sign of something unseen
- What I can relate faith to is pregnancy
o Each time I was pregnant – way before I could see my baby with my eyes
o there was a substance – a real, living being inside
o there was evidences / signs that I was pregnant
§ trips to the washroom in night
§ nausea
§ swollen feet
o I knew what I hoped for was on the way
- Faith is when you’re expectant with the promise of God
o Way before you see it with your eyes
o Know that it’s real
o See evidences
§ not a coincidence started claiming promise over your child
· did better on their next test
· at very time you’re praying for them / happen to call
o evidences that God is working
- When you’re expecting – you’re focused in on that due date
o set up nursery / buy sleepers & diapers / thinking baby names
o focused in
o your actions / your thoughts / your words – line up with the fact that you’re having a baby
§ expectant mothers – talk non-stop about baby on the way
Our words need to line up with His Word
Many of us are familiar with the story of the 12 spies that Moses sent out to Canaan
- & 14
- Many years before - God had promised land of Canaan to Abraham & descendants
o Promise from God – land rightfully belonged to Israelites
o Only problem - Canaanites currently occupying it
- God tells Moses to go up to the land – promises to give them victory
o Moses sends 12 spies – go in scout out the land
o But the spies come back….
§ – “This was their report to Moses: “We entered the land you sent us to explore, and it is indeed a bountiful country—a land flowing with milk and honey. Here is the kind of fruit it produces. 28 But the people living there are powerful, and their towns are large and fortified. We even saw giants there…”
o But then there were 2/12 of the spies – Caleb & Joshua…
§ - 30 But Caleb tried to quiet the people as they stood before Moses. “Let’s go at once to take the land,” he said. “We can certainly conquer it!”
§ Not denying what they see with their eyes – saw same thing
§ Doesn’t matter in light of what God said
§ Align their words with what God has said
o The other 10 spies – go on an on – start spreading report – fear
o Joshua & Caleb – tear their clothes – say again:
§ - “The land we traveled through and explored is a wonderful land! 8 And if the Lord is pleased with us, he will bring us safely into that land and give it to us. It is a rich land flowing with milk and honey. 9 Do not rebel against the Lord, and don’t be afraid of the people of the land. They are only helpless prey to us! They have no protection, but the Lord is with us! Don’t be afraid of them!”
§ Do not rebel – to go against what God is saying is actually rebelling
· If God has told you your children will prosper – don’t rebel against the Lord by saying, “Ya but… you should see they kids he’s hanging out with…”
Hear what God has spoken and speak it – leave out your buts.
- – “ We entered the land, and it is indeed a bountiful country—28 But the people living there are powerful …”
- power in your “but”
o that bad report – all the reasons why not
o instilled fear in all of Israel – they did not go up and take Canaan
o result = wandered around in wilderness for 40 years
o not one who believed the negative report saw the Promised Land
- But the two who said true to what God had promised – saw the promised land
You will only see the promise if you speak the promise
- our words become a self-fulfilling prophecy
o what we speak is what we will see
- Joshua & Caleb spoke in alignment with what God spoke – saw what God spoke
There’s another verse about faith:
- that faith we need to see the promises of God –
- - “Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God.”
o Another way of saying this verse… “Speak the Word of God – when it is heard – faith will come.”
§ Don’t start with faith / feeling
§ Start with Word of God - When you don’t feel like it
o You believe what you hear…
§ When you believe something it determine our actions
§ Actions determine our destiny
- This is why we have to speak the promises of God out loud
- negative report always results in fear
o watch is the news / real life crime / Dr. Phil
- positive report / truth of God report results in faith
- what you say determines what you believe / what you believe determines your destiny
- I’m a picture girl –
o Picture a path way to whatever promise God has spoken
§ He’s spoken it – it’s established – it’s there
o When we speaking in line w what God already spoken - on that pathway
o When we speak out of line - buts, excuses - on a different trajectory
§ Not too late to start believing
- This is why only those who spoke in line with what God said about promised land saw promised land
- file://localhost/private/var/folders/7w/cm6536jn0hsblgw2gkg4vpwc0000gp/T/TemporaryItems/msoclip/0/clip_image013.pngWhy those who don’t speak life over themselves, their children, their circumstances will not see promises fulfilled
- faith & patience - inherit the promises.”
- Not going to get into patience part – something we already know
- We know –don’t usually see promises of God fulfilled immediately
o Joshua & Caleb did everything right – still had wait 40 yrs before land
o You may have grown children – believing for
§ Don’t give up
§ Keep speaking Word of the Lord – their actual destiny over them
§ Put post-its on your bathroom mirror
§ Leave your Bible open to beside your bed
§ Get around other people who speak life
Band come up
I searched everywhere online to find this video…
- a couple years back – saw this clip from a CBN interview
- woman who had a daughter – daughter in grade 7 or 8
o daughter / a child was suffering very low self-esteem / depression / doing miserably at school / dreaded going to school
- woman began every morning to take 5 minutes and brush her daughters hair
o as she brushed her hair – spoke out the Truth / promises of God
§ You are beautiful
§ You are loved
§ God has a good plan for your life
§ You are the head and not the tail
§ You are the lender and not the borrower
§ You are chosen by God
§ You will influence nations
- That young girl in the following months
o Countenance began to change
o Started doing far better in school
o No longer depressed
o What God had spoken – coming to fulfillment
- this is not voodoo / name it and claim it
o this is aligning our words to what God has spoken – that we would see God’s will in our children
Can we stand
- can we just think about the coming generation
o think about your children – grandchildren
o if you don’t have children – think about the young people of our church
- God has spoken life & destiny over our children
o God forgive us if we have spoken anything otherwise
§ Selah
o God we choose to believe the report of the Lord for our children
§ Our children will flourish – no matter what it looks like…
§ They will be known as yours
· you’re bringing your sons & daughters back to Israel
· no matter how far they seem
And I will pour out my Spirit on your descendants,
I will pour out my blessing on your children.
4 They will thrive like watered grass,
like willows on a riverbank.
5 Some will proudly claim, ‘I belong to the Lord.’
Others will say, ‘I am a descendant of Jacob.’
Some will write the Lord’s name on their hands
and will take the name of Israel as their own
- Let your Word be established in our hearts
o Help us not to be sluggish…
o Give us faith as we speak your promises
o Give us patience until we see your promises
- Encouragement on every mother in this place