Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
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We come to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
The Second Coming is a huge event in God’s timetable.
There is no question that Jesus is coming again.
Think about this now.
Jesus Himself promised to return.
(John 14:2-3)
Please don’t miss how personal this is for the Lord.
JESUS will come again, JESUS will take us to Himself, so that where HE is, we can be.
Angels promised that He would return.
(Acts 1:10-11)
The apostles taught that Jesus would return:
Every writer of the New Testament refers to Jesus’ return, and almost every book of the New Testament refers to it, except for Galatians, and the very short letters of Philemon and Third John.
Your handout contains a list of verses from each book except those.
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
The writer of Hebrews:
Jesus’ return reveals His Majesty and Glory
How does the Second Coming reveal the majesty and glory of Christ?
Let’s look to .
In these verses we see the Second Coming of Christ, and we see how His return reveals His majesty and glory in a number of ways.
Let’s look to .
In these verses we see the Second Coming of Christ, and we see how His return reveals His majesty and glory.
Jesus’ Character Reveals His Majesty and Glory
How does the Second Coming reveal the majesty and glory of Christ?
Jesus’ Character Reveals His Majesty and Glory
His is called Faithful and True because He IS Faithful and True (v.
He will pronounce judgment and bring judgment against the wicked, but He will do so in perfect righteousness (v.
Jesus’ Actions Reveal His Majesty and Glory
He will rule the nations with a rod of iron (v.
15), which was used for discipline or punishment.
Christ’s Character
Jesus’ Description Reveals His Majesty and Glory
His actions reveal His majesty and glory.
Yes, He pronounces and carries out judgment, but He does so in perfectly righteousness (v.
He will rule the nations with a rod of iron (v.
15), which was used for discipline or punishment.
Jesus’ eyes are like a flame of fire (v.
12), the same description given of Him in .
His description reveals His majesty and glory.
His eyes are like a flame of fire (v.
12), the same description given of Jesus in .
On His head are many diadems, symbols of royal power and authority.
Satan is described as having seven crowns (), and the Antichrist as having ten crowns (), but Jesus has a vast number of them.
He is wearing a robe, an outer garment, that has been dipped in blood.
This is not Jesus' blood, but the blood of the wicked.
In God says,
On His head are many diadems, symbols of royal power and authority.
Satan is described as having seven crowns (), and the Antichrist as having ten crowns (), but Jesus has a vast number of them.
He is wearing a robe, an outer garment, that has been dipped in blood.
This is not Jesus' blood, but the blood of the wicked.
In God says,
That directly compares with ; Jesus’ robe is dipped in, or immersed in, the blood of the wicked.
Continuing with Jesus' description, from His mouth comes a sharp sword with which He will strike down the nations (v.
This is the Word of God, as Jesus says in ,
Continuing with Jesus' description, from His mouth comes a sharp sword with which He will strike down the nations (v.
This is the Word of God, as Jesus says in ,
Every word of Scripture stands against the wicked.
One of my nights in Colorado I watched an episode of “Cops.”
A man was pulled over for speeding.
Car registration?
Drivers license?
No insurance.
Open container of beer in the car.
A search of the car quickly revealed marijuana, methamphetimine, and a meth pipe.
“You’re under arrest.”
“FOR WHAT?” “Let me explain . .
When Jesus returns it will be very much like that; the wicked will be stunned, shocked, taken aback, speechless, but they will be without excuse.
He will not hold them accountable for anything that is not in the Word of God, but the Word of God is sufficient for judgment.
Jesus’ Companions Reveal His Majesty and Glory
Jesus is accompanied by the armies of heaven, which we can see is all of His people, the Bride of Christ.
We know this because of the description of the Bride of Christ found in , “His Bride has made herself ready; it was granted to her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure.”
Jesus is accompanied by the armies of heaven, which we can see is all of His people, the Bride of Christ.
We know this because of the description of the Bride of Christ found in ,
What did Jesus come to do?
He came to claim His Bride, chosen by the Father.
It cost His own life on the cross, but He gladly, not grudgingly, gave Himself for them.
He sanctified His people, making them holy to Himself.
He did this by washing them with His word, and did that so perfectly that they are clean, glorious, spotless, perfect, holy, faultless.
And He did it just as the Father will, perfectly.
He came for tens of millions of people, and He succeeded every single time.
Our presence with Him is the proof that Jesus accomplished exactly what He set out to do.
Jesus’ Names Reveal His Majesty and Glory
Jesus’ Names Reveal His Majesty and Glory
The people of God, those saved by Jesus' death and resurrection, are the focus of God's saving decree, and the work of Christ.
Our presence with Him is the proof of the perfection of His work and the fulfillment of His eternal purpose.
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