Untitled Sermon
Although Jesus had undoubtedly used parables earlier in his teaching (cf. 7:24–27; 9:15–17; 11:16–19),
The implication of Jesus’ answer is that parables are not easy to understand, and so they enable insiders like the disciples to be given the secrets of the Kingdom while keeping outsiders in the dark. This does not mean the outsiders are bad people. It simply means they cannot understand the parables on their own. They will need to come to Jesus and be taught the meaning of the Kingdom.
The implication of Jesus’ answer is that parables are not easy to understand, and so they enable insiders like the disciples to be given the secrets of the Kingdom while keeping outsiders in the dark. This does not mean the outsiders are bad people. It simply means they cannot understand the parables on their own. They will need to come to Jesus and be taught the meaning of the Kingdom.