A Love for the Word fo God

Next Level Living Sermon 2  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Last week we began looking at a new sermon series that I want to address as Next Level Living.
Now that is a interesting topic, but what does it mean?
Next level Living is the idea of rising above, over coming the distractions and the pressures that keep people distracted and busy each day.
The Christian life is not just a confession, a baptism and that is all… No, it is a life long journey with Jesus.
The Christian life is a discipline, I think that is one of the best ways to describe it.
Disciplines are practices we engage every day. We are committed to brush our teeth, we change our clothes, to eat healthier ..... you see where I am going… well in the same way the Christian life is a discipline as well.
We practice, live and participate in this faith we live...
Last week we discussed the idea of returning, seeing who we are and where we are as well… and then returning to the Lord.
Christ calls us to remain in Him.
And today, today let’s consider this topic: A Love for the Word.
So before we can fall in Love with the Word God, consider what the Word of God is.....

1. The Bible is the Inspired Word of God...

Now it is important that we begin here today.
Do you know why?
Now it is important that we begin here today. Do you know why?
Unless we know and believe the truth concerning the nature of God’s Word, we truly have no standard by which to hold on to and base our lives.
As a Christian, a follower of Christ I believe the Bible is indeed 3 things

A. I Believe the Word of God is Holy...

When we talk about the word “Holy” we refer to the idea that something is sacred, sanctified or hallowed.
So we proclaim the Bible is Holy, sacred not because of the book and its pages, but because of its Author.
Think about Exodus chapter 3, we find the Lord calling out to Moses from the burning bush, and when Moses arrived, God told him to remove his sandals for the ground he was standing was holy.
How did the ground become holy? It was holy because of only one reason; the presence of the Lord was there. His presence makes it Holy.
His presence in our life is making us holy, we are being sanctified day by day as we live and walk in Jesus.
Likewise, we know that God is holy, and because He is holy, the Words He speaks are holy as well.
Let me share this passage with you. 2 Tim 3:16....
2 Timothy 3:16 ESV
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
Here Paul tells us that the source of all Scripture is God, and as such Paul tells us it is profitable...... useful, helpful.
You know people can be inspired by reading lots of different books, but only one is Profitable for living .....Helpful in everyday life and it is God’s word.
Because God is Holy, the word of God is holy and it is here for the purpose of instructing men and women.
Now, another thought we can examine is something we have already touched on this morning , the word of God is inspired.
and then something we have already touched on this morning , the word of God is inspired.

B. The Word of God is Inspired...

Consider the word “inspired.” Inspired is a word that speaks to the source of the words. Ie... they are the words of someone else. in this case, the Bible is God’s word because He inspired it
Remember the passage we looked at a minute ago...
In the phrase “all Scripture is breathed out by God” most literally translates in the Greek as Theopneustos (Theo - pneu - tos) which means God-breathed.
So, our Holy God, in the person of the Holy Spirit, literally breathed the holy Words of Scripture into the writers of each of the books through supernatural means.
So it is more than just words on a page, it is God’s words, the revelation of Himself to us...
The Word of God is inspired...
Here is a question for us.... Do you believe the Word is for you?
listen to this passage…The Word of God is important
John 8:32 ESV
and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
The word is Holy, and inspired and meant for you and men to hold on to in life. and friends you hold onto the things you love.
Do you love the Word of God?
And this brings us to a second thought....

2. The Word is Essential for our Faith...

1. The Word is Essential for our Faith...

1. The Word is Essential for our Faith...

Here is a thought that is just as importnat to the rest of what we have already discussed this morning.
> The Word of God is essential to our faith.
Let me share a verses with you..
And it is essential to our faith.
is a verse we are familiar with, but it is so important my friends.
Romans 10:17 ESV
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
It is the Word of God, quite literally the message of God’s love and help given to us in His Son Jesus has the power to bring about change in the lives of so many…
Paul says here that faith comes about, literally birthed in us through the hearing of the Word of God.
So this tells us what?
The message of the Word, is meant to be proclaimed, shared so that it might be heard.
Remember the passage
“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”
faith is produced as one hears the Word of God.
So hearing the Word of God we can see a natural by-product, a result of hearing the Word, faith is produced.
God’s Holy Spirit is able take that Word that has been planted in us, and that faith that has been produced.. He works to grow it, develop it so that we might believe!
So without the Word God, how would our faith be produced?
It could not… What God says to man is important. It leads us, instructs us and blesses us all the days of your life.
My friends the word is essential to our lives.... for it produces faith.
Now here is a thought for you my friends, if the Word is so important to us, do we love it?
If we are going to grow in our walk with Jesus, if we desire to draw close to God, then there is a truth we must hold fast too...
There must be a Love for the word of God.
What does that mean to say we love the Word of God?
One last thought today...

3. We Have A Love For the Word Because It Helps Us

3. We Have A Love For the Word Because It Helps Us

The Word is given to us to hep us, this is one of the reasons we agree with Scripture in saying that it is profitable to mankind.
So lets consider why we love it.

A. We love it because it keeps our hearts pure!

The Psalmist says the Word makes walking in this life easier, pure, it helps us keep the mud and muck of life off our shoes..
If you walk long enough in life, you feet/shoes will get dirty.... but there is a solution.
My dad always bought galoshes… he would slip them over his shoes hoping to keep his dress shoes clean.
Listen to the Psalmist
Psalm 119:11 ESV
I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:111 ESV
Your testimonies are my heritage forever, for they are the joy of my heart.
The Psalmist reminds us here that the statues of God, the law when held close to our hearts keeps our life pure.
The word stored up is important , it means to “treasure up” to regard something as highly valued.
You see my friends the things we hold close to our hearts, those things we love. And we are benefited by it…
keeping it close to our heart, keeps our heart pure. Keep it close, keep the Word of God in your heart.

B. We Love it Because it Guards My Steps

Psalm 119:104 ESV
Through your precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way.
Psalm 119:104
We should love the word of God because when we invest in it, when we take it into our lives it will guide and protect our footsteps.
Let me share this verse with you
Psalm 119:105 ESV
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Now passage is a beautiful one. two descriptive words that stand out in this passage are the words “lamp and light”.
Why are these words important?
Both of these words describe the effect of the Word of God in a person’s life.
Look at what He says… You word, your word oh God is a lamp and a light to my feet.
Have you ever been walking in the dark, when it was really, really dark and you couldn't see?
I remember a few years ago there was a power outage and I was at the building and needed to walk home. It was so dark and no moon that I couldn’t see anything.. and honestly if it had not been for my cell phone, I would have had real trouble making it home that night...
You see it had a flash light on it.. that light let me walk safely.
Now listen...
The world out there (beyond these doors) is a dark place my friends.. you cannot really see unless you have a good light.
The Word of God is a good light (it is the best light). It has a word, message, truth- for what ever your walking in… darkness, sin, frustration, pain… and it will help you navigate the pathways of life.
You don’t have to walk in darkness, the word is free and ready to help!
And we love the Word of God because it tells us what love is...

C. We Love the Word of God Because it Tells us What Love is....

If someone were to ask me to describe the Word of God, one of the phrases I would use is this… I think it is a Love Letter!
Now you might say why?
Because as I turn the pages of the Old and New Testaments I want you to know I can see a message of love.
God is love and he tells it through these pages...
Adam and Eve sinned and while God punished sin, He also sacrificed the first animal to make a garment, a covering for them to wear.
When a couple walked this world and had no descendants, God called Abraham to come and follow to a place He would show them. In response God promised to bless them and give them a descendant.God in love gave them a son and the world a promise.
In the midst of the sin of a nation, God used the prophet Hosea and his wife Gomer to portray the covenant love God has for his people.
And as you welcome the the pages of the New Testament, we see the story of God’s great love in sending His Son into the world as a sacrifice for the sin of all man kind!
listen to this passage i am sure you know
Romans 5:8 ESV
but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
His love is revealed in His actions, Jesus died for us, for our sins.
This truth my friends is recorded in the Bible, and I tell you what that truth compels me to want to know, and want the Word in me.
As a child of God, it is essential that a growing child of God must have a love for the Word of God.
Now hear this… it is not just a “Yes, I love the Lord and His Word.”
It must be demonstrated, proven by our actions. Are we reading, taking it into us.
Think about a favorite activity, you will endure, suffer through and pay the price to get to enjoy it.
Do we feel the same way about the word of God?
Yes or No.
Now that you really know your answer.... what do you need to do?
Confess sin and neglect for the Word of God to Him asking forgiveness,
Strive to do what is right
Be different today
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