Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Devoted to serve
God’s work!
It’s being a pastor, an assistant pastor, or a missionary.
Or teaching Sunday school, ushering, working with teens, singing in the choir, driving a Sunday school bus.
Both definitions are just part of the picture.
It’s more basic; there’s more to it than just that.
A. We are commanded to serve.
There is never a moment in the scriptures that we can come to a conclusion that Jesus called His disciples so they could watch what He did and then go and tell others without repeating what He did. .
The unavoidable focus was to watch what He did and then go and do likewise.
1. It’s a universal call not a singular mission for Jesus (Look at the word I in the NKJV and We in NIV)
2. It’s a demand of service.
(Must)… Not might do! or should do?… it’s MUST DO.
Matter of fact it goes a little further in this.
The must of the doing isn’t necessary until the power of who gives the command is recognized.
3. Focus on your service.
(Who sinned)
I believe much of the time we sound so immature to God.
Much like a child who is delaying going to bed.
B. What does it look like to work as Christ?
1. Look at his daily activities.
Relieved suffering
Rebuked wrong
Taught truth
Encouraged the troubled
Touched lives
Won the lost
2. Look at the spirit in His service.
He had a servants attitude
He did anothers will (I come to do the will of my father)
He couldn’t bypass a need.
He saw it through till completion.
(Even in the Garden He wasn’t trying to escape service)
3. It establishes a clear pattern for us.
While I’m here I am the Light
Once I’m gone you are the light.
Matt 5:13-16
There is an urgency to our work.
While there is time.
People of that time knew what it was like to have a ceasing of work (Every night)
2. Your involvement is not optional and it is work.
This work gains us no standing
This work wins us no special favor
It amazes me the number of ministers who preach a Gospel void of service.
Oh how many times I’ve heard a minister say this...
“God isn’t gonna love me any more or less if I am faithful to Church or if I am faithful to giving or if I am faithful in serving.”
No God isn’t gonna love you any more when you are faithful in any of those ways, it’s not the point to garner more of His love.
“Your Faithfulness allows you to LOVE GOD MORE and FOR OTHERS TO SEE THAT LOVE!
And He Calls you and me to that Task!
“White Man” To “God’s Man”
When Wycliffe translator Doug Meland and his wife moved into a village of Brazil’s Fulnio Indians, he was referred to simply as “the white man.”
The term was by no means complimentary, since other white men had exploited them, burned their homes, and robbed them of their lands.
But after the Melands learned the Fulnio language and began to help the people with medicine and in other ways, they began calling Doug “the respectable white man.”
When the Melands began adapting the customs of the people, the Fulnio gave them greater acceptance and spoke of Doug as “the white Indian.”
Then one day, as Doug was washing the dirty, bloodcaked foot of an injured Fulnio boy, he overheard a bystander say to another: “Whoever heard of a white man washing an Indian’s foot before?
Certainly this man is from God!” From that day on, whenever Doug would go into an Indian home, it would be announced “Here comes the man God sent us.”
—James C. Hefley
This blind man had answered the people at the pool
This blind man had answered the Pharisees
This blind man answered the Pharisees again
They even asked his parents.
And a third time the Phariees said stop giving this man... Jesus glory and give it to God for this man is a sinner.
Have you ever been in a group and there’re all telling stories about an experience, but you can’t because you never were there.
Have you ever been in a group and there’re all telling stories about an experience, but you
If you aren’t serving you are missing these type moments.
Giving What Each Has In Berlin
East Berlin was communist-controlled.
West Berlin was free.
Some people in East Berlin one day took a truckload of garbage and dumped it on the West Berlin side.
The people of West Berlin could have done the same thing.
But instead they took a truckload of canned goods, bread, and milk … and neatly stacked it on the East Berlin side.
On top of this stack they placed the sign: “EACH GIVES WHAT HE HAS.”
—Salem Kirb
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9