Believe What You Can't See
Messiah not just Miracle-Worker • Sermon • Submitted
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What Do You See?
What Do You See?
I’ve never had bad allergies. My mom gave those genes to my sister.
Even growing up in Kansas where the wind blows and it’s the hay fever capital of the world. I never had much of a problem.
I’m not even very allergic to the yellow dust that’s all over everything now. Even in Little Rock the pine trees would shed pollen and my red Camry was orange for 2 weeks.
But there is something, and I’m not even sure what it is, that for about a month I could not stop sneezing. My eyes itched and my nose ran.
I can’t see it. I don’t know what it looks like, but I can see and feel the symptoms it causes.
The worst? It’s all over my fire wood. I’d bring it in to burn and get a little sniffle. Then, when I burned it, and the fan would come on in my wood-burning stove, it would send that pollen out into my house and I become a blubbering idiot.
It took me a while to figure out it was on my wood. But, when I did I’d bang two sticks together and I’d see this mini-cloud of pollen go wafting off in the wind.
I even bought a tarp this year to cover my wood before whatever it is put the pollen out. I never got the tarp on my wood in time.
I can’t see it but I believe it’s there because of what I can see.
Like the stomach bug. We can’t see the germ that causes it but we sure can see the symptoms.
Or, termites. Do you know how to tell if your house has termites? You don’t see the insects munching the wood inside your walls. You’ll see a dirt tube stuck to your foundation of your house leading from the ground into a wall.
Or, a swarm of winged (what look like ants) will fly through your house.
Do you know how I know? Our house in Texas had both.
Bugs. Virus bugs or insect bugs. What you can see proves that you can believe in what you can’t see.
This is one of the main points of all the miracles written about in the Bible, especially #7.
Jesus does enough of what we can see Him do so that we can believe in what we cannot see Him do.
He says He’s going to raise the dead. Oh yeah, prove it!
Okay, He raised 3 dead people back to life.
Jesus says He can forgive our sins. So, what’s the problem here? Sins are the things that we do that God has told us not to do.
This disobedience creates a separation between us and God.
God does not have a relationship w/ dead people.
People are dead because they do not have a relationship w/ God.
We have to have a relationship w/ God to live.
If our lives come to an end here on earth and we have not yet dealt with the sins we commit, made things right w/ God, then we’re dead forever.
Our sins have to be forgiven while we’re alive here in order to be able to get to heaven.
The only way our sins can be forgiven is if we accept Jesus’ gift of His death instead of our own to make things right w/ God.
That’s why it’s so important that we have our sins forgiven by God. Only God can forgive us and only Jesus can make it happen.
But, we can’t see this as it happens. How do we know Jesus can make it happen?
Miracle #7.
; ; .
The Broader Context
The Broader Context
Still, very early in Jesus’ ministry
In the synagogue in Capernaum He claimed that , which is about the Messiah, was about Him.
He had just cleansed the leper and sent him to the priest.
Only 3x in history and not for hundreds of years.
The priest would know that if someone came to him like this and told him a story like this that the One who made the leprosy go away will most likely be the Messiah.
It’s a sign. They’ve been watching for signs that would point them to the Messiah.
Jesus also told the man not to tell anyone because it would attract large crowds which would prevent Him from being able to preach effectively.
He blabbed anyway.
So, now, not only are there crowds gathering around Jesus, there are religious leaders showing up who are curious about Who He really is.
They are seeing some interesting things. But, they are also seeing some troubling things.
What does it all mean?
The Immediate Context
The Immediate Context
A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them.
A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on.
Mark 2:1-
The place
The place
Back in Capernaum at Peter’s house
More miracles done in Capernaum than any other place
Healed Peter’s MIL here.
This is also where Jesus left the crowd who’d come to be healed when he went to the next town to preach.
Jesus was from just down the road in Nazareth, also in Galilee.
His reputation is growing as a Miracle-worker and word is out about His claims and the signs that He is the Messiah.
Since his rep is growing, so are the crowds. Remember, the leper didn’t keep his cleansing on the DL.
So, He came back to preach, a huge crowd showed up.
And, it’s not just the crowd, but who’s in the crowd now.
The people
The people
It’s standing room only. In fact, no more can fit in the house. There would be people by the windows and doors just to hear.
Both friends and foes. He still hasn’t called all 12 disciples, but the first few are there. As are many who want to hear what He has to say.
For the first time, Pharisees and religious legal experts are there. Luke mentions it early in the passage. We’ll get to Mark’s mentioning.
But, Jesus is reported to have done some interesting things that my point to Him having some connection to God and the Messiah. Fake news?
Demons are reportedly saying things before Jesus quiets them. Some general healings. They’d be watching and listening for some specific things predicted in the OT.
Hard to explain away the leper. That’s a clear sign. But, to put all your eggs in Jesus’ basket?
And, He’s breaking so many rules.
Would the Messiah be such a rule-breaker?
And, they’d be in the front row. People would gladly give up their seats for these men and move to the back. Unlike here, where we fill up the back first.
What’s Jesus going to say. The Pharisees were experts in the law. Jesus was a carpenter’s son.
And, whatever he’s saying, so what? People can say anything. Words can cause some trouble.
But, no matter what He says, the big question is what will he do? What are the people about to see?!
Luke also makes specific mention that the power of God was present. He wants to make it clear that everybody there is looking at a man, who also happens to be God.
And God can do some amazing things.
The Cause of the Miracle
The Cause of the Miracle
Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”
Mark 2:
The persistence of the men
The persistence of the men
Faith works!
If you believe your car is going to start then you get in and turn the key or push the button.
And, how many times, when your battery is dead, do you keep cranking believing that THIS time it will start.
If it’s not going to start, it’s not going to start. Quit trying.
But, we believe it will next time.
Belief drives actions. What you believe determines how you act.
They show up carrying their paralyzed friend on a pallet and the crowd is out the door. One person couldn’t squeeze in, much less four carrying a fifth on a pallet.
You figure, as they talk outside about what to do, wait till it’s over, yell “fire”, whatever; one of them looks up...
These 4 men did not let the crowd or the thatched, tiled roof deter them. They believed Jesus could fix their friends problems.
So, Jesus, mid-sentence, a little thatch comes floating down and lands right in front of Him. What do you do?
The whole crowd focuses on the growing hole in the ceiling. Thatch would start flying and getting all over those in the front, closest to Jesus. Then, down comes this pallet w/ a man on it.
Jesus had to be at least a little amused.
B/C of the faith of the four they were creative, bold and persistent. They got their friend in front of Jesus.
The believed Jesus was a true Miracle-Worker. But, they believed more than that. All 5 believed IN Jesus.
The power of Jesus
The power of Jesus
“When Jesus saw ‘their’ faith.” Plural. Not just the 4 who worked so hard, but all 5.
They had heard Jesus, or someone, preach that Jesus is the Messiah. Their faith included, but was not limited to just a Miracle-worker.
If it was, Jesus would not have responded w/, “Your sins are forgiven.”
Only faith in Him as Messiah would produce this result.
Remember the leper whom Jesus touched before He healed. The man had not had any human contact for years. Jesus met him where He was and met his most important need first. Human contact before healing.
This paralytic, Jesus hasn’t healed, yet. His greater need is spiritual, not physical.
Jesus said this right in front of everybody. You know He had their attention. Man thru the ceiling and all.
Jesus could have been done at this point. The man would still be paralyzed, at least until he got to heaven.
And, how are his sins forgiven (past tense)? Jesus hasn’t gone to the cross, yet.
Pre-cross believers (OT, too) are saved the same way we are. Belief that God is graciously going to do something that we can’t do ourselves to make things right between Him and us.
So, why didn’t Mark, or any of the gospel writers, give us more detail about the faith of the paralytic or the other 4?
Because the point of this miracle isn’t the paralytic or any of the 5. The point is directed at the religious leaders present.
This is what happened next.
The Consequence of the Miracle
The Consequence of the Miracle
Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, “Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’? But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this!”
Mark 2:6-
The opposition
The opposition
Now Mark writes about the religious leaders and their reaction. But, it’s only in their heads (and hearts)
Only God can forgive sins. Therefore, there are only 2 possibilities. Blasphemy! Or, truth.
And given what they see, their assumption is the first.
They’re mad, skeptical. I’m sure they’re besides all this they’re not too worried now. B/C, only God can forgive sins.
He’s no God!
Alleged miracle-worker. People talk. What is the truth?
Jesus could have been done at this point. The man would still be paralyzed, at least until he got to heaven.
The 2ndary miracle (which comes first): He read their minds. Jesus could have been done with the entire episode, but He wanted to given these religious leaders more to consider.
Jesus looked them right in the eye and made them a proposition
The proposition
The proposition
The proposition came in the form of a question.
“Which is easier to say? Your sins are forgiven or take up your mat and walk?”
The obvious answer is, it’s easier to say your sins are forgiven b/c how do you prove it?
It’s much harder to say, “Take up your mat and walk.” B/C he’d have to be able to do it. It’s way to easy to prove.
Which is harder to do? Forgive sins or heal a paralytic. It’s much easier to heal the paralytic. It only cost Jesus a few words.
Forgiving the man’s sins, cost Jesus His life.
The proof
The proof
The people were amazed. Amazement doesn’t equal faith. So, not everyone was saved that day.
But, Jesus proved He has the authority and ability to do the thing that is easier to say (your sins are forgiven), but harder to do (forgiving sins) by showing everyone He can do what’s harder to say (get up and walk), but easier to do (healed him).
Jesus was still most interested in convincing the religious leaders of His Messiahship. If the leaders believe and receive, the people will follow.
Now, we now, the leadership ultimately rejected Jesus so He went directly to the people.
Christianity is a movement of commoners. A HS empowered, Bible-taught, New-Identity given, Humble community that is doing our best to walk w/ Jesus.
Jesus has done enough that everyone can see to prove that we can believe in what we can’t see.
Eyewitnesses wrote down what they saw, we can read it and study and be confident that it’s true.
Faith works
Faith works
What you believe drives what you do.
Be persistent. Don’t let a crowd, a roof, lack of sleep, busy schedule, unbelieving family, or anything prevent you from getting to Jesus.
No hiding
No hiding
God knows what you’re thinking. And He loves you anyway.
Grace is real and covers what’s obvious and not so obvious about us.
Greatest Need First
Greatest Need First
Not only does He know you, He knows better than you do what your greatest need is and He’ll meet it first.
Our greatest need is to be forgiven so that there is nothing separating us and God.
Jesus has done, and will continue to do in your life, enough that you can see so you can believe in what you can’t see.
Faith. Trust Him to be Who He says He is and to do what He says He will do.
He is the only one who has done all this.
He is our only Messiah.