Victory Over the World
Believers are able to have victory over the temptation to seek the things this world has to offer instead of loving/obeying God.
The Greek goddess of victory was Nike, which also happens to be the name of a United States aerial missile. Both of them are named for the Greek word nike (NEE-kay) which simply means victory. But what does victory have to do with maturing love?
Christians live in a real world and are beset with formidable obstacles. It is not easy to obey God. It is much easier to drift with the world, disobey Him, and “do your own thing.”
But the Christian is “born of God.” This means he has the divine nature within him, and it is impossible for this divine nature to disobey God. “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world” (1 John 5:4, NASB). If the old nature is in control of us, we disobey God; but if the new nature is in control, we obey God. The world appeals to the old nature (1 John 2:15–17) and tries to make God’s commandments seem burdensome.