The Hebrew Christians were being pressured to return to their former religion. In what ways are we as believers pressured to follow along with society rather than stay true to our faith?
I. The reason for Jesus’ sacrifice (Vv 1-4)
How do verses 1-4 show us the need for the sacrifice of Jesus? Does what we learn in these verses have implications for other religions besides Judaism?
II. The reality of Jesus’ sacrifice (Vv 5-14)
These verses repeatedly stress the fact that Jesus only had to single sacrifice. What are the implications of that in regards to our sin? How does that transform the way we practice religious rituals?
III. The results of Jesus’ sacrifice (Vv 14-18)
1. Transformation
According to verse 14 how can we tell who has been perfected forever? What are the implications of this for those who think salvation is just a decision you make?
2. Forgiveness
Big Idea: By Jesus’ sacrifice the believer’s sin is taken away forever.
Is the sacrifice of Jesus something that is significant primarily at the time of salvation? Or, Does the sacrifice of Jesus have implications for the way the believer lives each day? If so, what are some of those implications?
This truth is the heart of the good news we call the gospel. What makes this good news for the unbelievers in your circle of influence? How might you try to convince an unbeliever that this is the greatest news ever?