Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
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> .9
Something Big is About to Happen
The year was 1908 and there was a different kind of energy in the air, as the people were gathered for the London Olympic Games.
Present were athletes, spectators, news reporters, academics, skeptics and hopefuls - all waiting to see John Baxter Taylor, Jr. compete.
John Baxter Taylor, Jr - was born in Washington D.C. to former slaves, and the family settled in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia - where he attended school and became the fastest quarter miler in the country.
Taylor graduated from the University of Pennsylvania’s school of veterinary medicine in 1908.
As one could imagine the scene in 1908 - where you have the son of former slaves competing amongst athletes from around the world - it was tense to say the least.
Yet, there they were all kinds of people, there for different reasons, from different places together in one place, waiting for something to happen.
Then, it happens the men’s medley relay - Taylor comes in the third leg for 400 meters and the team won not just this race but the later one to follow making - John Baxter Taylor, Jr. the first African American to win the Olympic Gold Medal.
They were gathered, people from different places, there for different reasons but together and something big happened - the first African American Gold Medalist . . .
It was truly an amazing day
This lesson in real African American history provides us an illustration of what happens when people from different places, there for different reasons come together.
Big things really do happen.
When God’s people are able to get over ourselves Big Things Happen
When we are able to love beyond us big things happen
As we come to our text we arrive at the Day of Pentecost - when the days of waiting were finally over.
The disciples were gathered together amongst people from different places, there for different reasons.
The Holy Spirit came upon them in a very different way - a new way and with it came supernatural signs causing them to do some very different things.
Luke is the only to record this experience.
Luke records what is a fulfillment of prophecy, which let’s us know that this this experience wasn’t fluke rather an intersections of divine timing and human availability.
When we are available and open to divine timing - Big Things Happen.
Pentecost is the New Testament name for the Feast of Weeks, when the wheat harvest was celebrated by a one-day festival during which special sacrifices were offered
It was the 50th day from the second day of unleavened bread, celebrated by one large meal or a series of meals in celebration of something to come or as a reminder of a past event.
The people were gathered together
They were there in celebration
Were gathered in expectation
When we as God’s people come together and allow God to have His way - Big Things Happen
As we avail ourselves to the Heart and Voice of God there are a few things we discover as the Lord revels to us that Something Big is About to Happen
We Must Be in the Right Place at the Right Time
A. Respect for God’s Timing
The disciples have been waiting for for this day to come.
Paul records in that he would wait until the day of Pentecost
There were many preparing, working and waiting for this day to come
We have to be patiently open to God’s divine timing
B. We’re Better Together
Text says they were all on one accord in one place
In the Greek “on one accord” means together.
In other words they were together in one place.
The disciples/Apostles - the early Christians - scholars argue that it was probably 120 of them were gathered ready for God to move.
When we out aside selfish ways and agendas, it makes way for God to do some great things
We have to stop letting dumb things get in the way of The Lord’s divine move
Richard Baxter says, and I quote,
I would recommend to all my brethren, as the most necessary thing to the Church’s peace, that you unite in necessary truths, and tolerate tolerable failings; and bear with one another in things that may be borne with; and do not make a larger creed and more necessaries than God has done
I would recommend. . .
that you unite in necessary truths, and tolerate tolerable failings; and bear with one another in things that may be borne with.
- Richard Baxter
In other words baxter is saying that we need to be able to get over ourselves and function in unity realizing that none of us are perfect. . .
Like Paul reminds us in Philippians - we’re not there yet but, were trying to press toward the mark.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. argued
“We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
When we allow issues like racism, sexism, oppression inequality, judgement and church-rejection to exist we get in the way of the wonderful things The Lord wants to do
We are all made by the Hand of God, and we come together it pleases God invites Him in.
C. When we sit The Lord Stands
Text says they were sitting when suddenly a sound came from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind . . .
and it filled the house where they were sitting.
They were sitting and in position when God began to move.
There is power in being in position.
This sets the stage for a theological term - theophany.
A theophany is
A temporary visible manifestation of the presence and glory of God.
This may be in natural phenomena such as cloud or fire, in human form or in prophetic visionary experience.
Luke records that the sounds filled the entire house where they were sitting.
When God shows up, He takes over everything in His path
So, when God shows up we see where
2. Availability makes room for Supernatural Ability
A. God shows up in unique ways to do exceptional things
The Spirit appeared, manifested as of fire and that fire sat upon each of the apostles.
It was like fire resting on their persons.
It was truly a unique experience.
Can you see it?
Can you imagine it?
Can you imagine how that may have felt?
Maybe it felt like fire shot up in their bones
Maybe it was a consuming fire
Maybe it felt like that time you felt the presence of God for the first time . . .
However, it felt the blessing is The Holy Sprit showed up!
EXPOUND | I don’t know about you, but sometimes I don’t care how it feels, or how He does it just as long as He shows up!
B. God will do the unexpected for the unlikely
The fire that sat upon them brought tongues upon each of them
God allowed each of the apostles to experience His power regardless of personhood.
Each of the disciples had their imperfections:
Peter cut a mans ear off
Some of them slept during prayer
They ran in fear after the crucifixion
But still God granted them, allowed them to have this experience . . .
EXPOUND | Aren’t you glad God allowed you to experience His power in spite of your imperfections???!!!
C. God gives specific gifts for specific tasks
As they were all filled with the Holy Spirit they began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Let me pause here for a brief teaching moment.
We must carefully understand this verse in context and see what is really happening.
Many have taken this verse out of context and misinterpreted it.
To clearly understand what it happing here we must look at the language . . .
text says they began to speak in other tongues
There are two types of tongues: there is what’s called glossalalia - what we commonly know as “speaking in tongues.”
That can be our prayer language that’s between you and God.
Then there is glossa which refers to a specific language.
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