Can You Hear Me Now?
How to Communicate in a relationship.
With Jesus Help Abandon Harsh Words
Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift.
The owl is Mr. or Mrs. Calm, Cool, and Collected. This person shows no feelings; he says the right words; he reveals no emotional reaction when his spouse disagrees with him. He is more like a computer than a person
A wife once said to me, “My husband drives me crazy being so reasonable. He takes hours explaining things to me as though I am a two-year-old who knows nothing. He never gets upset with me. He lets me speak, but he hears nothing I say. Consequently, most of the time I don’t even say anything. It does no good.”
They practice the sharp rhetoric of hate and hurt,
speak venomous words that maim and kill.
With Jesus Help Aim for Healing Words
Admit Your Mistakes
A lot of people find it difficult if not impossible to say: “I’m wrong; you may be right.” If necessary, practice saying this sentence so that you will be able to say it when it fits a disagreement or discussion with your spouse. When you honestly own up to knowing that you are wrong and the other person is right, you improve communication a thousandfold and deepen your relationship with your spouse.
When appropriate, ask for forgiveness.
13A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance.
Sometimes you will have to admit you are wrong in the face of your spouse’s criticism, and this is never easy. It also can be tricky. Be sure not to play the “I know it’s all my fault” game with your mate.
Some counselors suggest that during a difficult discussion you each should use no more than 10 words each time you say something.
Avoid Nagging and Its Variations
A husband is watching television and his wife if trying to engage him in conversation:
Wife: Dear, the plumber didn’t come to fix the leak behind the water heater today.
Husband: Uh-huh.
Wife: The pipe burst today and flooded the basement.
Husband: Quiet. It’s third down and goal to go.
Wife: Some of the wiring got wet and almost electrocuted Fluffy.
Husband: Darn it! Touchdown.
Wife: The vet says he’ll be better in a week.
Husband: Can you get me a Coke?
Wife: The plumber told me that he was happy that our pipe broke because now he can afford to go on vacation.
Husband: Aren’t you listening? I said I could use a Coke!
Wife: And Stanley, I’m leaving you. The plumber and I are flying to Acapulco in the morning.
Husband: Can’t you please stop all that yakking and get me a Coke? The trouble around here is that nobody ever listens to me.