Gifts for a Change
How does the Spirit's power become active and stay active in us? Since the gifts of the spirit are initiated and sustained by faith then believers must think differently about the purchasing power of their devotional efforts. Fallen Condition Focus: It is easy to think that salvation is by faith but the operations of the spirit are contingent upon devout effort. Is that true? Are the gifts freely given or are recieved because of devout effort? It can be both-and.
“You say to me: ‘Sir tell me how I may get this power myself.’ I will. I know a little of it, thank God.… Any mechanic knows this law to be true: obey the law of a force, and the force will obey you.… Take water-force.… So it is with the Holy Spirit … you have never yet learned the law of the Holy Ghost; for if you had, the Holy Ghost would have come flowing through your life as much as through the life of a Peter or a John. You seem to think that God is a God of favoritism.”
“Five conditions: