I Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
He is Lord
He is Jesus
He is Christ
Verses 26–27 reproduce verbatim the Septuagint text of Isa 6:9f. In this Greek version the prophet’s words constitute a prophecy of the people’s obduracy. The three organs of perception are highlighted—the eyes, the ears, and the heart, the latter in Hebrew thought being considered the organ of understanding and will. The picture is that of a people who merely take in sensory perceptions but in no sense appropriate them. Their ears heard the sounds, but the hearing was without understanding. Their eyes took in the sights but without any insight because their hearts had become calloused; the message received by their eyes and ears was neither understood nor acted upon. Otherwise, they would have done something in response to God’s message. If they had heard and understood the divine word, they would have turned from their ways in repentance (epistrepsōsin) and received God’s healing.