Matthew: Literary Outline
New Testament Literary Outlines • Sermon • Submitted
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Melodic Line
Melodic Line
New Testament, Lesson 1
Pastor Matt Stanghelle
The king and kingdom has come. Believe and go!
August 14, 2016
Melodic Line: The king and kingdom has come. Believe and go!
Book 1: The Coming of the King ()
Book 1: The Coming of the King ()
Narrative: The Lawful King ()
Narrative: The Lawful King ()
Genealogical Fulfillment
1. Genealogy of Jesus Christ ()
2. Birth of Jesus Christ ()
Wilderness Fulfillment
1. The Visit of the Wise Men ()
2. Flight to Egypt ()
3. Herod Kills the Children ()
4. The Return to Nazareth ()
5. John the Baptist Prepares the Way ()
6. The Baptism of Jesus ()
7. The Temptation of Jesus ()
Ministry Fulfillment
1. Jesus Begins His Ministry ()
2. Jesus Calls His First Disciples ()
3. Jesus Ministers to Great Crowds ()
Discourse: The King’s Law ()
Discourse: The King’s Law ()
Setting and Blessing
1. Setting ()
2. The Beatitudes ()
1. Salt and Light ()
2. Christ Came to Fulfill the Law ()
The Spiritual Sense of the Law
1. Anger ()
2. Lust ()
3. Divorce ()
4. Oaths ()
5. Retaliation ()
6. Love Your Enemies ()
Righteousness and Hypocrisy
1. Giving to the Needy ()
2. The Lord’s Prayer ()
3. Fasting ()
Money, Possessions and Anxiety
1. Lay Up Treasures in Heaven ()
2. Do Not Be Anxious ()
Judgment and Prudence
1. Judging Others ()
2. Do Not Give to Dogs What Is Holy ()
Good Gifts
1. Ask and It Will Be Given ()
Sum of the Law
1. The Golden Rule ()
1. Enter By the Narrow Gate ()
2. A Tree and Its Fruit ()
3. I Never Knew You ()
4. Build Your House on the Rock ()
5. Transitional Formula ()
Book 2: The Spreading of the Kingdom ()
Book 2: The Spreading of the Kingdom ()
Narrative: The Spreading Kingdom ()
Narrative: The Spreading Kingdom ()
1. Jesus Cleanses a Leper ()
2. Jesus Heals the Centurion’s Servant ()
3. Jesus Heals Many ()
1. The Cost of Following Jesus ()
2. Jesus Calms a Storm ()
1. Jesus Heals Two Men with Demons ()
2. Jesus Heals a Paralytic ()
1. Jesus Calls Matthew ()
2. A Question About Fasting ()
1. A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman Healed ()
2. Jesus Heals Two Blind Men ()
3. Jesus Heals a Man Unable to Speak ()
1. The Harvest is Plentiful, the Laborers Few ()
2. The Twelve Apostles ()
Discourse: The King’s Messengers ()
Discourse: The King’s Messengers ()
1. Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles ()
2. Persecution Will Come ()
3. Have No Fear ()
4. Not Peace, but a Sword ()
5. Rewards ()
6. Transitional Formula ()
Book 3: The Revelation of the Kingdom ()
Book 3: The Revelation of the Kingdom ()
Narrative: The Kingdom Revealed and Concealed ()
Narrative: The Kingdom Revealed and Concealed ()
1. John the Baptist and Jesus ()
2. Bethsaida and Capernaum ()
3. The Wise and Little Children ()
4. Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath ()
5. A Man with a Withered Hand ()
6. God’s Chosen Servant ()
7. Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit ()
8. A Tree Is Known by Its Fruit ()
9. The Sign of Jonah ()
10. Return of an Unclean Spirit ()
11. Jesus’ Mother and Brothers ()
Discourse: Parables of the Kingdom ()
Discourse: Parables of the Kingdom ()
The Parable of the Sower
1. The Parable of the Sower ()
2. The Purpose of the Parables ()
3. The Parable of the Sower Explained ()
The Parable of the Weeds
1. The Parable of the Weeds ()
2. The Mustard Seed and the Leaven ()
3. Prophecy and Parables ()
4. The Parable of the Weeds Explained ()
The Parables of Treasure
1. The Parable of the Hidden Treasure ()
2. The Parable of the Pearl of Great Value ()
3. The Parable of the Net ()
4. New and Old Treasures ()
5. Transitional Formula ()
Book 4: The Gateway to the Kingdom ()
Book 4: The Gateway to the Kingdom ()
Narrative: Belief and Unbelief ()
Narrative: Belief and Unbelief ()
1. Jesus Rejected at Nazareth ()
2. The Death of John the Baptist ()
Miraculous Powers
1. Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand ()
2. Jesus Walks on the Water ()
3. Jesus Heals the Sick in Gennesaret ()
1. Traditions and Commandments ()
2. What Defiles a Person ()
Miraculous Powers
1. The Faith of the Canaanite Woman ()
3. Jesus Heals Many ()
4. Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand ()
1. Pharisees and Sadducees Demand Signs ()
2. The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees ()
1. Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ ()
2. Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection ()
3. Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus ()
4. The Transfiguration ()
Miraculous Powers
1. Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon ()
2. Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection and Second Time ()
3. The Temple Tax ()
Discourse: Citizens of the Kingdom ()
Discourse: Citizens of the Kingdom ()
1. Who is the Greatest? ()
2. Temptations to Sin ()
3. The Parable of the Lost Sheep ()
4. If Your Brother Sins Against You ()
5. The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant ()
6. Transitional formula ()
Book 5: The Judgment of the King ()
Book 5: The Judgment of the King ()
Narrative: The King’s Judgment ()
Narrative: The King’s Judgment ()
The Kingdom Given
1. Teaching About Divorce ()
2. Let the Children Come to Me ()
3. The Rich Young Man ()
4. Laborers in the Vineyard ()
5. Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection a Third Time ()
6. A Mother’s Request ()
7. Jesus Heals Two Blind Men ()
The Kingdom Taken Away
1. The Triumphal Entry ()
2. Jesus Cleanses the Temple ()
3. Jesus Curses the Fig Tree ()
4. The Authority of Jesus Challenged ()
5. The Parable of the Two Sons ()
6. The Parable of the Tenants ()
7. The Parable of the Wedding Feast ()
8. Paying Taxes to Caesar ()
9. Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection ()
10. The Great Commandment ()
11. Whose Son is the Christ? ()
12. The Seven Woes to the Scribes and Pharisees ()
13. Lament over Jerusalem ()
Discourse: The King’s Coming Judgment ()
Discourse: The King’s Coming Judgment ()
1. Signs of the End of the Age ()
2. The Abomination of Desolation ()
3. The Coming of the Son of Man ()
4. The Lesson of the Fig Tree ()
1. No One Knows That Day and Hour ()
2. The Parable of the Ten Virgins ()
3. The Parable of the Talents ()
4. The Final Judgment ()
5. Transitional Formula ()
Book 6: The Reign of the King ()
Book 6: The Reign of the King ()
Discourse: The Death and Resurrection of the King ()
Discourse: The Death and Resurrection of the King ()
Plot and Betrayal
1. The Plot to Kill Jesus ()
2. Jesus Anointed at Bethany ()
3. Judas to Betray Jesus ()
4. The Passover with the Disciples ()
5. Institution of the Lord’s Supper ()
6. Jesus Foretells Peter’s Denial ()
7. Jesus prays in Gethsemane ()
8. Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus ()
Trial and Crucifixion
1. Jesus Before Caiaphas and the Council ()
2. Peter Denies Jesus ()
3. Jesus Delivered to Pilate ()
4. Judas Hangs Himself ()
5. Jesus Before Pilate ()
6. The Crowd Chooses Barabbas ()
7. Pilate Delivers Jesus to Be Crucified ()
8. Jesus is Mocked ()
9. The Crucifixion ()
10. The Death of Jesus ()
11. Jesus is Buried ()
12. The Guard at the Tomb ()
Resurrection and Response
1. The Resurrection ()
2. The Report of the Guard ()
3. Worship and Doubt ()
Discourse: The Cosmic Reign of the King ()
Discourse: The Cosmic Reign of the King ()
1. The King’s Authority and the Great Commission ()