Following Jesus is Messy

Dads, Lads and Lasses  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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A talk for fathers and children in shcool year R - 6. Roughly 10mins.

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Following Jesus is Messy

Well I hope you’ve all had a great day today. Our time is nearly over, but before we get changed and have some lunch I want to read you something from the bible and share a few things for you to think about.
So these are Jesus words from Matthew 13:44-46:
Matthew 13:44–46 NCV
“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. One day a man found the treasure, and then he hid it in the field again. He was so happy that he went and sold everything he owned to buy that field. “Also, the kingdom of heaven is like a man looking for fine pearls. When he found a very valuable pearl, he went and sold everything he had and bought it.
45 “Also, the kingdom of heaven is like a man looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found a very valuable pearl, he went and sold everything he had and bought it. ~ (NCV)
If you find a treasure in a field, the treasure belongs to the person who owns the field. But if you buy the field, the treasure becomes yours. That is why the first man in Jesus’ story hid the treasure he found and bought the field.
And if you want something from a shop, you can't simply go in an take it you have to buy it first! That’s why the second man sold everything he had to become the owner of the amazing pearl he saw.
In a little while we’ll announce the winner of this years Water Olympics, but before we do, i want to share four things for you think about from the stories Jesus told in
[Link the above to the idea that follow Jesus is messy...]
First off, following Jesus is messing because it is risky! Both men in Jesus stories couldn’t know for user if what they brought was worth it until after they’d sold everything to get it. They both have to risk the disappointment that it might be all for nothing. And when you played the water games you had to risk getting wet in order to win the game. There was no way of knowing whether getting wet was worth the risk until after the games were over.
Following Jesus is risky. You've never seen Jesus, or met him, and you have no idea where following him might take you. You can't know whether trusting Jesus is the right thing to do until after you’ve have done it, and no one else can make the decisions for you - not me, a friend, or even your parents. You have to decided for yourself whether you'll risk everything, even disappointment, to follow Jesus. You have to decide if the risk is worth it.
Following Jesus is messy because it is costly! The two men in Jesus story sold everything they had to get their hands on what they found. Jesus tells us that the first man sold everything he had because he was so happy that he’d found the hidden treasure. To play the games on the field you had a to pay a price too. You had to give up dry clothes and comfort to work together and winner the prize.
Following Jesus comes at a cost too, often it isn’t easy and it can be a bit messy. Sometimes you’re family don’t understand; sometimes people don’t want to be your friends anymore.
A man called C.T. Studd gave up a place on the England international cricket team with all its fame and fortune to become a missionary in China where no one knew his name.
Another man name Jim Elliot followed Jesus to the Ecuador, but the people he met there didn’t want to hear about Jesus and in the end they killed him. On morning he died, Jim Elliot wrote in his diary: “It isn’t stupid to give up what you can’t keep, so that you can gain what you can’t lose”.
Follow Jesus is costly, and it might cost you everything. Jesus gave up everything he had in heaven, to come to earth, and die on the cross for our sins. He gave up everything so that we could receive forgiveness through him. In a similar, you have to be willing to let go of everything you think is important in order to become a follower of Jesus, like he did for you. But only you can decide if that is a price worth paying.
You have to be willing to let go of everything you think is important in order to become a follower of Jesus. Only you can decide if that is a price worth paying.
Following Jesus is messy but worth it! Jim Elliot, CT Studd, Etc.
Following Jesus is messy but worth it. The two men in Jesus story gave up everything to get what they wanted, but in the end it was worth. The first man had his treasure which was worth more than the cost of the field. The second man had his pearl, that was worth every penny he paid for it. But think how stupid it would have been sell everything an no go back for the field or the pearl?
Sometimes following Jesus can sometimes mean really hard, messy choices. But no matter how hard those choices are they are always worth it. Followers of Jesus know that because he died and came back to life to forgive our sins we will one day be with him forever. And no matter what life throws at us, and what people might say or do to us, nothing can change that fact. You have to decide if you think following Jesus is worth all the messiness that comes with it.
Sometimes following Jesus can sometimes mean really hard choices too. But no matter how hard those choices are they are always worth it. Followers of Jesus know that no matter what life might thrown at us
A man name Jim Elliot followed Jesus to the Ecuador, but the tribes people he met there didn’t want to hear about Jesus and in the end they killed Jim. On morning he died, Jim Elliot wrote in his diary: “It isn’t stupid to give up what you can’t keep, so that you can get what you can’t lose”. Jim elliot knew that following Jesus was expensive, but so worth it. You have to decide if you think following Jesus is worth all the messiness too.
Another man name Jim Elliot followed Jesus to the Ecuador, but the people he met there didn’t want to hear about Jesus and in the end they killed him. On morning he died, Jim Elliot wrote in his diary: “It isn’t stupid to give up what you can’t keep, so that you can gain what you can’t lose”.
Following Jesus is messy but open to anyone... even you! The first man in Jesus story discovers the treasure completely by accident. The man may have walked through that same field a hundred times but had never thought of buying it. But once he knew it held a great treasure, he sold everything that he had to get it. The second man in Jesus story might have walked through that market loads of times and never seen anything worth buying. But once he saw that amazing pearl, he had to have it, so he sold everything that he had to get it.
Whether you’ve never heard about Jesus before, hear about him a hundred times. Whether you come to church or not. Whether you are hear by chance or not, you too can become a follower of Jesus today.
Following Jesus is messy but open to anyone... even you! The first man discovers it by accident, the second is looking for it.
If you want to become a follower of Jesus this is what you need to do:
Admit your sin - that you do, say, and think wrong things. Tell God you are sorry. Ask him to forgive you, and help you change. They’ll probably be some things you’ll need to stop doing.
Believe that Jesus died for you, to take the punishment for your sin; that he came back to life and is still alive today.
Count the cost of living as a follower of Jesus from now on, with God in charge. It won’t be easy and it could get messy! Ask him to help you do this.
Do something about it. In the past you’ve gone your own way rather than God’s way. Will you hand control of your life over to him from now on? If you’ve still got questions, talk to someone about it.
How to become a follow of Jesus?
Following Jesus is messy because it is risky and expensive, but it is worth it and open to everyone, even you.
Pray to end then announce winners.
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