The Hidden Treasure

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Title: The Hidden Treasure
Matthew 13:44–46 NASB95
“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.
a treasure hidden in the field,
which a man found
and hid again;
and from joy over it
he goes and sells all that he has
and buys that field.
Central idea of the text or main idea of the text:
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like
a merchant seeking fine pearls,
46 and upon finding one pearl of great value,
he went and sold all that he had
and bought it.
Central idea of the text or main idea of the text:
The kingdom of heaven is costly, but worth every bit.
Homiletic idea: The kingdom of heaven requires all that you have.
I read a story titled Saving Your Soul With a Lamborghini. It was about a man from Texas, Richard Jordan, who a few years ago, was disillusioned with life and he decided to follow his dream. He sold his house, took part of his life savings and he bought a Lamborghini; well he made the down payment on a Lamborghini. He did this so he could drive across the country in his fancy sports car. He crossed the country three times. He met all kinds of people and had some good experiences, but at the end of the day he wound up with no house, no money, and a car that has virtually no resale value. Yes, he has some good memories, but he didn’t invest in anything that would last.
The only thing worth selling out for is the Kingdom of God.

The kingdom of heaven is sometimes found by people who are not looking for it. V44

a. Kamal Saleem was born into Muslim family in the heart of the Middle East. He was recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood at an early age and completed his first mission to Israel by the time he was seven. He continued to work on behalf of Islamic Jihad all over the world until 1985, when he was seriously injured in an automobile accident. Christian men aided Kamal at the accident scene, and continued to physically and emotionally nurture him back to health. The love and sacrificial giving of these men demonstrated to Kamal the unconditional, redemptive love of Christ and he realized his need for the Savior. Kamal now has a new mission, serving Jesus Christ.
i. He wasn’t looking for Jesus, but he found him.
ii. We don’t know what this man was doing in the field.
iii. He could have been working in the field.
iv. He could have been just passing by. But we know that he found something he wasn’t looking for. Lee Strobel - Case for Christ. We don’t know what he was doing in the field but,
We do know that:

The treasure he found was worth everything the man had.

c. He sold everything he had for it.
i. This brings up the question was what he did ethical?
1. This is a parable, just an example.

Under both Jewish and Roman Law, the treasure would belong to whoever bought the field.

3. But this is not the point of the story.

He bought the field out of joy.

He couldn’t think of anything else.
e. This is how it happens. Life is busy. We are distracted, worried about where the next meal will come from, how we are going to make the next car payment. Then we read something about Jesus, or someone knocks on our door.
i. Everything changes. What was important is not, anymore. The excitement of finding Jesus overtakes everything. Forrest - what was important, football, was not anymore. Left, became minister, MS hasn’t taken away his joy.

The kingdom of heaven is also found by people who search diligently for it. Vss 45-46

Matthew 13:45–46 NASB95
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.
a. Jesus’ example is a businessman who is looking for pearls.
a. Jesus’ example is a businessman who is looking for pearls.
i. Makes his living doing this.
ii. Knows value when he sees it.

There are lots of people who are looking for God.

i. Walk into any bookstore and look at the spirituality or self-help section.
1. There are hundreds of thousands of books claiming to have the answer. Yet, people continue to look.
ii. People are willing to pay money to healers, diviners and just plain charlatans in their search.

They are looking but don’t know what they are looking for.

c. Like the merchant, when you find Jesus Christ, the only path to salvation, you will immediately know His great value. All those other paths may feel good for a while, but they are dead ends. They will eventually disappoint and leave them empty.

Whether found by accident or on purpose, the kingdom is worth more than anything on earth.

They sold all they had.

Both men didn’t cheap out. They didn’t try to get by with giving just a little. They were willing to give everything. Jesus may not demand everything you have, but He wants to know you are willing. Abraham & Isaac.

Jesus gave his life so that we could give ours to Him.

Cost of the kingdom is everything, but it is worth more than anything.

Over the course of history people have spent their lives and fortunes looking for the Fountain of Youth. Their goal was to be young and live forever. Billions of dollars are spent every year on plastic surgery and creams and treatments just to look young. Countless dollars are spent by people still trying to figure out how to cheat death. We have all seen articles on cryogenics, where the idea is to be frozen in suspended animation until someone figures it out.
All of these people are searching, but they are searching for the wrong thing. They are trying to cheat death, when what they really should be searching for is a way to beat death. I wonder what price some of these people would pay if they could actually live forever. The truth is they couldn’t pay it anyway, if they had all the money in the world. The way to beat death has been found and the price has already been paid.
Jesus Christ conquered death. He didn’t just cheat it, He beat it into submission. He bought eternal life for each and every person who will believe in Him.
John 3:16 NASB95
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
· What Richard Jordan invested in wasn’t the total. It required more than He had.
· Satan is always going to require more than you have and take all you have got.
· God requires everything you have, but he will give you more than you can ever imagine.

· There is no buyer’s remorse with God.

“Whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”
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