Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
Dawn we selected Ecclesiastes chapter 3.
There is a time for everything.
When we met on June 11th I was reminded that that was the anniversary of my Father’s death.
Not too many years ago my wife Jayne had to say goodbye to her parents as well.
As time goes on, often much too quickly we come to a time when we must say goodbye to our Father.
It is hard, there is no doubt about that, but today I want to give you a picture hope.
A picture of hope for a time when you wont have this pain of loss any longer.
A time when you may still miss your Father, but your pain will gone because you will be comforted.
And right now it may not seem like it, but Dawn that time is coming.
Dawn you also chose .
A picture of our Heavenly Father, as lived out in Jesus.
Dawn God gave you Wayne for a time.
He gave you your Father Wayne to care for you, to protect you, and to love you for the time that you needed him.
He gave you your dad as the earthly man to do that for Him..
But the whole time, weather you knew it or not, weather you witnessed God hand or not, the whole time Dawn, God was there.
The whole time God was your Father.
The whole time God was your heavenly Father and he had his hand on you.
Maybe he used Wayne, maybe he used Him to care for you, but really Dawn God was the one He was the one to care for you to protect you and to love you.
Our earthly Fathers are not perfect.
They make mistakes, everyone one of us here had ad a father that is not perfect.
But God our Father is perfect.
God our Father sent Jesus to live that perfect life that we don’t live,
And I am also glad that you also chose .
Because when we open , we see a picture of God like this.
It is similar in that It shows us how God cares for us, and loves us, and protects us like our earthly fathers do, but this time, when God does it he does it perfectly.
In the Psalmist is speaking about a shepherd, a good shepherd, a perfect shepherd.
A shepherd who loves his sheep very much, and cares for them.
The Bible tells us that we are the sheep.
We are the sheep of the Lord’s pasture, and he loves and cares for us.
And in the Gospel of John, we learn that Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd.”
When there are times like these, when there are these painful and difficult times we need to lean on Jesus.
Psalm 23:1
Psalm 23:1
When we were kids our earthly Fathers provided for us.
As kids we are always in a state of want.
Our Father’s tried though.
They try to provide as best they can, but they are just that earthly fathers, not perfect.
And we are not perfect, we are always in a state of want.
We want this and we want that, and while our earthly Fathers probably would have wanted to provide for all our wants , Jesus tells us something different.
Jesus says we shall not be in want.
He doesn’t say he will give us everything.
He doesn’t promise us that we wont have tough times like this one, but he tells us that we shall not be in want.
He tells us that because Jesus provides for us.
Jesus, is everything we need.
Jesus provides for us a way to reach our Heavenly Father.
Because Jesus has made a way by his death and resurrection we do not have to be in want, because we know have a heavenly father that has everything.
When we place our faith in Jesus through the work of Jesus at the cross, dying for our sins we become part of God’s family.
We have God the Father as our Father and we have a part in the glorious inheritance.
I understand Wayne loved flowers, right?
He loved to plant flowers and keep his yard well manicured.
To Wayne’s friends, and to you Dawn seeing those flowers and his lawn brought you a certain comfort.
God gives us our father’s for a time, he gives us imperfect fathers, and he does this to point us to Jesus.
So when we read
We see that that is how Jesus cares for us.
As you look around this summer and you see flowers, and a well manicured lawn, you can think of Jesus caring enough to comfort you.
When you look to where Wayne’s flowers were, you can remember that our comfort comes from God, that He is the perfect gardener, and we can thank God that he gave us Wayne for that time to share in that memory.
And some day we will see the heavenly gardens and pastures and grass that god has prepared for us.
You are going to miss your dad dawn, that is for sure.
You are going to miss going out to with him, and you are you going to miss not disturbing him during football.
And it is going to be hard to get through that, but Jesus promises that He will walk through that with you, when you place your faith in Him.
Jesus will walk you through that pain, he has promised.
You have been through many things Dawn, and Christ has carried you along through it all, and he will continue to carry you.
God gives us these imperfect men as fathers for time, to us imperfect people.
But Jesus, came.
Jesus came and lived the perfect life and he died on the cross for our sins.
Because He was perfect, he could pay the price for the sins that we commit.
By doing this he made a way for us to come to the perfect Father, our heavenly father.
But the story doesn’t end there.
Because Jesu was not only fully man, but also fully God, he rose from the dead three days later.
He rose from the dead three days later to show us that there is more.
There is a hope in the new life for all that turn from there sins and place their faith in Him.
For those that trust in Jesus In that new life we will be with Jesus , and we will be united with our heavenly Father forever. in Jesus name Amen
Without a doubt, many people have recievd
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