Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
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> .9
9 But ye are ca CHOSEN generation, da royal priesthood, ean holy nation, ||fa peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the ||gpraises of hhim who hath called you iout of darkness into his marvellous light:
SEPT 2011 In The Midst Of My Mother’s body breaking down, preparing to be with the King I was given something that changed the way I see myself, My Ministry & the Kingdom…
But first let me say this
Last Month Roberta Hoskie preached at New Beginnings on Women’s day and her message was concerning wealth.
She asked this question, How many of you Know your great grand fathers name..
Only a few of us raised our hands.. Then she said if he had left an inheritance you would have remembered his name..
Thats when it came back to me, what was revealed to me in 2011… My Spiritual Inheritance…
See my Pastor ( Bishop A D Pullen) shared with me our Pentecostal Pedigree.
My great grandmother Roberta Turner had two children, Agustus jr.
& My grand Father Clint.
She had taken Ill and the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong.
So they placed her out in the hospital hallway to die, And two young white missionary sisters who happen to have a hospital ministry walk up to my great grand mother and offered Jesus Christ.
She gladly excepted AND WAS HEALED!!
Grand MA Roberta had a sister name Lucy farrow, and both these women went for white women, that’s probably why those sisters approached my Great grand mother in the hospital..
Anyway aunt Lucy worked for a preacher taking care of the children & home type job.
His name was Charles Parham.. Parham was preaching about holiness and sanctification and being filled with the holy spirit.
(Back then this was a new doctrine to the US ) 1900’s
Aunt Lucy who was also called to be a preacher and had a ministry invited a half blind black preacher by the name of WJ Seymour to sit in the hallway and listen to Parham preach about the baptism of the holy spirt.
As time went On Lucy had taken a trip to Califorinia, and ran across some folks that she began to minister to, She then summoned the help Of WJ Seymour who had gotten very good at preaching this new doctrine but had not yet been baptised in the holy spirit.
The rest is is history.
AZUZA street was the place they moved to, and during this time when Lucy returned to Cali she laid hands on Seymour and he received the holy spirit..
So Lucy and Roberta (sisters) are talking about this new doctrine from God and while she is visiting Roberta in Virginia a visiting preaching from Tenn is there, his name is C H Mason, She sugguest he goes to Azuza, and the rest is history..
Well CH Mason goes back to Tenn shares this new Doctrine, some agreed others didn’t.
But all i know is when he would visit Virginia he would stay at my Great grand mothers house and sleep in my grandfathers room.
And my great grand mother went on to have a total of 12 children, from those 12 came another generation (my mothers gen) and then another Gen ( me).
And all the men of the first and many in second gen failed to take the royal role as priest for there family, and many died from Cancer & alcoholism.
But God had raised many women of God and we currently have 3 Living Bishops in our Blood line..
But had my grand mother died in that hospital two of those Bishop and none of those evangelist would have been born, Just me and my wife & one of my sisters..
But wait...
One of those bishops is my pastor & mentor and father so if he was never born and became a man of God neither would I.
Because he my mother was one of his disciples a well.
Now Paul could trace his Jewish Roots, but considered it nothing without God as his Lord & Savior, and so Do I, but speaking as an African American who only has these Apostolic Roots to trace.
It’s given me purpose and clarity to why the devil has tried to curse me with the same issues my daddy & grand-daddy had.
And Why God would choose a no good down right dirty dog like me to preach the Gospel.
But see i know I’m Royal so its too late for the devil..
I know who I am… ( i dare you to say it)
Apostle Peter declares you are a Chosen Generation
Chosen Generation
Whatever joy is derived in discovering our individual identity we should have even greater joy when we realize that we, as individuals, are parts of a glorious whole.
In this case it is a “race,” a “generation” of people drawn together by one compelling word—chosen.
This means we were chosen as individuals to be parts of a race of people for eternal fellowship with God and one another.
“You didn’t choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won’t spoil.
As fruit bearers, whatever you ask the Father in relation to me, he gives you.
17  “But remember the root command: Love one another.
“You didn’t choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won’t spoil.
As fruit bearers, whatever you ask the Father in relation to me, he gives you.
17  “But remember the root command: Love one another.
It’s Not a Black or White or brown thing.. It’s A G thang (baby) in my Topac voice (generational thing)
Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
Chosen Generation
Whatever joy is derived in discovering our individual identity merges into an infinitely greater joy when we realize that we, as individuals, are parts of a glorious whole.
In this case it is a “race,” a “generation” of people drawn together by one compelling word—chosen.
This means we were chosen as individuals to be parts of a race of people for eternal fellowship with God and one another.
rf1rfrApostle Peter d
its Not a Black or White or brown thing.. Its A G thang (baby) in my Topac voice
See What We tend to forget is that God’s plan was always bless us generationally..
Gen 15.4
2. A Royal Priesthood
A Royal Priesthood
2. A Royal Priesthood
This is a double designation which enhances our sense of identity.
We are “kingly priests” and “priestly kings.”
Kings, by right of their essential identity, rule as a matter of living.
Priests, by right of their essential identity, worship as a matter of living.
What does this imply of us who are a royal priesthood?
Simply that, by right of our essential identity, we rule and worship as a matter of living.
A Royal Priesthood
This is a double designation which enhances our sense of identity.
We are “kingly priests” and “priestly kings.”
Kings, by right of their essential identity, rule as a matter of living.
Priests, by right of their essential identity, worship as a matter of living.
What does this imply of us who are a royal priesthood?
Simply that, by right of our essential identity, we rule and worship as a matter of living.
What Does Royalty Require Of YOU
3. A Holy Nation
How do you carry yourself public & Privet
How do you respond to critics and celebrators
Who are you intimate with aka sharing your personal space
3. A Holy Nation
A Holy Nation
3. A Holy Nation
We are identified as a “holy ethnic group,” ethnos hagion.
We are a nation separated by God and set apart for special purposes.
When someone asks you, “Are you holy?” you ought to consult what God has said before you give an opinion.
He not only declares that you are holy but adds that you are a part of a massive spiritual nationality that is holy.
4. A Peculiar People
We need to look a little deeper into this one.
The word “peculiar” in today’s vernacular is suggestive of “weird” or “strange.”
This is hardly the connotation here.
The word in the Greek is peripoiesis per-ee-poy´-ay-sis which means “an obtaining” or “an acquisition.”
Here it is to be taken as “God’s purchased possession.”
We do not belong to ourselves, but to Him, who has acquired us for His own special purposes.
per-ee-poy´-ay-sis which means “an obtaining” or “an acquisition.”
Here it is to be taken as “God’s purchased possession.”
We do not belong to ourselves, but to Him, who has acquired us for His own special purposes.
Because we are peculiar we don’t have a right of an opinion, What ever the king says is what we believe, we say and live...
19 What?
know ye not that nyour body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and boye are not your own? 20 For pye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, bwhich are God’s.
We should not leave without allowing the purpose for which we exist to be noted: “That we should show forth the praises of him who has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light”
Do you remember the scene from Coming To America!
< .5
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> .9