Sermon Tone Analysis
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> .9
James White Conference July 12th 2017 6:30pm
Vanderlei Lima went to Athens to do what no other Brazilian had ever done—medal in the Olympic marathon.
This marathon was special.
The runners would retrace the 2,500-year-old route of Phidipedes, the original marathoner.
As Lima neared the last leg of the race, he was in first place, and throngs of flag-waving spectators cheered him on.
It was one of those moments where people of various backgrounds put their differences aside.
The joyful celebration turned to bewilderment, however, when an eccentric spectator bolted from the crowd and tackled Lima.
The assailant, wearing a red, white, and green kilt, did not injure Lima, but the delay dashed Lima's hopes for a gold medal.
In the ensuing chaos, Lima lost 20 minutes and two other runners sped by him to win the gold and silver.
Despite the unfortunate incident, Lima did not give up.
Following the race Lima expressed this reaction: "I'm not going to cry forever about the incident, although it broke my concentration, but I managed to finish, and the bronze medal in such a difficult marathon is also a great achievement."
Yes we are faced with them everyday.
The world is a mountain that we are trying to climb and there are always obstacles that keep us from accomplishing all that our hands find to do.
There are always things that get in the way… always things that slow down our progress.
Sometimes it can be very discouraging when we work so hard to do something, get it all set up turn it on and it does not work… then we say of course.
All kinds of things get it the way to slow down our progression.
Sometimes plans are bad.
Sometimes bad leaders can slow down progress.
Sometimes the mountain to climb is just too impossible to climb.
You ever felt this way?
I bet we all could say that we have faced an obstacle in one way shape of form at some point in our lives.
But how do we get through it?
How are we supposed to get through it?
Jonathan shows us how.
We will find out how in our passage today.
Last week… We witnessed the renewed conflict with the Philistines.
The chapter then unveils the unfortunate events of Saul’s disobedience and the unfortunate consequences resulting.
And at the same time we see the strategic and tactical advantage of the Philistines over the Israelites.
No swords?
Yet…the battle begins.
This week…Saul’s son Jonathan had a secret plan and he did not tell his father.
His father and his 600 men trembled under a pomegranate tree.
Jonathan revealed that he wanted to attack a Philistine outpost after scrambling a slippery and thorny cliff.
“We can win this battle, you and me, with the help of our almighty God.
When we come up upon them if they tell us to stay we will turn back, but if they tell us to come and fight we will take it as a sign that the Lord has given us the victory.”
Jonathan and his armor bearer killed 20 men and caused a panic in the camp of the Philistines.
An earthquake struck and brought more fear.
The confusion was so great that the Philistines began to kill each other and Israel began to finish them off…yes the Lord saved Israel that day.
But Saul in faithless ignorance, made a terrible vow that brought, in the word’s of Jonathan, “trouble” to the people.
No one could eat until Saul gets full revenge on his enemies.
The men were weak in exhaustion and yet no one dared break the oath.
However, Jonathan did not hear of the oath and ate.
“How foolish was this,” cried Jonathan for if the men were not weak they could have killed more Philistines.
It actually worked against what it was that Saul wanted to accomplish.
If he did not make the vow, then he might have had his full revenge.
Yet again, my words, Saul was foolish.
Saul desired to pursue the Philistines, but the priests said that they should first ask God.
God did not reply.
Saul made a vow to kill whoever caused this issue with God even if it was his own son.
And it was found that it was his son.
Saul demanded that he die however, the people came in to defend Jonathan.
Israel won the day.
Jonathan was spared.
And Israel would continue to win under the rule of Saul.
“Let’s go across to the outpost of those pagans,” Jonathan said to his armor bearer.
“Perhaps the Lord will help us, for nothing can hinder the Lord.
He can win a battle whether he has many warriors or only a few!”
The Word of the Lord.
May He hold His wonderful truths in our hearts forever.
E pule
The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever.
The Plan, The Presidents, The Preposterous
2. The Faith
3. The Mercy
The first thing we will look at are three specific obstacles we face today… the need for approval, bad leadership, and impossible goals w/ the plan the presidents and the preposterous.
The second thing we will see is the power of mountain moving faith in our one true and all-powerful Lord … the faith.
Finally, we will see how a curse came upon Jonathan because of the word of a king, just like it came upon us, and we found mercy just like Jonathan did…the mercy.
Thesis statement: Though unapproved, ungodly leadership, and impossible circumstances in the world cause us to lose heart and despair in unbelief, it is the faithfulness of our Lord Jesus alone in clarity of His Word that is our hope and by the blood of Christ, like Jonathan, not one hair on our head will be touched apart from the will of God.
The Plan, the Presidents, and the Preposterous
- The obstacles of approval, bad leadership, and impossibilities can be difficult.
A. Was overconfidence the Plan?
The author brings us an interesting setting.
B. The author is here setting a background to bring a bit more colorful contrast to the faith of Jonathan.
The Plan.
The initial step (focusing) leads us to perceive the apparent overconfidence of Jonathon in what he communicates to his armor bearer.
But it was all so secretive?
Did he not want support?
C. Why did he not tell Saul?
We are not told, but I suspect that it was a “it is easier to get forgiveness than to get permission.”
Now a bit more contrast.
Jonathon is moving and Saul is sitting under a pomegranate tree.
But what is this… who is this next to Saul? (more light) The Presidents.
D. You rejected God and asked for a king and now… You have a rejected king and sitting next to him is a rejected priest.
Ahijah (Aheeyyah) was the acting priest.
This was the son of Ahitub (Aheetuv) who was Ichabod’s brother.
He was Ichabod’s nephew.
Remember Ichabod?
That was the name his mom gave him because the ark was captured and the glory departed.
He was the son of Phineas who was a meat-loving, women chasing scoundrel and a son of Eli whose neglect of his son’s caused his priestly line to be judged and rejected.
E. So now Israel, who rejected God, has a king whose dynasty was rejected and a priest whose priestly line was rejected.
Now there is just… Too many men.
Too many people.
Making too many problems.
And not much love to go round.
Can't you see.
This is a land of confusion.
F. And now the Preposterous.
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