Why Get Serious, Matthew 25:35-36

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Matthew 25:35–36 ESV
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’

I. Because our time is limited

A. The purpose (25:1)

: Jesus relates this parable to explain the Kingdom of Heaven, comparing it to ten bridesmaids who go out to meet the bridegroom.

B. The people (25:2–4)

1. Five of the bridesmaids are foolish and dont fill their lamps with oil (25:2a, 3).
2. Five of the bridesmaids are wise, for they have extra oil (25:2b, 4).

C. The particulars (25:5–13)

1. The cry (25:5–6): At midnight, a shout is heard: “The bridegroom is coming!”
2. The crisis (25:7–9)
a. The request by the foolish (25:7–8): “Give us some of your oil!”
b. The refusal by the wise (25:9) : “We don’t have enough for all of us. Go to a shop and buy some for yourselves.”
3. The closed door (25:10–12): Upon returning with fresh oil, the foolish bridesmaids find the door to the marriage feast closed.
4. The challenge (25:13): Maintain a diligent watch, and be prepared for the bridegroom’s return!

II. We must use our talents

A. The responsibility (25:14–15)

Jesus likens the Kingdom of Heaven to a man entrusting his property to three servants before going to another country.
1. The first servant is given five bags of gold (25:14–15a).
2. The second servant is given two bags of gold (25:15b).
3. The third servant is given one bag of gold (25:15c).

B. The reliability (25:16–18)

1. The first servant doubles his money (25:16).
2. The second servant also doubles his money (25:17).
3. The third servant buries his one bag of gold (25:18).

C. The accountability (25:19–30)

Upon his return, the man meets with his three servants.
1. The first servant is rewarded for his faithfulness (25:19–21).
2. The second servant is also rewarded for his faithfulness (25:22–23).
3. The third servant is severely rebuked for his unfaithfulness (25:24–30).

III. To help receptive suffering souls

A. The separator (25:31)

The Savior himself will occupy this role.

B. The separation (25:32–33)

The goats (lost people) will be placed on his left hand, and the sheep (saved people) on his right hand.

C. The separated (25:34–46)

1. The sheep (25:34–40)

: They will be rewarded!
a. The contents (25:34) : They will receive the Father’s Kingdom, prepared for them from the foundation of the world.
b. The cause (25:35–36): It is due to their loving ministry in feeding, clothing, caring for, and even assisting Jesus in prison!
c. The confusion (25:37–39): The saved ask when all this takes place.
d. The clarification (25:40) : Jesus says that when they ministered to others, they ministered to him!

2. The goats (25:41–46)

They will be punished!
a. The contents (25:41) : Eternal hell!
b. The cause (25:42–43): They did not minister to Jesus!
c. The confusion (25:44) : The unsaved ask when it was that they did not minister to Jesus.
d. The clarification (25:45–46): Jesus says because they did not minister to others, they did not minister to him!
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