Louanges faciles et difficiles
I. La louange facile v. 1-21
I. La louange facile v. 1-21
Qui est comme toi parmi les dieux, ô Eternel?
Qui est comme toi magnifique en sainteté,
Digne de louanges,
Opérant des prodiges?
Nous savons, du reste, que toutes choses concourent au bien de ceux qui aiment Dieu, de ceux qui sont appelés selon son dessein. 29Car ceux qu’il a connus d’avance, il les a aussi prédestinés à être semblables à l’image de son Fils, afin que son Fils soit le premier-né de beaucoup de frères.
II. La louange difficile v. 22-26
Un espoir différé rend le cœur malade,
Mais un désir accompli est un arbre de vie.
A. La réaction de l’homme: le murmure. v. 24
B. La réponse de Dieu: le bois v. 25
On a Sunday morning in January 2006, five young men attacked and threatened to kill a Protestant church leader in Turkey. Kamil Kiroglu, twenty-nine, had just left his church in Adana when he was ambushed and beaten so severely that he fell unconscious twice.
“They were trying to force me to deny Jesus,” Kiroglu said. “But each time they asked me to deny Jesus and become a Muslim, I said, ‘Jesus is Lord.’ The more I said, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ the more they beat me.” One of the attackers pulled out a long knife and threatened to kill Kiroglu if he did not deny his Christian faith and return to Islam. Kiroglu refused.
After the incident, he said, “I am praising God—not because he saved me from death, but because he helped me not to deny him in the shadow of death.”
III. La louange éduquée v. 27
Car sa colère dure un instant,
Mais sa grâce toute la vie;
Le soir arrivent les pleurs,
Et le matin l’allégresse.
On a Sunday morning in January 2006, five young men attacked and threatened to kill a Protestant church leader in Turkey. Kamil Kiroglu, twenty-nine, had just left his church in Adana when he was ambushed and beaten so severely that he fell unconscious twice.
“They were trying to force me to deny Jesus,” Kiroglu said. “But each time they asked me to deny Jesus and become a Muslim, I said, ‘Jesus is Lord.’ The more I said, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ the more they beat me.” One of the attackers pulled out a long knife and threatened to kill Kiroglu if he did not deny his Christian faith and return to Islam. Kiroglu refused.
After the incident, he said, “I am praising God—not because he saved me from death, but because he helped me not to deny him in the shadow of death.”