Joshua's Call
Into the granite that marks the grave of one of America’s greatest astronomers is carved these words: “I have lived too long among the stars to fear the night.”
in the parable of the mustard seed he compares the Dominion to the sowing of a seed that later grows and produces a large mustard bush (Luke 13:19), or again he draws an analogy with the hiding of yeast in a mass of dough (Luke 13:20) or the sowing of wheat seed in a field (Mark 4:1–9)
Mike Douglas said in When the Going Gets Tough (Word, 1982) that the big houses and millions of dollars he has made don’t mean success to him. “Success is something inside you. Success is the good things that people do for other people.”
In Poor Richard’s Almanac, Benjamin Franklin said,
If you would not be forgotten,
As soon as you are dead and rotten,
Either write things worth reading,
Or do things worth the writing.