4.4.32 7.2.2017 Psalm 146 Rejoice in a God who Delivers
Secrets to a Super Summer • Sermon • Submitted
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· 13 viewsCelebrate Real Freedom by reembering how God intervenes for us.
Sermon Tone Analysis
Our nation rightly celebrates its birth and place in the world.
▾ Start:
As Christians we are grateful for the blessings of political liberty-
▾ 1 Entice: Our nation rightly celebrates its birth and place in the world. As Christians we are grateful for the blessings of political liberty but not deluded into thinking that this nation and its powers are
-but not deluded into thinking that this nation and its powers are all that there is.
all that there is. We are reminded by the Psalmist to have gratitude for God's gifts but to reserve our praise and ultimate hope for Him.
We are reminded by the Psalmist to have gratitude for God's gifts...
We are reminded by the Psalmist to have gratitude for God's gifts...
...but to reserve our praise and ultimate hope for Him.
...but to reserve our praise and ultimate hope for Him.
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
I will praise the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.
Put not your trust in princes,
in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.
When his breath departs, he returns to the earth;
on that very day his plans perish.
▾ 2 Engage: It is interesting that more than 220 years after the Revolution our nation has no greater ally than Great Britain (what is left of it). They call it the "special relationship."
It is interesting that more than 220 years after the Revolution our nation has no greater ally than Great Britain (what is left of it). They call it the
"special relationship."
"special relationship."
Unfortunately there are a lot of Christians, having been freed from sin and death, that have entered into a "special relationship" with it. they eagerly assert their rights as christians but never assume any of the responsibilities.
assume any of the responsibilities.
When we really understand the nature of our release our
gratitude leads to action, investment and growth
gratitude leads to action, investment and growth
The life and ministry of Jesus made real and universal the hope of salvation celebrated by the Psalmist.
The life and ministry of Jesus made real and universal the hope of salvation celebrated by the Psalmist.
We can join that celebration.
We can join that celebration.
As our nation celebrates political and social freedom,
As our nation celebrates political and social freedom,
as citizens consider how to balance self-determination with self-discipline
as citizens consider how to balance self-determination with self-discipline
from the realm of sin and death.
It is right that today we celebrate our greater freedom created by God in Christ.
It is right that today we celebrate our greater freedom created by God in Christ.
Because all of our freedoms ultimately come from God we should exalt Him for the gift of Christ.
Because all of our freedoms ultimately come from God we should exalt Him for the gift of Christ.
Explain: 3 Expressions of our salvation.
Explain: 3 Expressions of our salvation.
3 Expressions of our salvation.
3 Expressions of our salvation.
▾ Sermon Body
1 Deliverers us from external oppression.
1 Deliverers us from external oppression.
1 Deliverers us from external oppression.
1 Deliverers us from external oppression.
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the Lord his God,
who made heaven and earth,
the sea, and all that is in them,
who keeps faith forever;
who executes justice for the oppressed,
who gives food to the hungry.
The Lord sets the prisoners free;
1.1. Faithful
1.1. Faithful
• 1.2 Just.
1.2 Just.
1.2 Just.
1.2 Just.
1.3 Provider.
1.3 Provider.
1.3 Provider.
1.4 Release.
1.4 Release.
1.4 Release.
2 Liberates us from individual weaknesses.
2 Liberates us from individual weaknesses.
▾ 2 Liberates us from individual weaknesses.
the Lord opens the eyes of the blind.
The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down;
the Lord loves the righteous.
• 2.1 Opens eyes of the blind.
• 2.1 Opens eyes of the blind.
• 2.1 Opens eyes of the blind.
• 2.2 Lifts the lagging.
• 2.2 Lifts the lagging.
• 2.2 Lifts the lagging.
• 2.3 Loves the righteous.
• 2.3 Loves the righteous.
• 2.3 Loves the righteous.
▾ 3 Protects us in a threatening world.
3 Protects us in a threatening world.
3 Protects us in a threatening world.
The Lord watches over the sojourners;
he upholds the widow and the fatherless,
but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin.
3.1 Watches over the wanderer.
3.1 Watches over the wanderer.
3.2 Upholds the widow & orphan.
3.2 Upholds the widow & orphan.
3.3 Wrecks the wicked.
3.3 Wrecks the wicked.
Hail the King!
Hail the King!
In 1776 our nation said NO to mad, ol’ King George.
In 1776 our nation said NO to mad, ol’ King George.
It was a political and social statement which, beyond our personal experience, has had global impact.
Our Christian liberty, our Christian freedom is somewhat different.
In Christ we gladly identify with and submit to the only King of the universe...
The Lord will reign forever,
your God, O Zion, to all generations.
Praise the Lord!
Would you-today-submit to King Jesus?
Would you-today-submit to King Jesus?
Psalm 146.10
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