Living By Faith 2017

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Good morning, UCF. Okay, so I missed the quartet service last night. How was it you guys? It looks good. It looks good. I was watching the live to Facebook live videos and I was sad that I didn't make it but the traffic was ridiculous. So but anyway, it's good to be here this morning. Everybody looks lovely. And I'm so glad to be in the open up with Levis. Everybody stand up.

I'm so glad.

Is a misdemeanor?

It's a mystery.

What do you mean?


hey, man. Hey, man.

I will have it.

Come too far from where?

I'll just

He brought me this far to leave me.

I tried.

I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me.

and I don't believe

just now.

a man

you ain't

am I Good morning, everyone.

This is a blessed day.

I tell you. like sister Brandi said that's our thing song Amen because I don't think

I don't think anyone can even comprehend what God is going to do with this ministry. Amen. All I ask you to do is to stay along for the ride a man cuz it's going to be a good time in the Lord. It ain't always going to be good, but it's going to be a good time in the Lord. Amen. And so I'm grateful that God is his touch this ministry a man to just be a blessing to this community a man a couple of things. Unfortunately if you're interested in going down to the conference in Los Angeles, you can't Sorry, you're bad should sign up earlier he meant and I'm just kidding, you know, really can't because the plane fare the rooms and everything. We we have to pick up at a pic off a pic shut down or shut off date in the date is already come. So I want you to pray for the team that's going down to LA to to the conference cuz we going to come back on fire with some information to Sharon and we all going we going to zoom. Amen. Once we come back last week. We started a series on faith and we going to continue last week. We talked about principles of principles of Faith by living living by faith living by faith, cuz we've been called as believe it to live by faith. Amen. And so are are foundational scripture for this message is Romans chapter 10 verse 17. And so if you would stand it should be on the screen there in Romans chapter 10 verse 17. If not turn to your Bibles Romans chapter. 10 verse 17 and when you get there same man So if it's on the screen say amen. Amen. Alright, let's read that together verse number 17. So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Let's say that again. So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God not join me as we share not confession of Faith repeat this after me. I am not moved. By what I see. or by what I feel I am moved by what I believe. I believe the word of God. Victory is mine. I have it now. I can see it through the eyes of my face. In Jesus name. Amen. Let's take before you have a c just take a few minutes and open up your mouth and give God some praise for yourself a man. Amen, just praise God for what he's doing in your life. Amen. Just thank God of if he's not doing anything you can sit down. But if he woke you up, you might want to give him some praise a man, you know, if you got a roof over your head, you might want to give him some praise a man. You got some clothes on your back some shoes on your feet. You might want to give him some praise. I'm just saying for all the stuff that he's already done for you. You might want to give him some pray. They may not be perfect in your life or whatever you going through. You might want to give God some praise. Amen. Amen Lord. We thank you this morning just because of who you are. We bless you because your God and God all by yourself in we just come father right now to say thank you. You've been so good to us better than we been to ourselves and we just want to acknowledge you by saying thank you and we give you all praise and glory in Jesus precious name let everybody say a man and you may be seated in the presence of the Lord. Alright, can we go back to the young people slide? It is second third and fourth and our young people y'all stand up. We going to get them ready for kids world. Amen father. We pray over our young people we ask God that is they go to class that their hearts and their minds are focused on your word. Lord that you would prepare them to receive from their instructors bless their instructors father God and Lord when they come out that they may be better than when they went in. So take the word Lord and cover. Um, we thank you for all you do in Jesus name. Amen, young people you're dismissed. The kids were all amen. Amen. All right. So let's talk about faith face. What is faith in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 in in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 in the new King James translation. The Bible says now Faith is the substance of things hoped for and it's the evidence of Things Not Seen. So faith is the substance substance is the platform is the foundation of things that you hope for a man may not have it now, but you're hoping to to get those things. Amen and then also faith is the evidence of Things Not Seen now and in that same translation in the new century version of the Bible says faith, Means being sure of the things we hope for being sure of the things. We hope for and knowing that something is real even if we don't see it. Minute that takes some Faith to know that something is real that you have it that it's yours. Even when you don't have it and even when you don't see it a man, but that's what God is calling us to do God is calling us to operate in the space in this Dimension. Call Faith a man. Now when you look at faith faith faith can do your face can be a verb face can be an adjective. But when when you think about faith in this is why I think sometimes we mess up when we say Have Faith. You have to have an object of your face. Are you with me? You can't just say I got faith. What what do you have faith in right people say just have faith, but you got to And something a man and so the object of our faith as Believers is God. The object of our faith is the word of God, whatever the word of God. That's what I have faith in now. It's really easy to have faith in people tell you something and they said imma imma pay you back in 2 weeks you loan him some money. They say I'm going to pay you back in 2 weeks. So you have faith that they going to pay you back in 2 weeks until they start running from you. A man y'all know I'm talking about right? Yeah. I got family members. You don't loan money to and then you don't see him. Amen. Come on. Let's keep this thing real show faith has to have an object and the object of our faith is always the word of God. It's always God so synonymous with the word faith, you can say whenever you hit the word faith, you can say faith in God. Or faith in the word of God Amen. So when somebody tells you have faith what they're really saying is have faith in God or have faith in the word of God. Does that make sense? So now when you hear that words translated and say okay I can I have to have faith in the word of God. I have to have faith in in who God is and what God says. Does that make sense? So turns you never said when you hear face. in your mind translate it to say faith in God. All right. Does that make sense? Okay. So now what this faith in God this Faith becomes a doorway to abundance.

Faith in God becomes your doorway and opens up the door to everything that you want and God. So now if I say I have faith I have faith in God, but that kind of Faith opens up a door to my abundance. It opens up a door to my healing. It opens up the door to my Prosperity open doors and open up the door to my relationship. It opens up the door to what I hope for does that make sense? I'm not having faith in the word face. I'm having faith in God. I am having faith in the word of God because that's what opens up the door for me to step in to all the blessings that God has for me. Does that make sense?

So this face that were talking about is a key that unlocks now now, you know how in the world we use money to unlock a bunch of stuff, right? I'm broke. No, I'm not confessing that don't get me wrong. But right now I don't have any money in my pocket, right because I'm married.

Wait, if y'all don't see me next week, y'all know my wife killed me. It wasn't no. No, my wife loves me. But this faith in God that the Bible talks about this faith that we hear this faith is a key that unlocks the door that allows you to have access to what God wants you to have. Does that make sense the difference we use money and many times are power or position or Prestige or who we know to get to a place that we want to go in the right, you know, somebody who knows somebody who can get you where you need to go. Right? Well in the in the kingdom of God, that doesn't work. The only thing that works in the kingdom of God is this thing called faith in God, that's what unlocks everything for so some of us gets we struggle as we are trying to operate in the kingdom of God doing it. The way the world does it it won't work like that. So in the kingdom of God the God. Says you don't have it. Operate like you do have it.

When you let that sink in for a minute. You're hoping for walking talk like you already have. In in the world the Bible said, I mean the world to world says you don't have it until I can see it. Remember last week. I talked about how we we we perceive everything hearing tasting and smelling seeing and there's another y'all help me I feeling But in in the kingdom of God the way this thing operates as God says you got to trust me before I give it to you. You want your healing operate like you are healed in the name of Jesus and I will heal that thing that needs to be healed in your life. Are you with me some today's Christians are so bound on. Let me see it.

The kingdom says believe it and then God will manifested for you. Does that make sense? That's why a lot of us struggle in the king of cuz we're trying to get something for trying to get it before. We believe you got to believe in it before I give it to you. Turned it upside down flip it on it a man to understand this whole face thing. You got to understand that. I have to believe it before I receive it. Does that make sense? fancy faith in God it operates like a law. When you apply it when you apply faith in God, it's as if Jesus did the thing. Okay, y'all looking at me crazy now you don't brought Jesus in this. Thought. This was all about me.

Everything is connected to him a man this fate. Because of who we are in Christ Jesus unlocks all that God has for us exceeding you exceedingly abundantly all that we can think or imagine y'all need it unlocked and when we have faith in God for a thing is like Christ doing the thing.

This was real. That was good. What y'all like that dude? Yeah. Yeah. I like that. Y'all got that.

So when you apply.

It's as unchanging as a Jesus applied it and did whatever. It was us or needed in your life.

Are you with me?

Spiritually mentally physically financially relational and professional when you operate in this faith in God as a believer. You can have it.

Don't be afraid of it. Because some of y'all thinking right now, I'm not good enough to have it. But it has nothing to do with how good you are cuz none of us are good to have good enough to have it. We all missed the mark amen. But the thing about it is God doesn't see us for the stuff. We do. He sees us through his son Jesus. That's good enough a man. Are you with me?

verse 3 * 1 verse 3

cuz there's a follow Christ faith in God should come in every area of your life and let me tell you, you know, and I say this all the time if you thinking about getting married you got to have faith in God to cover your relationship now. If you thinking about getting the job you got to have faith in God to cover you in that employment situation right now. You you you you got some health problems. You got to have faith in God that he's already healed you in that area right that isn't it? Does that make sense? You know this every area of your life kids acting up wait, I got faith in God that he can correct this situation. Amen everybody. Have you applied the faith of God on your child. Amen? Is this making sense? Alright in Colossians chapter 2 verse 3 in the new century version translation says in him stay in him. All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are safely kept in Christ Jesus everything we want everything we need is kept their sewing on the front to give we got to have faith in God through Christ Jesus that we can have access to it. Does that make sense in first for he says I saved it so that no one can fool you by arguments that seem good but are false. When the Bible tells us. Everything that we need and everything that we desire is in God through Christ. Jesus don't ever let anybody else tell you anything different. I don't care if it's the preacher if I come up and say something that is different from what the word of God you think. Wait a minute this what the Bible says.

This is what I heard. You said I don't start nitpicking cuz sometimes I trip over words, you know how some Believers like well you didn't quite say that word, right? What we're talking about is this when it's someone tells you something contrary to the word of God don't believe it believe what the word of God says. man, I never seen anybody do that what God is telling you to start a business that nobody else is done there the reason cuz nobody else is Does that make sense. There's write a book or or go travel over here or Minister over here. The reason he's telling you is cuz he prepared you to do it so you go. Well, I think is God telling me that I need to go over to the Middle East and and pray for people or something like that. Well what you think never happened here or what? Did God tell you then take that line it up with the scripture. God is telling you to go just like you told Abraham that you got to go.

We all have this thing called a Measure of Faith. Everybody said in that chair based on face.

Hey, man, so you haven't mentioned Ray.

We all have faith. And we all that we have faith in the Holy Spirit believing God has given to us a Measure of Faith and he's giving us Faith to believe in him not just in one area, but all areas. That makes sense. Now you got to challenge yourself here because you said hey, I'm good with my marriage, but my finances are all jacked up. Can I have faith in God in my financial area? You have the same measure of faith that you have in your relationship area and your financial are does that make sense?

It's amazing to me how phone can believe they say by faith. I can't believe that God will bless them exceedingly abundantly more than they can think or Imagine by faith. Ashley force all the time running rough. I'm saying Sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit, but you're not acting like that the same as your face in this other area. That makes sense. Wait, why can't I have authority over my home? Just like I believe that I'm going to head when I die. Does that make sense?

So God is asking us to grow in our face. Hey, man. Everything that he has is ours. Look at Colossians chapter 2 verse 9 is this making sense? In Colossians chapter 2 verse 9 that says all of God Lives fully in Christ. Even when Christ was on Earth First princess and you have a full and True Life In Christ who is ruler over all who is ruler over all rulers and Powers.

In the new King James translation that same verse Colossians 2:9 says for in him dwells all the fullness of the godhead bodily verse 10 says and you are complete in him who is the head of all principalities and powers and that's why Philippians chapter 4 verse 13 make sense.


I have faith in the god. Tell me to do those things.

It must be hot in here. Hey, man, is it hot in here?

Bless and amen.

Now it's up to you. Just how far you go with the faith that God has given you. See, here's the problem. Most people want to operate on a limited amount of face. And then when they see people operating on an exceedingly abundantly amount they want to pull them back down crabs in the barrel. Hey, man, we say we can do this thing. We're going to do this thing. Somebody has a limited amount of face at somebody said man. I'm going to school over here. I'm going to get my law degree. I'm going to become a doctor supposed to round you who don't have that kind of face.

I'm telling you watch who you around.

I don't have a power and authority because we

you can if you want to give folks the stuff that God gave you and they want to snatch it and take it away.

Why you can't as opposed to why you should be and why you can do it. Watch who you around. Tell your neighbor watch who you around.

Here's the deal.

the growth of your face

and your face ability is directly proportional to the time you spend developing.

When I get around first with little faith, I know what they've been doing. They've been spending time on a self and not the word of God.

Does that make sense every time somebody comes to me and I don't know what I want to say and I can't say cuz I don't want to hurt his feelings. I want to save backup you spending too much time listening to folks who can't do anything for you and then not enough time in the word of God who can do everything for you. a man You got problems in your marriage to go to the word of God? You got problems at home. Go to word of God. We got problems in your Finance to go to word of God. Don't let me tell you everything that you need is in the word of God. Does that make sense? We got to live by this thing y'all let me tell you, you know. We we can get emotional about stuff happy and excited about stuff, you know, but then at some point we got to just be obedient to things and it has nothing to do with emotions. To see sometimes your emotions will have you feeling a certain way and your feelings are deceitful because one minute you feeling up and the next minute you feeling down man, if I was in a relationship with somebody who's always it based on a Feeling. I'll be crazy. 1 minutes you up the Lord hallelujah, everything home. God bless you brother. Everything is fine the next minute. I don't talk to me about that stuff. If I got around people who always crazy watch who you around

I feel as opposed to whether or not I'm going to do it. Amen then if if you were around people based on how you feel.

I'm feeling good. Oh, it ain't enough sun outside. So I can't be my best. You know what? I don't I don't feel like that hit a bump your feelings. a man what you feel is deceitful to your body to your flesh. Word of God say even if you don't sell it. I got to still love you. Even if you don't feel I got to do the right thing even when somebody do you wrong I still got to treat them right when people come at you crazy now, I can't go back and some crazy. Amen. It's not about how you feel and too many of us running around based on our feelings.

So we got a growth process a man. And is directly proportional to the time you spend developing. So how do we do this Romans chapter 10 verse 17 anybody getting anything out of this? That's alright his way that says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Faith in God is born out of the word of God. It becomes easy for the person who spends time in the world to have faith in God. Does that make sense? You can't have it unless you spend time in the world Amen.

It says enter again. Jesus began teaching by the lake a great crowd gathered around him. So he sat down in a boat near the shore and all the people stayed on the shore close to the water. Y'all see that. Who says Jesus taught them many things using stories. He said he listened a farmer went out to plant a seed and verse 3 verse 4 says while he was planning to fail by the road and the birds came and ate it up y'all see that.

first five says don't see fell on Rocky ground where there wasn't much dirt. That's he grew fast, but the ground was not deep. You see that? When the sun rose the plant dried up because they didn't have deep roots. Are you waiting for 7 some seed fell among thorny weeds which grew and choke the good plant watch who you around? Watch watch who you around a man. Those plant then produce a crop. Never numbers the same scene being Planet different situations a man.

Some other seed fell on good ground and begin to grow and got taller and produced the crop some plants made 30 times more some a 60 times and some it a hundred times more when you around the right folks in the right environment. You can flourish and not only can you florist the people around you will flourish. Does that make sense? And then Jesus hit him with this. He said let those with ears use them and listen.

We always hearing something a man, but we not listening to the word percent later. When Jesus was alone the 12 apostles and others around him ask about the stories and Jesus says you can know the secret about the kingdom of God, but to other people tell everything by using stories. Virtua said so that they will not check this out get this cuz this.

It wasn't worth it. They will look and look but they will not learn. You know folks always trying to get the latest stuff or I heard this I got this. Oh somebody saying this over there or did you hear this new philosophy off this thing is I don't know we need to be doing.

and never

first one says they will listen and listen, but never understand. Beautiful beyond the church all the time and it was a good word from the Lord. Did you understand it?

Because they will listen and listen, but they will not understand if they did learn and understand they would come back to me and be forgiven.

413 Whitney Then Jesus said to his followers.

Then Jesus said to his followers. This ain't for everybody.

Don't you understand this story if you don't how will you understand any story? Explain the farmer is like a person who plans God's message in people. Sometimes the teaching falls on the road. This is like the people who hear the teaching of God, but Satan quickly comes and takes away the teaching that was planted in them. Watch who you around. watching you open yourself up to watch who you allowed to pour into your life. Amen. 416 others are like to see planet on Rocky ground. They hear the teaching and quickly accepted with joy. Bats for $0.17 they don't allow the teaching to go deep into their lives. They keep it only a

small world

Is that make sense? And then people wondering all past it. I don't think this Christian stuff working for me. Wait, did you let anything get deep in you? Well, I don't know what you talk about past. Did you spend any time with the word? Oh, no, I'm so busy. I can come too. What you want me to take? Hey, man, it's like you know where those who are physical trainers that get people like me in the gym and they trying to work them out, right? And they say did you do my program? I was busy and you know, I like them coconut donuts. And you know, I am I right does that make sense if you don't put the time and you ain't going to get the results a man. I know that.

I'm just keeping it real. When trouble or persecution comes because of the teaching they accepted and they quickly give up and here's what I want. You understand once you get the teaching. And you get joy the problems are going to come as a result of what you just receive. I want you get this. I want you to get y'all got to get this you get it and make sense. Do you operate enjoy? Yes was coming behind it the problems to test whether or not you have faith in what you have joy in.

Sweetwater, Texas Bruce 18 others are like to see planning among thorny weeds. They hear the teaching but the words of this life. The temptation of wealth and many other evil desires keep the teaching from growing and producing fruit in their life is what I want when God puts a seed in your in your spirit about a thing be patient. Be patient. Because I'm trying to get everything yesterday. That's not how this thing works. Everybody want to be a millionaire billionaire yesterday. You you follow me. Everybody want the Leo. You know, what if I get a t-shirt company, I'm going to be rich if I if I if I get on this I'm going to do this. If I if I create a different version of skinny jeans. I'm going to do this if I am trying to create something real quick fast in a hurry and it don't work like that job. It's a seed that has to be planted. It has to be sewn has to be water fertilized and it grows over time. Amen. So if that t-shirt company is something that God gave you be patient cuz what's yours is yours. Amen.

Watch out for the words of this life and verse 20 others are like the seed planted in the good ground. They hear the teaching and accepted y'all y'all hear that they hear it and accept date say it. They hear it and accept it that's important. Then they grow and produce fruit. Sometimes 30 times more sometimes and sometimes a hundred times more but they produce fruit because they allowed to see to grow in them cuz that makes sense. So the seed of the word of God say the seed is the word of God. So now if the word of God is my face, In the word of God is the seed I need to plant the seed in my in my body in my heart. So that it grow because that's what Imma have faith in does that make sense in the word of God is the seed now get it I get it. There is a lot of motivational stuff out there. I'll listen to it when I'm in my feelings and I don't feel like doing something it's good to get some motivation. But the best motivation you ever going to get his the word of God Amen because here's the deal that the word of God you see motivational speakers come and go. If they only own it's only a few who survive through a period of time but look at the word of God over 2000 years. It's been the same word motivating people to do things that they didn't even believe that were possible because of their faith in the word of God. Does that make sense when it's all said and done go back to the word. Amen.

the word of God say the seed is the word of God. I'm almost done. Y'all getting some good stuff here. Look at Mark chapter 4 verse 26

It says then Jesus said the kingdom of God is like someone who plants seed in the ground verse 27. Check this out. The kingdom of God is like someone who plants seed in the ground now verse 27 night and day whether the person is asleep or wait to see still gross. But the person does not know how it grows. Look at verse 28 by itself the Earth produces grain first the plant grows then the head and then all the Grain in the head verse 29 when the grain is ready to harvest God is going to plant a seed in you and it's going to grow. And you ain't going to know how it's going to grow check this out, but it shows it like this. He says just like the Earth First the plant grows. You going to see a little bit.

You know, I told you last year I was I was farming, right?

I'm working on my garden again. So here's what I know is he gets planted and and you know, I don't know how it does. I don't know. I mean scientifically there's a way because that's dies. The seed has to die. And then it opens up and it transforms into something else. Amen. Stay with me and it has roots that go deep in the ground.

Outside because you know what God is doing on the inside a man.

What God is doing on the inside, but we know that God is doing some on the inside you waiting for the cedar for filming of it, and it's going to take time. Are you with me so that see gets in there? And then it dies the sea doesn't it transformed into what it's supposed to be but you got to die first in order to transfer it. So what you're supposed to be. Does that make sense then that thing takes root and it goes down deep because the guy can nourish it and got when you feed yourself the word of God those roots of the word beat ya'll with me. And if the roots of the word to going deep it's changing you on the inside so that the spirit man is becoming stronger than the fleshly man and the things that you used to do you don't want to do anymore and I used to feel you don't feel it anymore and people can't hurt you the way that used to hurt you and you got a different joints because something is on the inside that's taking control of you, but you can't see it on the outside. Does that make sense?

So then the Bible says the plant growth and then out of the ground you see The first the Bible causes the head first leaves first, I remember. Last year when I was growing.

tomatoes first of all, I got excited cuz I'm planning to see and then out of there cuz you understand. I'm from Chicago and it's all concrete, you know, we got all our fruit and vegetables from the store. I don't know how they got there. But they were there when we needed him a man. I didn't know down in Arkansas and Mississippi always growing them and shipping them to Chicago. They just was there when I needed a many men. So it was a great experience for me and still is

Don't you laugh at me? Don't don't laugh at me because that was excited for me. And my wife would tell you I had this up in the window seal. That's a man. I was up there every day looking is anything happening. And it finally something grew out of that man. I was shouting for Joy because I finally saw some evidence of what was going on.

But because the word was going deep in me I couldn't go back and then finally I begin to see the Or the head of of what God was doing to me and I didn't want to go back.

You know that time when you don't want to go you can go.

I've got producing me something that was 23. And now today I'm pastoring God if you go back to Chicago don't mention my name.

Y'all laughing do not mention my name then cuz they going to call you a lie. If you tell him he's pastoring a man, but not through the Advent of Facebook. I've got a lot of people say you throwing me off now. I didn't know that's what you're doing now. I'm like, that's my that's my entry point to witnessing. Let me tell you. What God can do now I'm off topic, but let's let's look at this. All right. And then the Green in the head and then the Bible says between I got it when the grain is ready the farmer cuts it because it's harvest time. Don't sorry.

Don't touch.

You know when you talk into the cable coming wrong?

Can you search can I have a digital microphone, please?

I want one of them that you or did the core testing. It was all down the aisle with.

But but here's what I want to say. We going to close out. I'll finish up next week. Here's what I want to say. Be patient because God has planted the seed in you be patient allow the seed to grow deep. Which means

some of the places you

How many more because they all try to choke?

and how you don't see it now, but in the end run and you how many other people? You can you can't see it now speak.

It don't let so many other people. Go back and read that story in the story of Joseph. His family did him wrong a man, but God had a plan and sometimes what folks me at the wrong. God intended it all along would be good. So what you're going through sometimes is is because God has a bigger plan a man. Alright, so I want to say that you got to see

Did this is Bianca and I'm not supposed to give it to me. So when you get that seat. Remember when you plant a seed in the ground you can't go digging into the messing with it, right? It's got a rest. And it's got to learn it's got to do what it's supposed to do. So want to see gets planted in you you got to learn how to rest and praise God. Right there just just stop by there and begin to rest cuz you know, the seed has been planted and begin to praise God. That's going to help that see take root in you. But if you're busy doing all the stuff you used to do you will not have time to allow the sea to take root and sometimes we choked out our own seat. A man being busy with everything but what God has called us to be busy with amen. Alright, so we going to stop there. I'll pick it up next week. Is that okay to go next week? Alright, so give got a big hand of praise.

I'm believing for some wireless microphones that really work. So I ain't looking at you. All right. All right, so next step. Let's go next steps. That's so weird.

Sea does the word of God and only way to get to the word of God in you is to read the Bible daily. Hey, man, you guys so just yeah. I know we have Bible study on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but what many of you may not know is on Sunday mornings at 10. We have Bible study as well as for a half hour, probably 30-35 minutes and we have breakfast there. So we inviting everybody to come out cuz he was what I believe the more we read the word of God and allow it to take rutin us. The quicker then we can begin to blossom into what God has called us to be a man. So we try to create these spaces where you can read the word. So Tuesday night Thursday night Sunday morning. So that leaves Monday Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, right? How many how many of you know there a lot of Bible applications out there and I got smartphone name and I know everybody got a smartphone. Amen. There is a YouVersion Bible application called you version if you don't have it go download it a man and and here's what I in in 2 minutes. You can read the word because they have devotionals in 2 minutes. You know you wake up before you do anything you pray. You think I click if you going to open up your smartphone or tablet go to you version It's a devotional read the devotion and then just after I got the Phillies help me understand what you're saying here. They man bun. That's it. Then you go on with your day, right? Noon time comes you eating your food open it up. If you didn't get it in the morning 2 minutes in the evening. Can you get back from work? You do the gym thing or not like me or you know, I used to but you know, boom open it up to get you some word in a man. Let us eat a croup and then I'll say you got a pretty when you can't walk this walk of faith without praying you can't this is too hard. You won't understand if you don't turn that stuff over to God and say God.

sing the guy and here's the thing about that. He won't judge you. You know, I'm saying he won't make fun of you.

Amen, so, sometimes we be holding onto stuff in and we're hurting on the inside cuz we worry about what people say about us and you know, think about it. Take it to God Amen pray. Amen. And then again, I always say this this next few things is for us to grow as a Ministry. We always need volunteers at the church a man in for those who are volunteer. God bless you. Thank you so much. I know I'm over using y'all but to hang in there with me a man and let me tell you I we got a blessing we got a big printer at the church office. So we want to think I'm not mentioning any names but y'all know who you are. Making sure we get it serviced. God bless you now we can probably bring in the house some of the stuff some of the stuff that we've been using the print outside and save some money in the ministry a man. That's how God is working a man, but we need volunteers again, too.

Any type of blessing for you? If you've gotten anything out of this just invite someone just in the bud. If each one of us invites one person, you know, we double this. Amen. Amen. And so

we had the in our announcements December talk about these connection cards. Right y'all got these if you didn't fill them out. Please take a minute to fill it out as much information as you would like to share with us cuz we want to stay in contact with you. But here's what's really important to me. My wife. We got a couple prayer Partners working with us. Put your prayer request on you. Man, if you if you don't even put your your full name on put your first name and last name to put your prayer request on here because sometimes when you're going through it's good to have somebody praying along with you a man and I tell you I believe in prayer because I know what prayer can do Prayer Changes Things a man. And so if you haven't fill this out at at least put your name on it put your prayer request a first-time guest second time. Yes, regular tender member and leader a man would like to know that a man. This is our way of making sure those who come by as gaskets won't call people visitors cuz he visitors we not expecting visitors. Guess we expecting a man when you invite somebody to your house that your guests amen so you expected and I think we've been cleaned up a little bit for y'all a man.

Just coming over with your mom said if you don't clean that bathroom cuz in case they got to use that bathroom. Amen. I think we clean the bathroom in that did we clean the bathroom? We even have to mention there any man so don't take that out. So so those are next steps cuz I don't believe you can come to worship service and not have something to do after you hear the word a man. I don't believe in that they leave the same way. They came out that come on guys time like that. You want to come up here and we going to tell you about this amazing gift that we have. Amen. Amen. Let the Church Say Amen Vanessa that's a wonderful message that he brought today about faith. And we all need faith. Because we all got to understand that's issue is we born that we going to die. And you know death like I said last night it just like a police. They take the young it take the old then he takes some time. We take the last one of your family. So, you know when you got to have somewhere to spend eternity. You know, I didn't yes. It sure was as a heaven that you as a hell. So you have a choice to spending the way ever you would like to spend it. God gave us a free will. And so if you don't have God as your personal savior now is the time to accept him.

You know you with thanks David thing is going well and I will eyes but somewhere down the line we going to leave here. God in Me

and so it's time if you don't belong to no church is time for you to get on board. In life how to say if you don't want to be a member of face of a United Christian Fellowship. You'll send you to wherever you want to go.

But it's time for us to be with God.

He love us. He is our father. He knows when we are right and you know when we were wrong.

it's always time if you

decide to come you can at this particular time.

So I guess everybody is on board everybody. Accept Jesus as a prisoner of the Lord and savior.

So we have done what God have required for us to do. So it nothing else. Will you pick up Ava ties and offering?

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