Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
*#2 The Mystery of God -Psalm 139 -Toronto 2007*
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*Illustration:* on my back northern lights- WOW
Where at a point in some 139 right now where King David can't move a muscle where King David just stops stocks still and is overwhelming goes wow.
Not at the northern lights but at God.
*Tonight were looking at the mystery of God.*
So far in verses 1-5 David has talked about the awesomeness of God.
· You know my thoughts
· You know my words
· you know my words before a word is even on my tongue
*He thinks himself how can that be.*
*How can God know all that?*
David says, Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to
Ps. 139:6 NIV
Look at the message translation of this verse,
This is too much, too wonderful-- I can’t take it all in!
Your [infinite] knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high above
me, I cannot reach it.
Amplified Bible
*David just pauses and says to God*
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*"I can’t get how you can do the things you do"*
Have ever been at that point in your life.
Where you just can't comprehend the awesomeness of God.
*Check out this clip*
Joe versus the volcano (Scene 22)
“ I forgot how big”
Could it be possible for Good bible believing Christians
· Contributing to the new church building fund type people.
· Sunday school attending type people Bible reading type people
· To forget how big God is, to stop being blown away by God anymore.
*Have you experienced that in your own life, where you have forgot God? *
*Where you aren’t blown away, anymore?
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In this verse we see David focusing on something which blows him away.
In Psalm 139 David talks about things that are too big.
· About God knitting him together in his mother's womb.
· That every day of his life is written for him in the book of God before he was even born.
· And how God knows his words before he even speaks that and
*He starts wondering about the spectacular mysteries like how can God can be that in control and David still have free will.*
Unlike David what we have done when we don’t understand things like the Trinity or had God has complete sovereign control of this world.
Rather than being humbled enough to say we just don't understand this God, we instead put God in his nice little box.
*Our culture proposes that it is better if we don't understand for us not to even think about it.
It is better to think about the things that we can understand.*
But what David does in this Psalm he talks about one thing after another that just blows him away, that no matter how hard he tries it is can't get his head around.
Things are confusing and complicated and mind blowing and he doesn't try to understand them, he says you know what, these things are true, and I can't understand them, but I like to think about them.
But for no other reason other than its cool.
*This verse shows us it’s not only o**kay **to admit you don’t*
*understand God; in fact it’s a sign of spiritual **maturity**!*
Sometimes we can think if I admit that I don't understand something, it’s a sign of a lack of faith or it’s a sign of doubt.
*No, it's a sign of maturity.
There are some things the Bible does reveal to us like
· God's love and power and
· His purpose our lives and
· About Christ's sacrifice for our sins,
· but there are some things I don't know and will never understand.
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*But in saying that we need to note, “that Wonder and ignorance is not the same thing.”
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*There are things you can know about God that God has revealed to us so that we learn them and other things that all you can do is to stand back in wonder.*
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*Why is this good thing to do?*
*There are many benefits to experiencing the mystery of God.*
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*And I am going to go through five of them tonight.*
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Meditating on the mystery of God gives me a sense of **wonder** ... because God is ** awe inspiring.*
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*Having moments of wonder is good for you.*
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*Illustration: *
*Kids and ants (just a bunch of ant's)*
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*You don't catch grown-ups staring at the ant hills or ant nests too often, unless there high on something.
Forget about ant's what about God.*
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*instead of being in awe Humans like to God and little box build a fence around him.*
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Kiama blow hole.
(blasts then big gaps and blasts again)
It is great fun to watch people who arrive in between blasts, they stand at the fence.
Thinking to themselves I’m safe here behind the fence Shellharbour council has put the fence here to keep us at a safe distance back from the power of the ocean.
But what they don’t realise that most of the blast are contained behind the fence but every now and then, a huge blast occurs and absolutely drenches the lot of them.
But that’s the fun of the blow hole -one moment you are dry detached observers the next thing you know you are experiencing first hand it’s awesomeness as it breaks the fence as you are swapped drenched participants.
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*Well you know what that's What God does to us.*
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*We sometimes think we have God behind the fence but every once in awhile he says you know what those fences cannot keep me in.
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*Sometimes he swamps and drenches us in amazement and that's what happens here in Psalm 139 v~/s 6 as David is left drenched in amazement in this verse and in verses is like*
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Ps. 47:2 How awesome is the LORD Most High, the great King over
all the earth!
The word awesome has kind of lost some of its meaning.
“that’s awesome”
How can we did rediscover what it means to be awestruck
I think for a start, like David, we must first allow ourselves to stand in wonder of how big God is.
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*Come to a place of awe.
Where the dividing line between heaven and earth disappears*
Sometimes you just need to let the waves of God, blast over your fences.
And be astonished because focusing on the mysteries of God not just the things you understand also gives you a sense of, not only of wonder, but also
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*2.**humility** ... because God is **beyond my understanding **_*
Would you agree that this could sometimes to get a dose of humility big puts in your place.
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*Illustration:* Joe Lewis Boxer
*Walk humbly before God who every day shows us his business card.*
Raise your hand if you know of anyone who thought the universe revolved around them.
Now raise your hand if you think they are sitting next to you?
People are so self absorbed that they even make their own religions revolving around them.
A young, now well known nurse and activist "Sheila Larson, in a book “Habits of the heart” quotes,
Believe in God.
I'm not a religious fanatic.
I can't remember the last time I went to church.
My faith has carried me a long way.
It's Sheilaism.
Just my own little voice.
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9