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Alternate Marriage Service #3
The parties standing before the minister, he shall say:
Marriage is a joyous occasion. It is connected in our thoughts with the magic charm of home, and with all that is pleasant and attractive in the tenderest and most sacred relations of life.
And now, if you _______________ and _______________ have at present appeared for the purpose of being joined in legal wedlock, you will please to signify this intention, by uniting your right hands.
The minister shall then say to the man:
Do you take the (woman) whom you now hold by the hand, to be your lawful and wedded wife?
Answer, I do; or, assent.
Answer, I do; or, assent.
Do you promise to love and cherish her, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, and forsaking all others keep thee only unto her, so long as you both shall live?
Answer, I do; or assent. Then to the woman:
Answer, I do; or assent. Then to the woman:
Do you take the (man) who now stands by your side and who holds you by the hand, to be your lawful and wedded husband?
Do you take the man who now stands by your side and who holds you by the hand, to be your lawful and wedded husband?
Answer, I do; or assent.
Do you promise, to love and cherish him, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as you both shall live?
Do you promise, to love and cherish him, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as you both shall live?
Answer, I do; or assent.
You mutually promise in the presence of God, and of these witnesses, that you will at all times and in all circumstances, conduct yourselves toward one another as becometh Husband and Wife?
Both answer, I do; or assent. That you will love, cherish, and adhere to one another, until separated by death?
Both answer, I do; or assent. That you will love, cherish, and adhere to one another, until separated by death?
Both answer, I do; or assent.
Both answer, I do; or assent. If a ring is used, the minister will say to the Bridegroom:
If a ring is used, the minister will say to the Bridegroom:
You will please place this ring on the hand of your affianced Bride … and reunite your hands.
You will please place this ring on the hand of your affianced Bride … and reunite your hands.
If a second ring is to be given, a similar instruction will be given to the Bride. He shall continue:
Having taken these pledges of your affection and vows of fidelity, I do therefore, by authority of the laws of this State, sanctioned by divine authority, pronounce you _______________ and _______________, lawfully married, Husband and Wife; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
What, therefore, God hath joined together, let no one put asunder.
Edward Thurston Hiscox and Frank T. Hoadley, The Star Book for Ministers, 2nd rev. ed. (Willow Grove, PA: Woodlawn Electronic Publishing, 1995).
Exported from Logos Bible Software, 1:27 PM July 6, 2017.
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