What Brotherly Love Shouldn't Be
Sermon Tone Analysis
describes in detail what Christian love is. The passage we are going to look at tonight tells us what Christian love isn’t.
Context. The last words of chapter 4 are “whoever loves God must also love His brother.” The word must speaks of obligation. It is an obligation but there’s more to it than that.
I. Love for God cannot exist apart from love for believers. (Vv 1-3a)
I. Love for God cannot exist apart from love for believers. (Vv 1-3a)
Those who believe Jesus is the virgin born God-man are born of God. Those who love God love believers (those born of God). Verse 2: When you love the children of God you are demonstrating love for God and obedience to HIs commands (command to love one mentioned). For loving God is keeping HIs commandments, which is to love believers. Circular reasoning. Can’t separate the two.
II. Love for believers should not be a burden. (Vv 3b-5)
II. Love for believers should not be a burden. (Vv 3b-5)
Shouldn’t feel like a burden. This doesn’t mean what we do out of love will always be easy. But there should be joy and willingness to love believers. Not something we should have to make ourselves do, or do strictly out of obligation.
Love should not be a burden because believers have overcome the world.
Love should not be a burden because believers have overcome the world.
Love should not be a burden because believers have overcome the world.
Love should not be a burden because believers have overcome the world.
For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.
Believers overcome the world by faith in Jesus Christ.
Believers overcome the world by faith in Jesus Christ.
Those who have been born of God have overcome the worldly tendency to satisfy their own sinful cravings, and as a result they are free to show love to others and so fulfill God's commands.
Believers overcome the world by faith in Jesus Christ.
Believers overcome the world by faith in Jesus Christ.
It is through our relationship with Jesus Christ that we are able to overcome the world. By His Word and His Spirit. Our union with Him enables us to walk in victory, although not perfectly. Christ in us creates a love for others.
Big Idea: If you love God loving fellow believers won’t be a burden.
Big Idea: If you love God loving fellow believers won’t be a burden.
How good it is to see people eager to help when one of us needs it.