I am the True Vine
The Great I am, who does that make me • Sermon • Submitted
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I am the True Vine () 15:1-11
Jewish history
, ()
Israel is described as avine planted by the Lord Himself
Never became a source of sweet wine for the nations
Failure of Isreal did not frustrate the purpose of God. God was not dependant on that nation. It mainly focus on Jesus
In Jesus we can flourish. No human flurouish outside of Christ.
Fruitfulness or Fruitlessness (v.2, v.6) if we focus on that it can we will miss the main point of the text.
Remain!!!! Where do we see that word and what does it say?
Final night of Jesus Betrayal at dinner he is preparing them for what is going to happen when he goes.
Got is going to spend the Spirit to be the people of God in this world. Jesus Christ is Lord. That he is the I am, He is the Bread of Life, The Good Shepherd, The True Vine.
We live in times that make us nervous but he is the great I am
Message is simple:
How do you grow fruit?
Grow fruit because we are part of the vine. Focus is on him!!!! Not on us…
What it is not about
Know someone
Close to the vine
Jesus is my lord, my friend,
Apart from him we are nothing…
Grafted into the vine… why is this important?
What is Grafted mean???
New vine is going to bear fruit
Old One has a history
In order for grafting to work the new vine must be healthy. Imagine if we just grafted a dead vine to a dead vine?
Fruit is the consequence, Christ is the cause. Fruit is the symptom of either being attached to the vine or not….
What kind of fruit should we grow? Evidence that we are remaining in the vine
v.10 obedience
v. 11 joy
we are clothed in his righteousness
nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ
We have Joy because we know that God can not love us anymore or any less in Christ
v.12 loving We can love others because of the love of Christ
v.13 witnessing