Living Worthy of Your Calling
Nothing sells a newspaper like scandal, and no scandal is better than one which happens within a socially prominent family. In many cases, the issues surrounding a scandal are not unusual. What makes a scandal newsworthy is when it happens with someone whom we would normally not associate with such behavior. We hold a high standard for our officials which we expect them to keep. Behavior common to the average person is unacceptable. Kings do not get into barroom brawls. Queens do not get drunk in public. Presidents do not shoplift. To do any of these would be to live beneath what is expected of them. If this is true for those of our society upon whom we place great honor, how much more so for the child of God who is heir to His kingdom. Such high and regal honor is bestowed upon the redeemed of God. Therefore, Paul challenges the believers not to lose sight of their responsibility and besmirch their name by acting in a manner not in keeping with who they are.
Nothing sells a newspaper like scandal, and no scandal is better than one which happens within a socially prominent family. In many cases, the issues surrounding a scandal are not unusual. What makes a scandal newsworthy is when it happens with someone whom we would normally not associate with such behavior. We hold a high standard for our officials which we expect them to keep. Behavior common to the average person is unacceptable. Kings do not get into barroom brawls. Queens do not get drunk in public. Presidents do not shoplift. To do any of these would be to live beneath what is expected of them. If this is true for those of our society upon whom we place great honor, how much more so for the child of God who is heir to His kingdom. Such high and regal honor is bestowed upon the redeemed of God. Therefore, Paul challenges the believers not to lose sight of their responsibility and besmirch their name by acting in a manner not in keeping with who they are.