July 16, 2017 Morning Service

Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  53:36
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FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF MANCHESTER When you hear that popular song, “Don't worry, be happy." If you’re not in a crisis, it sounds so nice and THE SERMON THAT JESUS PREACHED good. But if, just after your car was totaled or the bank MATTHEW 6:25-34: sends a foreclosure notice on your house – and someone says, “Don’t worry, be happy” – it feels like a HO E ORRY moth full of sand. W , M , W ? I could have given you three, four, five or six good PASTOR DAVID SAYLOR DATE Biblical reasons why you should not worry. I could READ: Matthew 6:25-34 have told you to take it all to the throne and leave it I'm not sure exactly how to approach this topic that there - that anything less is lack of faith and sin. I could our Lord has graciously given us this week in our study have, and I might have. But I won't do it now. of the Sermon on the Mount. He must have a sense of I want to make a statement - I don’t think all worry humor. I thought of by-passing these verses on worry is avoidable, and I don’t think that all worry is wrong. altogether and going on to the following passages. I think there is good worry, and then there is bad If there was a time when I could not stand up here worry. And it’s bad worry that Jesus is speaking to. and say, "You should not worry." and feel like I Some worry I believe is good. But it’s unmitigated, practice what I preach, this is it. I have had a season stop you in your tracks worry that is what I think Jesus where, frankly I have struggled not to worry. And I is talking about. Jesus want to give us the resources so haven’t always won. that we might channel our worry so that won’t happen. Yes, God might be having a little fun with me this Let’s see what Jesus says…. week as I thought about this topic, and even ended up worrying about how I would preach this sermon on not I. THE BELIEVER SHOULD NOT WORRY. worrying! Matthew 6:25 (NIV)25 “Therefore I tell you, do not I thought about getting laryngitis. I thought about worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or calling in sick –(I did call in, but no one answered – about your body, what you will wear.. my voice on the phone machine). What the Bible says about worry and worrying is How many of you worry? Worry a lot? Never pretty clear and conclusive. It is hard to water it down, worry? (Really? Get out.) One thing is clear – God wants to help us with worry. Its true, some worry over nothing. But there is a lot Notice 3 times he says, “Do not worry.” to worry about today. Jesus is talking to believers and He wants them to • Iran – verge of getting nuclearr takes advantage of the unique resources that they alone • N. Korea too. To point at us. have to mitigate worry. • Could lose house, health, disease, family, so Here’s one of the things I learned about worry this many things. week; that has helped me to really understand what Jesus is really saying here. Poll – No 1 thing I worry about..No. 1, “My When Jesus said, "Don't worry," He didn't mean we Appearance”. I love that. I may lose my house, my life savings, I may be wiped off the earth in a nuclear shouldn't think about our tomorrows, or be blast,…but, “how do I look in this outfit?” unconcerned about the future. Things don’t change much do they. Jesus told us “worry”, “burden” “concerned” “anxiety” that you shouldn’t worry about what your going to eat, Didn’t say we shouldn’t be concerned with food and drink and wear. And that’s up there on the list today. clothing or having a roof over our heads. Didn’t mean (Others. Having credit card declined in public, an we should just stop planning and do nothing. A lot of IRS review, speak publically.) verses commend careful planning and diligence to have the things we need. Like saving, investing What do you worry about. wisely, and working hard. Jesus is not saying “don’t No, maybe God was also protecting you from think about these things, He’s saying DON’T BE hearing an overconfident person pontificating on a OBSESSED over these things! subject in ways that would have been unreal or unfair Jesus is not commending people who don’t worry or ready to fill you with guilt. because they don’t have enough sense to worry. Do you remember the old MAD magazine, whose cover head. had the cartoon character, Alfred E. Newman with the good-natured smile whose motto is "What, me worry?" AND WORRY CAN BE A SIN.. when we don’t He wasn’t worrying because he had it all together, he handle our worry in the right way. was simply a mindless blockhead who didn’t not have Now we live in a world with real trouble. I face enough sense to worry! them too. But we as believers should bring them to God, who can help us, and if we don’t, that can be sin. A friend of mine had a plaque in his office that says, "If you can keep your head when all around are losing Sin because we are not trusting in God’s theirs, it is obvious that you don't understand the Providence. God ultimately controls everything. situation." Classic example – Daniel. Darius liked Daniel. SO WHY DOES Jesus WANT TO HELP US WITH Others wanted to get rid of him. God king to foolinshly OUR WORRY? sign a law about praying…. Daniel is caught. But Jesus helps us with worry, not so we’ll be Daniel is sent into a den of lions. Says Daniel slept mindless, or lazy, but because in that den while pagan king Darius in the palace couldn’t sleep and worried all night. That’s insightful. Worrying doesn’t make anything better, it just Daniel, the child of God in danger, slept while the makes it worse. king who didn’t have God, couldn’t. Worrying is a completely worthless activity. It Why? (Psalm 127:2 (CSB), he gives sleep to the doesn’t accomplish anything. one he loves.) It’s like a rocking chair, a lot of movement but you Trusted in the providence of God. When we believe get nowhere. that God really is in control, we don’t get consumed by The English word "worry" comes from a German worry. word wurgen, meaning "to choke or to strangle". Jesus then gives some ILLUSTRATIONS. Worry means mental and emotional strangulation. Look at the Birds, Jesus says. (Preaching When we worry, we worry not just with our minds, but outdoors.) also with our organs. We can't eat (or can't stop eating), can't sleep, our stomach is unsettled. If we Do those birds seem worried to you? Ever seen worry long enough and hard enough we will get ulcers “bird valium”. Didn’t go for counseling, to perhaps the and other stress related illnesses. wise owl (keeps asking the same question over and over….”who?”) Death walking toward a city. What will you do? Every morning their up, singing at dawn. Jesus is Today 100 people. That’s what I do. Man ran ahead saying “Look, if the birds (who are not made in the and warned as many as he coule. End of day he met image of God) are cared for, and they are. Then don’t death and said, “you told me you would take 100 and you know that God will take care of your needs too?” 900 were taken? Well I only took 100, the other 800 died worrying if it was them.” Doesn’t mean birds don’t have to work to get their food. It doesn’t rain worms! Some eat vegetation, Worrying doesn’t empty today of it’s sorrow, it worms, seeds. Some fish, rest hang out at outdoor empties tomorrow of it’s strength. restaurants wait for you to drop your fries. It diminishes you, hurts you, chokes you out. Those thieving sea gulls, they with until you leave 27 Matthew 6:27 (NIV) Who of you by worrying can your place on the beach and they come and fly off with add a single hour to his life? your lunch, snacks, small children. Answer. No one. It may shorten your life, but it Yes, the birds will work hard, but they don’t worry won’t make it longer. It distorts our thinking too. about it. Example Classic is Martha. Jesus hung out with Flowers. (He probably picked up a wildflower…) them. Friends. Show up unannounced with 12 hungry “Flowers don’t worry. Yet they are clothed in beauty..” friends. Martha decides to make a feast fit for a king. We get so obsessed with our appearance. Now even She gets worried and freinzied about it. Mary wants change our bodies with botox, make things bigger, to sit at Jesus feet, Martha wants to make meat loaf. smaller, etc. “Martha, Martha you are worried and upset by many things….” Running around like a chicken w/o a Bible does not say “don’t be attractive” but it’s Page 2 of 5 saying don’t get obsessed about your looks. Frankly we fail to believe that God is going to provide for us! some people should care a little bit more about how How do you get faith? One thing is by what you’re they look. We can go too far either way can’t we? doing right now. (Like him, sleeping.) No, Faith come “Well I just don’t care.” “Well we have to look at you, by hearing the Word of God . Romans 10:17. We do.” (Not, blah, blah Nothing wrong with wanting to look good. That’s By using it and applying it. Sometimes we treat not wrong. But if you spend all your time fretting over faith like it’s this ragile little egg, but it’s more like a the outside and spend no time developing the inner muscle that gets stronger the more we use it. you, you are out of balance! If that’s more important to you than your spiritual life, you are out of balance. Peter had “little faith” too. Why important? It’s important because sooner our Peter was a worrier. Oh, he worried about things later your body will break down and die, but your soul all the time. He worried about the things that were going to happen to Jesus in the garden, pulled a sword lives forever. and tried to fight the Romans. He worried about Jesus Erma Bombeck said, “Sooner or later, DUST WINS!” being crucified and told Him not to do that. He was a But the real you or me will live on. real worrier. But peter saw Jesus walking on water and he asked him if he could do it too. II. OUT OF CONTROL WORRY IS AN INDICATION OF He walked on the water, until he began to worry A LACK OF FAITH about the wind and waves. “Oh Peter, why did you Matthew 6:30 (NIV)30 If that is how God clothes worry? You of little faith.” the grass of the field, which is here today and But Peter learned. He exercised his faith and it tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more grew. 1 Peter 5: 7 (NIV) 7 Cast all your anxiety on clothe you, O you of little faith? him because he cares for you. Sermon on mount was given to believers. If not he would have said “O you of NO faith.” III. PUT GOD AND HIS WILL FIRST IN YOUR LIFE Interesting that there are Christians who believe that 33 God will save their souls, but they have a hard time Matthew 6:33 (NIV) But seek first his kingdom believing that God will provide their needs. Or resolve and his righteousness, and all these things will be their problems or answer their prayers. given to you as well. (v.26) yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you Kingdom? The rule and reign of Christ in your life. not much more valuable than they? When Jesus is in charge. When you are under his Lordship – that’s the Kingdom of God. It’s not rules It’s a lack of faith. and regulations…”it’s righteousness, peace and joy in I believe what Jesus is really trying to say here is the Holy Spirit.” that channel our worry so it doesn’t become “out of Have you surrendered your life to Christ? Christian? control worry” is to have faith in God as our Father. “Lord I want your will more than I want my own will.” Because of who He is, what He's done and what He assures us He will do. You can do nothing to deal with You cannot pray “thy Kingdom come” until you worry if you have forgotten who your Father is (or if first pray “my kingdom go”. you have never gotten to know Him). I can safely say that when my children were little, IV. WHEN I PUT GOD AND HIS KINGDOM FIRST MY when yours were too, they did not worry about where they were going to get their next meal from. They LIFE WILL FIND ITS PROPER BALANCE. didn’t worry about whether they are going to have v. 34 and all these things will be given to you as clothes, a bed, or something to drink. That never well. entered their minds – why? Because they knew enough What things? Well in context, what you’re going to about their father and mother to know we would give wear, eat, drink. Let me go a step further. Where them those things. you’re going to work, live. Who you’re going to And believe me. we don't come close to being as marry. The basic issues of life will be taken care of faithful as our loving Heavenly Father. Yet how often when you put God first. When you have your priorities Page 3 of 5 straight. [Draw On Your History Together] Classic example. Solomon. Prayed to God. “Ask And the more you do it, the more you can draw on of me what ever you want and I will give it to you.” that History you and your Heavenly Father have Can you imagine that? Ask anything. together. Man saw a metal object in the sand and rubbed it I remember playing with my children when they and a genie appeared (true story). “I will grant you one were little, repeatedly throwing them in the air and wish.” One, what happened to three? OK, I always catching them just before they hit the ground. Each wanted to go to Hawaii, but I’m afraid of flying and one relaxed and loved it, saying, "Do it again! Do it boat get me seasick. I’d like you to build me a bridge again!" from LA to Honolulu. “What, that’s ridiculous. I can’t But the first few times they are as stiff as a board. do that!....... Make another wish that isn’t so crazy.” But finally they totally relaxed and had a great time, Thought “OK, then I’ve always wantd to understand enjoying the ride. How can they be so relaxed even women..” “About that bridge, is that two lanes or when they are totally out of control? It's very simple, four?” its because we had a history together. We've played Solomon said “Lord I need wisdom to rule your this game before, and I'd never dropped them. people.” God said Yes and I will also give you riches My friends, when worry comes you have a choice. and more. Solomon had his priorities straight and God You can focus on the problem or on the Problem was able to also provide for all his needs. Solver. You can bring it to God in prayer and commit it to Him, OR you can wrestle with it yourself But the V. THE BEST ANTIDOTE TO WORRY IS PRAYER. Lord encourages us to rest in the character of God. Philippians 4:6–7 (NIV)6 Do not be anxious about Will you stop worrying completely? Probably not. anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, But it will be “good worry” not bad. with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, Some of you may today feel as if you're free falling will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. without a parachute. If not, that day will come. Don’t worry pray. (Fasting and prayer – result of Some of you are up in the air and not sure exactly “Spiritual ANXIETY” – another word for worry. But what's happening or where you're going next. the right response is to pray.) Remember this, God has never dropped you before, Life is filled of trouble. It will come your way. So and he won't drop you now. the question is “what will you do?” When your knees start knocking, fall on them and Our natural inclination is to stress out. pray. Freak out, worry. But that actually makes it worse. When crisis comes, we turn to things. We turn to But as believers, we have resources. We need to people. We can turn to drink. That doesn’t solve learn to Trust God as a Father, trust in His anything. Makes it worse. Turn to God. Trust Him. providential control, and to pray. CONCLUSION/INVITATION It’s a learned reflex. We have unlearned and learned reflexes/reactions. These responses are for believers only. I really don’t know how an unbeliever copes. I really don’t. • When a person touches something hot the natural But God has been with me and I know he will do the reflex is to pull back. That’s a unlearned reflex. same for you. I didn’t say it would be easy. I didn’t Story of a man who was ironing and went to a say it would be a “cakewalk” whatever that is. doctor and had two burned ears. What happened? I (can’t have you cake and eat it too – I’ve had cake was ironing / then the phone rang. I answered with and eatern it) the iron. How about the other ear? He called back. • But there are also learned responses. What I’m saying is no matter what comes your way Do you remember when you first learned to drive a in life, God will be there for you – if you are a believer. car……. But after awhile, it’s easy. If not, you’re kind of on your own. When trouble comes your way, learn to pray. Learn That’s why if you are not yet a believer I hope you to trust God as a loving Father. Page 4 of 5 will become a believer today. How do you enter the Kingdom of God? By turning from sin and turning to Jesus Christ. Who died to forgive those sins and make you His and he will be there to assist you in all your life. All your worrries trubles, challenges, - He’s there to guide you and help you. Page 5 of 5
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