Life In The Spirit (2)

Rom 8:1-11  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Vs one; Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. The New International Version. (2011). ()

The New International Version. (2011). ()

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.

So now:- Refers to 'in light of the preveous chapter.
In this chapter, Paul presents God’s solution to humanity’s enslavement to sin-the Holy Spirit, who empowers believers to over come the limitations of the flesh and live in righteousness.
This chapter reminds us that “only the power of God’s indwelling Spirit can free the believer from the law of sin and death (vs)
Life in the Spirit
This verse reminds us that though the law of sin and death keeps us away from living the kind of life God wants us to live, the law of the spirit of Life in Christ Jesus sets us free from the law of Sin and death.
In the same way, the law of gravity acts to keep a plane from flying. But when a plane reaches a certain speed, the law of aerodynamics takes over and frees the plane from the effects of gravitational force.
(imagine gravitational force as being the law of sin AND Aerodynamics being the the law of the spirit in Christ Jesus. The speed at which the plane takes to overcome gravitational force is Christ Jesus)’.
Separation with God.
The story in tells us of the separation of God and man because of sin.
And as we know that the wages of sin is death (Eternal separation with God) (Romans 6:23).
God in his tender mercies reverts this eternal condemnation by;
Setting us free from the law of sin through the free gift of God in Christ Jesus (Rom 6:23-24). Allelujah.
Because of what Christ Jesus has done on the cross, therefore there is now no condemnation
No condemnation: (No legal obligation,) No righteous judgement or not tied up by the previous judgement.
No legal obligation,)
No righteous judgement (or not tied up by the previous judgement).
You don’t have to be guilty of the sin that separates you with God anymore.
In other wise you can now fly freely.

Verse 2

Freedom through Christ Jesus
This is an assurance for all those who are in Christ Jesus.
In other words only those who have accepted Jesus in their Lives as their personal Lord and savoir.
In the Christian setting, this is called ‘Salvation’ or being born again.
-This is only possible through,
Being saved by grace through faith alone in Christ Jesus. ( through this you become united with Christ Jesus ().
My prayer for you this morning is that if you have not yet made the dicission to follow Jesus that you will respond to his call as the spirit leads you.

Verse 3 & 4.

Accepting Jesus in our Lives is the only access to God
Some people might argue as to whether they should accept Jesus in order to be right with God.
Or you could argue that you are already a good person and that you think that your acts of ;
Compassion, Giving to the poor, welcoming strangers would make you right with God.
This does not make you different from those who in their own strength try to keep the law
Unfortunately its not like that within the Christian faith.
You remeber the rich young ruler?
He claimed to have kept all the Laws/commandments,
He claimed to have not murdered, not commit adultery, not stolen, not beared false witness, not defrauded, Honored his father and mother.
But all these where did not make him right with God. Jesus required him to instead leave all the things that distructed him in order to be made right with God. For He is the only way to God.
Keeping the law does not guaranty righteous living/relationship with God
Keeping the law does not guaranty righteous living/relationship with God
People in the past tried to keep the law but that either did not make them right with God but rather found themselves even being more bound by the law.
Like this man, the Jews in the OT thought that the Law of Moses could save them but it didn’t .
(This is why the Psalmist can say, “O how I love Thy law” ().
Paul in his letters, refers to the Mosaic law of the OT.
Paul is referring to is the Mosaic law of the OT.
In the days of Paul, the Jewish Teaching contained both written Law (Pentateuch first 5 books of the OT Bible) also called the Law of Moses and oral law ( Oral law primarily in Jewish tradition was on how to put the written law into action ())
Oral law primarily in Jewish tradition was on how to put the written law into action ()
Both can be referred to as Torah
Both can be reffered to as Torah
The purpose of;
The “Law of Moses was not meant to save men, but to show them their need to be saved, and thus to lead them to Christ ().
However the Jews of Jesus’ day twisted the law, so much so that they considered themselves to be righteous, and yet they condemned Jesus as a law-breaker.
(especially in regard to the Sabbath—see .; 19:7). This may help to explain why Jesus called the law
“your law” in , even as they called it their law (; ).
So since the law was twisted and not working,
Paul reminds us, (in verse 3)
That God knew that the law of Moses wouldn’t save us because of our sinful nature so he sent his only begotten son Jesus in a human nature that through him we might be saved.
By so doing , God destroyed sins control over us by giving his son as a sacrifice for all our sins (Substitutionary atonement).
By doing that, God destroyed sins control over us by giving his son as a sacrifice for our sins (Substitutionary atonement).
* The sin that separates us from our heavenly father no longer binds us. We now have direct access to our God in Christ Jesus.
We have become the Children of God. (Born of the Spirit). 1cor 15:45.

Verse 5

The effects of the law of SIN and the Law of the Spirit in Christ Jesus
Those who live according to the Law of Sin (Ie, according to the flesh) .
According to the result of the law of sin are:-
Sexual immorality, impurity, Sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy , fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions,
divisions, envy, drunkenness, and orgies.
This same cartegory of people,
- Opposes God, they hate what God loves and love what God hates.
- Opposes God, they hate what God loves and love what God hates.
And their actions will lead to;
Death (Verse 6): Which refers to eternal separation with God.
on the other hand we have those who live according to the law of the Spirit in Christ Jesus;
Would exhibit/result into; (
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.
The impact of living in the Spirit will lead to PEACE;
Which also refers to reconciliation with God. (. Therefore, since we have been justified by Faith, we have
peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ)


Take Home (remember);
Those who have accepted Jesus in their lives
Have the spirit of God living in them.
They are no longer condemned. Free from the law of SIN.
You will be raised again to life. You are not subject to death.
2. Those who have not accepted Jesus;
Are condemned
They have no relationship with Christ.
3. God in his tender mercy wants to reconcile with you for he loves you so much.
you can start a relationship with him by accepting Jesus as your Lord and personal savior.
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