#3 Showing God's Light
As we see in our text today, even before Christ came into this world to become the Light of the World, His life-giving power was evident. John 1:4 “In Christ was life; and the life was the light of men.”
Illustration: Lighthouses – Jesus the Captain of our salvation
Prop: You must determine to let God’s light shine through your life today!
I. The wonderful works of CHRIST (Vs. 1-5)
The first five verses of John’s Gospel introduce Jesus Christ as the eternal Son of God.
A. We see three great truths
1. His eternality: “In the beginning the Word already existed.”
2. His Personality: “He was with God.”
3. His Deity: “He was God.
Col. 1:15–23
- Jesus was with the Father in eternity past - John 1:2)
- He was the Creator John 1:3
- He is both the light and life of all humankind - John 1:4
- The fallen world could not “extinguish” his light - John 1:5
- John the Baptist introduced Jesus the Messiah.
- John presented Jesus as eternal King
- Jesus Created the world
- When he was born, the world did not recognize him.
- Even his own people rejected him.
- But some “accepted” him, (Praise The Lord)
- And by so they became children of God.
- To receive Jesus means to believe in him (John 1:12)
- Then a person is born into God’s family (John :13)
- Salvation is a supernatural new birth that can only be accomplished by God.
- John expressed wonder at the fact that God the Son came from heaven to earth
- Also that Jesus lived as a human.
- This is called the Incarnation—literally, the taking on of flesh (Col. 2:9).
- John had seen Jesus’ divine glory especially at the Transfiguration - Mt 17:1–9
V. NOT LAW,BUT GRACE (John 1:15-18)
- Christ did not come to give a new law
- But to proclaim and by his sacrificial death make possible God’s grace
- Which is God doing for humans what they cannot do for themselves.
- Yes, Jesus sent His Son to pay for our sins
- Jesus is the Light
- Jesus is the Life of this World.
- Why did God send His Son to die, if we won’t tell the world?
- The way the people see Christianity is through the way you live.
- Christ’s light can shine brightly from heaven.
- But if your life is full with sin,
- His light will be dimmed to those who need it most.
- Who is watching your life right now to determine whether they believe in God or not?
- Who is judging all of Christianity by your life?
- Will someone forsake God because of you?
- People are always watching you so you must be maintain a good testimony!
- We need to always be an example to those around us.
- Christ has provided the source for the light; all we have to do is share it with others.
- Make sure your life is one that lets God’s light shine through it.
- Can others tell that you have Christ in you?
- Or, do they often wonder if you are a real Christian because of your actions?
You must determine to let God’s light shine through your life today!
ヨハネ1:4 “この方に、いのちがあった。このいのちは人の光であった.”
I. キリストによるすばらしいみわざ ( 1-5節) *
II. キリストについてのあかし ( 6–8節)*
III. イエス様の拒否と受け入れ ( 9–13節)*
IV. 神が人としてこられた時 ( 14節)*
- コロサイ 2:9
- マタイ 17:1–9
V. 律法ではなく、恵みによる (15-18節)*