Loving the fellowship of others.
Loving the fellowship of others.
A. We should be overwhelmed with love one for another.
1. Seek others with Passion
2. A Passion that can’t be quenched
The Greek is literally applied to a watertight vessel. When we could no longer contain ourselves in our yearning desire for you.
3. A Passion that accepts the risk
B. We should not be Overcome by the pitfalls.
1. Satan will attempt to hinder (VS. 18) (And succeed some times)
2. Circumstances will disappoint.
C. We should look for the “Glory at the end of the Story”
Don’t get caught up in all the relationships that turn south. Pray about them, do your best to keep the but never allow a failure to stop you!!!
1. Never allow your first hope not to be your first hope.
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name
Refrain: On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
2. Understand your 1st hope carries to your next hope.
Paul’s affection rose to its climax in this almost lyrical passage. The Philippian believers were the only others who received such warm words of personal love from Paul.
He voiced a rhetorical question to heighten the intensity of his fervor. In effect he asked what would be the greatest blessing he could possibly receive at the judgment seat of Christ. They were! They were everything that was worth anything to Paul. They were his hope; their development was what he lived for as a parent lives to see his children grow up to maturity, to produce and reproduce. They were his joy, they filled his life with sunshine as he thought of what they used to be, what they had become, and what they would be by the grace of God. They were his crown; they themselves were the symbol of God’s blessing on his life and ministry. They were his glory and joy, and not only his but also the glory and joy of his companions in labor. Paul said in essence, “When life is over and we stand in the presence of our Lord Jesus at His coming, you Thessalonians will be our source of glory and joy; you mean that much to us.”