I Am Strong- God
You can relax, because God is in Control
We need to realize that you cannot rightly understand God’s ways at any point until you see them in the light of his sovereignty
You are not in control
The range of our direct causation is exceedingly limited: very decisive so far as it extends, it soon reaches its term. In the interior economy of our spiritual nature it is comparatively great; in the government of our bodily constitution less; in our action upon others it has decreased rapidly; and in our action upon external nature it is gone
You can relax, because God’s Power Unlimited.
25 And in the fourth watch [between 3:00–6:00 a.m.] of the night, Jesus came to them, walking on the sea.
Tertullian says, “For God to will is to be able, and not to will is not to be able.”
You can relax because God’s Power is Available.
Thus the attribute of omnipotence is made the basis on the one hand, for deep and abiding religious adoration; and on the other, is the ground and firm support for quiet trust and assurance.