Defeating Bitterness
James Dutton
March 9, 2004
Hebrews 12:14-15
1. One of the human emotions that we all have to keep our guard
against is the dreaded, creepy, non-prejudice, sleuth, called
a. Bitterness is an emotional cancer that will eat you up from
the inside out. It is a blight that will contaminate you. It is a burden
that can crush you. It is a blaze that will cook you in its own juice.
2. Otto Von Bismarck was the Chancellor of Germany during the
first World War. Toward the end of his life he got mired down
in the quick sand of bitterness, and never got out. He carried
the bile of bitterness into his grave.
3. One morning he got up out of bed and proudly announced to
his household, "I have spent the whole night hating."
The burden of bitterness eventually crushed his health. He had
to grow a beard to hide the twitching muscles of his face.
Jaundice, gastric ulcers, gallstones and shingles racked his
body. When he was offered a small fortune to publish his
memoirs he began to write with a reckless disregard for truth,
using his pen to spill out the poisonous venom of hatred and
bitterness on men and women who had long been dead.
Expressing his bitterness became the very thing he lived for, and
the very thing that killed him. He died embittered, cynical,
lonely, miserable and self-consumed.
4. Many who are hearing this message are slaves in bondage to
the master of bitterness. Some of you are bitter toward God
because of a tragedy that happened in your life for which you
blame Him. Some of you are bitter toward others, such as a
who unjustly fired you; a spouse who left you for someone else;
a business partner who skipped out and left you holding the bag.
5. Some of you are bitter toward parents, perhaps because you
were physically abused, or sexually abused. Some of you are
bitter toward a dad who never spent any time with you.
6. Many people get bitter toward the church and toward
ministers of the gospel because of a bad experience that they
had. They are bitter because somebody hurt their feelings.
They are bitter because something did not go exactly to please
7. Bitterness is the result of feeling that someone has done us
wrong. I would define bitterness this way: Bitterness is
harbored hurt hidden in the heart. At the root of all conflict,
whether it be a church fight, or a world war, is bitterness. In
my estimation there is not a more dangerous emotion than the
emotion of bitterness.
8. Bitterness is like a malignant tumor that will ultimately
turn a healthy body into a cold corpse if it is not removed, so
the sooner you remove it the better.