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Assisting us but that's not what this morning is about. So glad you're here. We're continuing a sermon series where we're talking about looking at the wider context of familiar versus and getting a better understanding because we're locating those verses in context in this morning. I want to read an entire chapter that's very for me or to us and talk about the even wider context than that chapter the kind of add to the depth of our meaning. Here's the chapter 1st Corinthians 13. It's a very famous chapter. You've probably heard it read many times at weddings. You might be surprised to know that this passage has nothing to do with marriage or weddings or marital love when you read it in context. It's about something very different. That's what we're going to study this morning. But let's read this passage. Paul says in 1st Corinthians 13 if I speak in the tongues of men or Angels, but do not have love I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal if I have the gift of Prophecy. I can fathom all Mysteries and all knowledge. And if I have a faith that can move mountains but I do not have love I am nothing if I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but I do not have love I gain nothing love is patient love is kind. It does not envy it does not boast. It is not proud. It does not dishonor others. It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not Delight in evil but rejoices with the truth it always protects always trusts always hopes Always perseveres Love Never Fails, but where there are prophecies they will cease where are they? There are tongues they will be stilled. Where there is knowledge, it will pass away for we know in part and we prophesy in part but when completeness comes what is in part disappears for when I was a child. I talked like a child. I thought like a child. I reasoned like a child when I became a man. I put the ways of childhood behind me for now. We see only a reflection as in a mirror then we shall see face to face. Now. I know in part then I shall know fully even as I am fully known and now these three remain faith Hope and love but the greatest of these is love.

It's a beautiful and famous passes that we're all familiar with yet. It's most often misunderstood. We need to understand like everything we've been talking about just basic assumptions that we need to remind ourselves of 1st. Corinthians is preceded by 12 chapters 1st. Corinthians. 13 is preceded by 12 chapters and followed by three chapters. Okay, that's a fair factual assumption right eye First Corinthians 13 has 12 chapters that precede it there's three chapters that follow it is part of a letter from Paul to the Christian to make up the church in the city of cornith. So it's part of a story is part of a narrative. It has relationships involved with it. It's not just an isolated poetic poems to read at weddings, but it's part of this letter that Paul writes to Christians who make up the church in Corinth if I recognize what's on the screen there. Blue Horse Show and what city does that refer to Lexington? Right. So if I talk about a blue horse many of us would say well Lexington. What if I talked about bleeding blue what I be talkin about why don't cats yeah because Lexington has some culture and some customs and an identity that those in Lexington understand and know some other places we talked about bleeding blue. They might not know what I'm talkin about or if we talk about blue blood they might say what are you talkin about old money or are you talking about a police family or are you doing I was bleeding blue the Wildcats. There's a context there's information that we have as much as it looks Antonio's or Alexa night Sir Ian. As lesson Toni Ann's we have knowledge and information that someone outside the city might not have and so a reference if someone was reading a letter a hundred years from now and somebody said say hi to Blue Horse for me at the end of that letter Lexington for sale. I know what that's referring to, you know, go big blue College of a city or culture that shapes the way you understand and hear what's being said and that is true of this letter. The first letter to the Corinthians, there's a much about the city of cornith that shakes what Paul is saying why he says it and how he says it. So it's important for us to do a little history lesson on the city of cornith. It is a commercial center in and that's an understatement just to have those two little words that right there. It was the central place that the all the interstate highways went through from north to south. I mean it was the Hub and unless you wanted to travel several several hundred miles out of your way. It was also the most central place to go east to west when you're transporting goods was a huge commercial hub it was a money-making Center. It was a big city and a prosperous and Powerful City hear something unique about it it have no real native population no real history or tradition because in 146 BC it was completely destroyed by Rome for rebelling against this new Rising imp It's over a hundred years. It was nothing flat devastated empty unpopulated not a city and then in 46 BC it began to be rebuilt by Julius Caesar cuz he said, you know what this place is centrally located. We can make a lot of money here. This is a hub and so from 46 BC until the time of Christ and the time of this letter to the Christians that made up the church in Corinth it exploded and became a huge and Powerful City, but it didn't have this history in this tradition. No one says I'm moving to Corner because that's where my grandparents are. Because it had been nothing. There wasn't this history in this tradition and this native population to it. It became one of the most densely populated cities in the entire world. Massively populated and everyone went there for one reason. They didn't go there because of tradition didn't go like it is over go to Boston because I've got family there there's history and there's all that kind of stuff you went there for one reason you went there to succeed. to make your name to make money it was kind of like New York City today like I don't really hear a lot of people who say I'm moving to New York City by their don't don't know a soul there. What do you have a big job or career move? That's really no. No, it's all about what you can make it there baby. You can make it anywhere. It's all about I'm going there to be on Broadway. I'm going there to work on Wall Street. I'm going there to go to college. I'm going there to succeed. They go They're not just live there. They go there in order to find success and cornith was like that. It was like New York City except maybe on steroids. They even coined a word during this time, Renton eismont to live with no regard for rules at all. It was a dog-eat-dog city. It was all about you and your success ameripak. It was also not only a success obsessed City. It was a sex-obsessed city 1st Corinthians 6 Paul list all these different Sims and then at the end of that little list of sins he says and so were some of you before you came to Christ these ones that have been converted in corner the Temple of Aphrodite. Was there each evening 1000 prostitutes left the temple and came down into the city to work that night. I mean imagine New York City Los Angeles Las Vegas all on steroids crammed into 1/4 Mile. Tiny densely populated Hub. That's full of Commerce and success.

It was such an overwhelming City that an axe 19 uppal is kind of overwhelmed by the thought of you and planting a church there and this is a special occasion where God speaks to him one night Lord spoke to Paul in a vision. This is about corner. He says Don't Be Afraid The great Paul was looking at this city going. Are you kidding me? We're going to convert people here. We're going to plant a church here. It's it's too much until the Lord speaks to Paul and says do not be afraid keep on speaking do not be silent.

For I am with you and no one is going to attack and harm you because I have many people in this city. So Paul stayed and corners for a year-and-a-half teaching them the word of God. And so there's this church and corn is made up of those who heard the word and responded. I can't imagine New York City LA and Vegas combined at the same time. This is also equally true about corner. It was a very wealthy the Christians and Corners were wealthy and generous and successful and articulate and Visionary and gifted.

Both of those things were true about the city the same time Paul and chapter 12 and 14 the chapter before 13 and the chapter right after 13th, the larger context of this chapter that were so familiar with talks about miraculous healings and prophecies and gifts. So he's saying that these Christians and cornith. I know that many of you speak in tongues and he says slavery says that's fine. I speak in tongues to that's a great thing. He's not down on gifts. He says I know that you have healing is there that there are leaders among you who have the gift of healing and people come in sick and you heal them and amazing these these miracles in these gifts are occurring among them. So in the midst of this amazingly challenging City, there's also these very gifted really successful.

Miracle performing Christians a doesn't question The reality of the Miracles he doesn't say in those chapters when he's talking about and how these these things aren't really happening. Now. He's acknowledging that that's going on in their midst and then to them to this audience. He says in Chapter 13, like I just read if I speak in the tongues of men or Angels, but do not have love I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. Do this group that probably had the cream-of-the-crop the people who'd gone to this New York City to make their success people who probably could speak amazingly in the tongues of men even Angelic performers in and talented brilliant if two people who could get up and speak in such a way that every want to be impressed pause as you know, what even if you even if you do that if you do I see that in your church, that's a good thing. But if I don't have love I'm like this flashing symbol, which the Pagan Worship in the city when they went into the temple on the first things are pagans will do with this big symbol arrows way of getting the gods attentions to say. Hey, I'm here. I want your attention. And so we saying even if you can do those things, but you don't have love you're just like a pagan. Just like a Godless pagan. You trying to get God's attention through that activity. He continues to see if I have the gift of Prophecy and can fathom all Mysteries and all knowledge. And if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love I am nothing. This is a city where they were prophesied. They might have even been moving mountains. Who knows maybe one of the gifted killing Miracle performing Pastors in that City said to that mountain that have the horrible temple on top of it with all the prostitutes maybe one Sunday. He said mountain move and it moved. He said he's not this is not poetry is not promised. Not think so. Let's just think let's just wax a beautiful poem here. He saying even with this giftedness this this amazing gift in this that this Faith to move mountains this this great knowledge if you don't have love You're not. Anythink You're spiritually dead. Think about the implications of all the he sang Here If I give all my fall I possess to the poor and I give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but I do not have love I gain nothing. So these wealthy Christians in the city of Corinth could be very generous with their money and Paul says if that's all you've got going on.

Is your ability to support something financially? Make no mistakes. That's not the same as following Christ.

Here's the shocking truth of this passage using gifts in the church. Even spiritual gifts does not guarantee Christ in someone's heart.

I think about the implications of that.

Using your strengths or your gifting us even spiritual gifts in the church is not a guarantee that Christ is in that person's heart. We have in Matthew 7. Jesus says on Judgement Day. They'll be some who come to him and say hey we cast out demons in your name. We perform miracles in your name and Jesus said I'll look at them and say I don't know you.

That kind of shocking. In Matthew 10, the scripture say that all the apostles which would have included all the disciples. We could have included Judas. We're empowered and gifted and went and performed miracles.

even Judas but we know did not give his heart to Christ Balaam in the old test with the same way and saw in the Old Testament the same way.

Do we sometimes today follow a church leader? And assume that they are directly from God because of the power of their speaking or because of their giftedness.

Are there huge Ministries in North America? Where everybody sends their checks in?

I mail it off to that person because look at the amazing things they're doing and the way they preach the way they handled or it's just amazing amazing in these powerful gifted choirs on stage. I mean just dozens and it just the hair on the back of my neck just stand up and it gives me me chills and then then then they just then somebody come they healed and then they Do we sometimes assume? The presence of that sort of exercised giftedness automatically means he's a man of God. You see that person that he helped you see that Minister that they're doing. How could he not? How could she not be a woman?

Paul says to this church in Florence, which is very much. Able to be tempted by that sort of manifestation of Christianity. Be careful. You could do all these things, but if you don't have love you are not

What author said years ago spiritual gifts are excellent things but not excellency's in the nature of the subject the gifted one. They're like precious jewels with which the body may be adorned. But true Grace is that we're by the very Soul itself becomes as it were a precious Jewel. Meaning you might be gifted at leading a Bible study or leaving a Ministry or you may sing. So beautifully that everyone just says on my I mean I felt I felt God's presence when 21 so-and-so sang that song. It was just so beautiful. You might have that sort of giftedness. But Paula saying that doesn't automatically that beautiful voice. That's a gift from God a legitimate and true gift from God to be used in the church for his glory. But the presence of that gift doesn't automatically mean your heart is Holy and right and fully given to Christ.

you understand the significance of what he saying and how we sometimes might just mistake. The preachers are the first person this passage is speaking to so if any on this morning you feel like I'm stepping on your toes. Think about it for a moment. Where were the Frontline stage people were the easiest ones to fall into this dilemma that the believe because we're doing Ministry. Well, then our walk with God must be just fine. Because the church is going well or Ministry is going well or we're getting affirmed in our gifts. Paul is saying a lot more here than just here's a nice poem that I put together to read at weddings for all those pastors out there who need something to read. At weddings. So here's the application for us to repent of assessing your status with God based on spiritual gifts or strings or accomplishments in the church or Ministry.

I think about the implications of that. I said part of it. It's easy for preachers are people who are upfront or singing or doing stuff like that to say since that's going well then God must be pleased with me. I must be a good Christian. I must be in good standing with God cuz I know now that special for boy. Everybody loved my sermon for my Sunday school class is packed out there to bring cheers in every week because people love my class so much. It's really easy to say the spiritual giftedness in the fruit that I see happening. That's that's a definitive statement about my standing with God and let's be honest. There's anybody here ever done something nice in the church one of them the church saying a special but but a half hour before you send that special you said something awful and mean-spirited to your spouse or your child. You better do that right before your role in the church after church. Let's go. everybody Man robbed you preached a great sermon by thank you. Thank you. I can preach A good sermon and have a heart that's wrong.

So you see the danger of assessing our status with God based on spiritual giftedness. We do that for churches to don't we that church must be they must be all they must be. Holy. Maybe they are. Mini, holy churches drawing thousands of people. Don't mishear me. It's a myth to say. Well, we're the holy Remnant. We're small because we're holy.

Let's just below knee. So don't miss your B. There are many good large growing Christ honoring churches, but we can't make the mistake of assuming that the ministry means. Hearts are lined up with God. Because you can succeed on certain levels and almost not involve. now let me

Papa Supply that last little parenthetical statement repair of assessing your status with God based on spiritual gifts or strengths or accomplishments in church of energy or lack thereof. There are some who say well yeah, Robbie you better hear the sermon and you better get it right because you're mister Preacher Man on Sunday morning. So you got to pay attention to that and a man I do. But sometimes that the fact that we sense that were not gifted. We make the same mistake and commit the same sin that Paul is challenging those in corn. If not to make we assess our standing with God based on not feeling like we have a sense of giftedness. I can't get on stage. I could never sing. I mean, it's wonderful. You're those folks that thing have such beautiful voices and that's good for them and they must be so hard and so spiritual but if I sign the room with empty and so I just not you know, and I couldn't preach. I mean I'ma make me so nervous to get up in front of you don't open it. And so I must just be a second-class Christian.

Do you realize you're committing the same sin in that moment that Paul is challenging those in corn if not to make. You're assessing the status of your relationship of God, you're standing with God based on either the presence and activity spiritual gifts or the lack thereof, and the same sin is being committed. Because you're measuring your status with God based on what you're doing. Do you think there's any television preachers over the past 30 years Who start to believe their own press?

And in their hearts got unprotected. And then there Ministries fail.

You see how dangerous this is why Paul says such shocking things and when you think about it, he is blunt and shocking In this passage. It's not this beautiful wedding poem. He says to those who are gifted are doing amazing thing. I'm telling you. It is a dangerous think be careful to not assess your standing with God based on your gift in the splits. If you you could what engines and people could just become a but if you don't have love in your heart you just like the pagans who sang that symbol to get God's attention. You could give money you can have entire buildings with your name on the foundation people could just be so impressed with your generosity. You could be so self-sacrificing with your money, but if your heart if you have no love

nothing Nothing is going on in your life spiritual you are not. Lewis you are not but not anything nothing. Even though there might be this gift in this being exercised. So it's an important lesson which brings us to this final point. A change of heart toward christlikeness is the most miraculous of gifts and the greatest of signs.

Let that sink in. That's not just preacher talk. That's not just something poetic that says isn't 1st Corinthians 13. So beautiful love is the greatest thing now, let's go about Our day and focus on the Practical realities of things that have to get done in that sort of stuff. Paul is saying the greatest sign the greatest Miracle is when a human heart Journeys toward christlikeness. But that's the sign of God's presence. Because he sang look there could be other things there could even be miraculous healings there to be beautiful songs and wonderful sermons and huge buildings. And Christ not be there.

the mark and the measure is love

I don't know about you, but that is just Really? Simple spell that way.

You could succeed as a businessman as a businesswoman you could succeed in your career. You could provide a great home for your family. You could be the friendliest person that everybody likes in the whole city of the whole neighborhood. You can have lots of success on that level, but the real measurement. Do your kids know that you love them?

Does your wife know? But you love her.

Do your neighbors know? Your love because of Christ in your heart.

with the PTA members in the people who live across the street in the person you see every week in the grocery store say

don't stop anything for somebody else. Anything for me. They listen. They remember when I tell him about a concerned they tell me they've been praying for me. They seem to have time nobody has time today and yet they always have time to care for me or it's it's almost like I'm their family or one of their kids or their spouses. Like I'm so important something comes up in there like hey, I can help with that or can I pray for you?

Do our neighbors? Find us amazingly loving. You are coworkers.

See, that's the mark that's a sign that Christ is in the world that Christ is turning Lexington upside down that Christ is in our heart that Christ is in this church. The song is love. Love demonstrated. Jesus says this and I'm about to worship team to come forward. And John 13 with the disciples in his last time with them. He says remember the ways that I have loved you and demonstrate your love for others in those same ways. Everyone will know you as my followers if you demonstrate your love to others.

We're not singing this song. This morning that happens to be the case, but we've never song and they'll know you are Christians by your buildings. Is they'll know we are Christians by our buildings by our building just still know we are Christians by our buildings, right big buildings with huge cross office and beautiful stained glass windows.

That's never been written, right? They'll know we are Christians by our gifts right by our performance by our voices by our love.

And that song is biblically true because it's centers off this verse this teaching from Jesus with his disciples. This is how the world will know you are my disciples. Is it amazing that you didn't say they'll know you are my disciples because you'll be healing people left and right now that occurs and Paula firms that so don't miss hear me. I'm not Downing gifts or the use of gifts for healing. Please don't mishear me. Paul even does that Peter does that but Jesus doesn't say this is the mark and Paul even says, you know those prophecies those gifts they will end. But what has no ceiling on it is our ability to journey toward christlikeness. Look up I may be a decent preacher, but my name is not going to be in the history books. No one's going to say there was this one preacher? Everybody knows his name. He was in Lexington. He changed the world never going to happen. My family. Remember me handful of other people. That's that's good and fine and dandy. There's a limit to what our giftedness will do in this lifetime. There's a ceiling on it.

But there's no limit to what God can do in our hearts to shape us toward christlikeness. Leominster giftedness in this room, but anyone in this room can be a saint of God whose heart is so much like Christ. That you change your world you change your kids and your spouse to your neighbors your co-workers your kids teachers. There's no limit to that Journey that he can take us toward being like Christ and that's the ultimate Journey that were on that's the measurement. Are we allowing? the Lord to shape our hearts for Christ likeness are we loving like Christ? It's hard news, but it's good news because ultimately God's agenda with me is to get into my life and get into my heart and make me a better person shape me for good shape me in the image of Christ so that all those things happen still we still give away money. We still sing songs to God's glory. We still preaching teaching prophesied of God's glory. We just no longer think of those things. That's altimate. We think of Christ Azle.

I'll hush after this. In some ways this means you can let go. A feeling that well, I'm not in good standing with God because I'm not exercising all this great and miraculous gift in this whole what if I don't do well then I'm not going to be Christ loves you you're standing with God. It's based on God and his character is based on Christ and his work on the cross. So he doesn't say well Tom I love you because you're so faithful at church. Is Tomcat site what happens when like I have a few weeks that I can't make it what happens if I'm on vacation or what if I hurt my leg and I can't be there so Faithfully helping with the coughing with the worship and everything in good standing with you Lord. You see how that sort of thinking that we think oh, it's my performance. It's my gift in this has that sort of stuff can put us in this weird dynamic. God says to us. I love you. Because I love you. It's based on who he is. It's based on his character. So we don't have to operate out of that sense of anxiety or fear. Am I performing and in reality that piece that freedom of being in God's presence in his love knowing that security freeze us up to give ourselves more fully to him.

As we sing the song if you've got a decision to make on your heart and you haven't made that decision I'll be in the back for anybody who wants to to make a decision this morning or just has a prayer concerned they'll be prayer folks in the front and the back also have a prayer leader in the song you can come to us for prayer all of us at the chance just to kind of realign and say God it's your work it's your love that puts us in a relationship with you and it gives us that security and the great things that we want to do for you in our lifetime or a great things represented in our heart by giving you more and more real estate in our heart changing who we are and honestly I got to get your heart you'll get everything else. There's no point trying to start from the outside and work in in Prescott on your way. Just give him your heart. Let him take over. It will do greater things than we could ever imagine on our own please stand as we sing.

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