Jewish theological objections

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                                                            Jewish theological objections

I.          Terms

            A.        Glossary

Hanukkah- a nonbiblical feast celebrated by Jesus commemorating the Jewish victory over the Syrians

Purim -           a nonbiblical feast celebrating GOD̓s protection of his people Israel

Sabbath or Shabbat - 7th day rest of the Jews, given to Israel by GOD to commemorate creation.

Shema -          The key confession of Judaism, this teacher personal life verse, and part of the greatest commandment according by Jesus. It is recited by observant Jews three times daily.

Sukkot -          Feast of Tabernacle see Lev 21

Shavout-         Pentecost, originally a Jewish feast commanded by by GOD see Lev 21.

Tallit - A Jewish Prayer Shawl based on the command in the Book of Numbers.

Tefillin -         Leather boxes containing scriptures worn during Prayer by males as commanded in the Great Shema

Talmud- Rabbinical commentaries, they are two writings Palestinian Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud. The Babylonian Talmud is The accepted standard. these are considered inspirited along

the Scriptures by Orthodox Jews. The Scriptures still to have preeminence. Written in 5th Century. Each Talmud is composed of the Mishnab and Gamarma. Not authoritative but useful for apologetics

Targum or Targumnim - Aramaic translations of the Hebrew Scriptures done before Jesus̓ day. These show how the Scriptures where literally understood by The Jews. Very useful in apologtics and witnessing, although not directly inspired by GOD.

Tanakh -         The Jewish name for the Hebrew Scriptures, The Old Testament.Fully inspired by GOD

II.        Types of Jewish objections to the gospel trans#1

            A.        Three types

                        1.         Historical

                        2.         Cultural

                        3.         Theological

III.       Theological                 Trans #2

            A.        General areas

                        1.         The unity of God (the Oneness of God and the Trinity) We will deal in this objection in a separate message

                        2.         Blood Atonement

                        3.         Faith and Works

                        4.         Jesus’ fulfillment of Messianic prophecy

            B.        The blood atonement issue session one (Discuss the Council of Yehven as background)

                        1.         God did not really care for the Sacrificial system, the prophets state this

                                    a.         Exodus 5:3 When God called the Israelites out of Egypt it was to offer sacrifices

                                    b.         Sacrifices and offering are described as a pleasing aroma to the Lord

                                                (1)       Gen 8:21

                                                (2)       Exodus 29:18, 25,41

                                                (3)       Lev 1:9

                                    c.         Malachi 3:3-4 Malachi the last of the Prophets before John the Baptist emphasized the importance of sacrifices

                                    d.         Jews pray daily for the restoration of the temple and sacrificial system - The Shemoniah Esrah or Amidah

“Be favorable toward O Lord our God and god of our forefathers, that you have mercy on us and pardon all of our errors, atone for us all our iniquities, forgive all our willful sins, and that you rebuild the Holy Temple speedily, in our days, so we may offer to You the continual offering that it may atone for us, as you prescribed for us in Your Torah...”

                        2.         Other existed in times past so other means are ok with God

                                    a.         Yoma 5a “ Is it the wave (of the offering) which makes atonement? Is it not the blood which makes atonement, as it is written , it is the blood which maketh atonement by reason of the life.”

                                    b.         The grain and non-blood offerings are not an exception

                                                (1)       Lev 5:11-13

                                                            (a)       note v.12-13 the flour is placed

                                                            (b)       the flour was mingles with blood already on the altar

                                                            (c)       nowhere does it say god has given flour to make atonement for your souls Lev 17:11

                                                (2)       the reference to atonement money does not represent an exception Exodus 30:12-7 - THE ISSUE IS NOT ATONEMENT FROM SIN, BUT TAKING A CENSUS

                                    c.         The second temple did not change that Neh 10:32-33

                        3.         It is unnecessary         Isa 64:6

                        4.         The Book of Daniel teaches if the temple is destroyed Prayer and good work replace sacrifices 2 Chron 6:17-39

            C.        Faith and Works issue Session two (start with story about the term “believer”)

                        1.         Judaism is a religion of deed and Christianity is a religion of creed Trans #3

                                    a.         Justification by faith was known to Judaism

                                                (1)       the Rabbis in their better moments acknowledge this "...then came Habakkuk and reduced the commandments to one, 'as it is written the just shall live by his faith.'"(Makkot 23-24).                        

                                                (2)       The Jewish Scriptures affirms this

                                                            (a)       Gen 15:6

                                                            (b)       Hab 2:4

                                    b.         The importance of works is not denied by Christianity Jas 2:14-18

                                    c.         Judaism is also a faith/religion of creed Trans #4

                                                (1)       the Shema

                                                (2)       The amidah

                                                (3)       The thirteen article of Maimonides

                                    d.         The place of works

Trans #5


            D.        objection to Jesus’ credentials (START WITH BRIEF OVERVIEW OF BRANCHES OF JUDAISM) third Session

                        1.         He did not bring peace

                                    a.         Two coming intended

                                                (1)       Ps 110:1-4

                                                (2)       Micah 5:2 contrast with Dan 7:13-14                         

                                    b.         Jesus accomplished everything he was suppose before the temple was destroyed Dan 9:25-27

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