The Faith that is faithful
The Faith that is faithful
I. Faith and Works issue (start with story about the term “believer”)
1. In Hebrew though faith was active
a. read “Our Father Abraham” by Marvin Wilson pp 182 Faith ; Thinking or acting paragraph 1
b. An understanding of the Hebrew term for faith
(1) tmx, Ex 34:6-7 can equal be translated as “Faithful” in the same sense as saying my wife is true to our marriage
(2) hnWma from the same root is translated faithfulness and used of God. See (Deut 32:4)
Trans #5
2. Judaism is a religion of deed and Christianity is a religion of creed
a. Justification by faith was known to Judaism
(1) the Rabbis in their better moments acknowledge this "...then came Habakkuk and reduced the commandments to one, 'as it is written the just shall live by his faith.'"(Makkot 23-24).
(2) The Jewish Scriptures affirms this
(a) Gen 15:6
(b) Hab 2:4
b. The importance of works is not denied by Christianity Jas 2:14-18
c. Judaism is also a faith/religion of creed Trans #4
(1) the Shema
(2) The amidah
(3) The thirteen article of Maimonides
d. The place of works
e. The background of James and a Jewish understanding
II. The importance of works is not denied by Christianity
A. James provides the balance Jas 2:14-26
1. the danger a faith of mental assent
2. The uselessness of not working faith v.14-17
a. “if someone says he has faith but does not have works?” Note should be understood “as keeps on saying” third class condition with ean and the present subjective verb
b. “What does it profit” - James main point
c. “Can faith save him” best rendered “that faith” the negative particle Mh expects the negative
d. an illustration given
3. The necessity of works for faith to be manifest v.18-26
a. mental assent is insufficient
(1) the demon intellectually know God exist and something of his nature
(2) the Akediah
b. Call to Biblical Faith
(1) Salvation - If you are lack Biblical Faith John 6:29
(2) Sanctification - you need to be living your faith out Phil 2:12