Kinsman Redeemer
Ruth 4
August 13, 2017
Dr. James Pittman
Outline for our study
1. Christ the cornerstone of Scripture: Genesis through
2. Christ in the book of Ruth: Boaz is a type of Christ, a
kinsman-redeemer who, like a bridegroom...
a. delivers
b. provides
c. protects
Questions to ponder & Study notes
• Questions to ponder… • Study Notes:
1. In what ways does Boaz reflect the work of Christ _____________________________________________
for his church? _____________________________________________
2. How did Boaz exhibit wisdom in handling of _____________________________________________
Naomi’s and Ruth’s inheritance matters. _____________________________________________
3. What specific illustrations of God’s provision can _____________________________________________
you think of in your own life? _____________________________________________
4. In what ways is Boaz a type (kind) of Christ? _____________________________________________