Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Water Problems
I hate water problems.
Roof leaks: Mesquite, Little Rock
Where is the leak?
Water rose: Bedford, Granger (2 sump pumps), Minot (after we moved)
Pipe broke: Little Rack after we moved.
There’s the damage that it does, but then don’t we all have a deep-seated fear of drowning?
Literally: flash flood, flood,
Figuratively; life gets overwhelming.
You feel it in your head, on your chest, in your gut.
Emotionally, psychologically, physically; drowning.
Life gets hard sometimes.
And, we don’t know if we have the stuff to do what we need to.
Not only in the difficult situation, but everywhere else when one area is tough.
Let me tell you about my week:
Men’s BS, Ballgame w/ my boys, elders, services.
I’m spent.
I don’t have it to give right now.
I am in way over my head right now.
What do you do when you’re there?
How do you get it all done?
I’ll tell you what I’m doing, you tell me if it’s working or not.
We happen to be in a place in our study of the miracles that addresses this exact issue.
How can we deliver when we don’t have it to give?
If God is in control of everything, and I’m doing what God wants me to be doing, and I still end up in a situation that is way beyond me (I’m drowning); I have to be able to believe that Jesus will show up and do thru me what is impossible for me to do myself.
How do I know?
Miracle #20 “Walking on Water”
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When He isn’t here
Beginning the 3rd year of Jesus’ ministry, 1 year from the cross.
Rejected by Israel.
Now preparing the disciples for life w/out Him there.
They just fed thousands
Jesus challenged them to do the impossible
They admitted they couldn’t do it.
12 disciples, one boy’s small lunch, 17500 ate their fill.
12 basketfuls left over
12 baskets for 12 men.
The people want a king
The people decide they like being fed for free and want to forcibly make Jesus their king.
JB had just been killed and Herod was opposed to Jesus having any authority.
Both the Romans and the Jews did little good for the people.
While Jesus healed them, fed them, and gave the authorities fits.
They want Jesus t/b king, but, they don’t want Jesus to be the King He came to be.
They just want their lives to be better.
That’s not what Jesus came to do.
Besides, it’s not time yet.
But, it’s not time yet.
That’s what just happened.
He challenged them to do the impossible.
But, He was right there to help them.
This time, however, He doesn’t show up right away.
So, all their sandals get wet.
But, Peter’s get soaked.
Here We Go Again (22-24)
Across the sea…again
No thanks, I’ll walk.
They’ve made this trip many times.
Both w/ Jesus, and long before He showed up on the scene.
Mostly, uneventful.
But there was that one time.
Still, as many times as they had made this trip and it was uneventful, one time recently it was life-threatening.
He was w/ them, but fell asleep
Like this time, Jesus made them go to the other side.
No thanks.
I’ll walk!
That time He was w/ them, but asleep.
A sudden storm blew up, they panicked.
“Don’t you care if we drown?”
Jesus: “Where’s your faith?!”
You’re not going to drown.
I’m right here.
Again, this time, Jesus made them go to the other side.
No thanks.
I’ll walk.
They get into the boat w/out Him this time, head to the other side while He dismissed the crowd that was fed and wanted to make Him King.
From the Jewish side where He fed the 5000+ over to the Gentile side.
Jesus gets the disciples away from the crowd by sending them on their way in the boat.
Jesus gets away to pray.
Easier for Him to evade the crowd by Himself.
Jesus got the disciples from the crowd and gave them the opportunity to process what had just happened by themselves by sending them on their way in the boat.
Discuss amongst yourselves what just happened.
So, while they are rowing and talking here comes the wind, again.
Here Comes the Wind, Again
They left the shore after the crowd ate and began to disperse.
It would have been near dark or already after sunset.
No problem for experienced fishermen.
They fished at night b/c the fish ate during the cool of night.
Navigate by the stars.
Normally, no big deal.
This wasn’t normal.
The storm blew in suddenly.
No rain this time, just wind.
But wind whipped up the waves and the boat was taking on water.
Large storms on the Sea of Galilee would generate 10-12’ waves.
(Shallow lake)
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9