Saved—The foundation to the Church is that it is made up of individuals that have accepted Christ as savior.
Changed families
Changed families
Fitly Framed together
This structure rises to become (lit., “continually grows [pres. tense] into”) a holy temple in the Lord. This indicates that the church is a living and growing organism, as new believers are included in this temple’s superstructure (cf. 4:15–16; 1 Peter 2:5). Both Jewish and Gentile believers are being “joined together” into this one organism labeled “a holy temple” (cf. “one new man” [Eph. 2:15] and “one body” [v. 16]). The word for temple (naos) always refers to the sanctuary within the physical structure in Jerusalem, not to the entire temple area with its open courts (hieron).
Fitly framed
The people who returned to the land of promise were publicly acknowledging that they believed God would reestablish the nation and usher in a time of kingdom blessing.