Paul prayed with faith, believing that what God had started in them would be brought to completion. The list of things he prays that follows reveals the path to that end. "The How" in other words. 1. That Your Love May Abound. 2. That You May Know What You Ought to Do. 3. That You May be Filled with the Fruits of Righteousness.
Are You Tired of Praying?
A cartoon pictured a little boy kneeling in prayer. Obviously disgruntled with God, he was saying, “Aunt Harriet hasn’t gotten married, Uncle Hubert hasn’t any work, and Daddy’s hair is still falling out.… I’m getting tired of praying for this family without getting any results.”
Here’s How
Body: Here’s How
1. That Your Love May Abound
A. If you fill a person with love....
2. That you may have the spirit of discernment
Knowing Where to Tap
A certain town in New England experienced a prolonged electrical failure. The best engineers at the power plant were unable to restore the power, whereupon one citizen recalled that a former engineer, now in retirement but living only a few miles away, might be consulted. He was brought in. He inspected the plant, the generators; then he took a wooden mallet and tapped in several places. Instantly the lights came on, whereupon he submitted this itemized bill to the town fathers: “2¢ for tapping; $1,000 for knowing where to tap.”
Nuclear Giants and Ethical Infants
The late Joseph R. Sizoo spoke perceptively when he wrote in Still We Can Hope:
We have grasped the mystery of the atom but we have rejected the Sermon on the Mount. We have achieved brilliance without wisdom and power without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.
That Little Difference
Charles William Eliot, once president of Harvard University, is said to have collected this philosophical gem while in conversation with a campus laborer who said: “There is not much difference between men but the little difference there is makes all the difference in the world.”