Doctrine, The Real Test of Discipleship
Doctrine and Discipleship
In the Greek world the word “disciple” normally referred to an adherent of a particular teacher or religious/philosophical school. It was the task of the disciple to learn, study, and pass along the sayings and teachings of the master. In rabbinic Judaism the term “disciple” referred to one who was committed to the interpretations of Scripture and religious tradition given him by the master or rabbi
Hard Sayings
Those who heard Christ might have argued that they could understand how a person should pay for his own sin, even die for it if the crime were great enough. They could understand how salvation might be earned. But to think that Jesus Christ had to earn salvation for them and that they would therefore have to receive it as a free gift from him or not receive it at all—this they found objectionable. This is the primary difficulty that most of our contemporaries have in accepting Christianity
Christ’s Answer
Not Flesh, But Spirit
Words of Life
You are to feed on Christ’s words, digest Christ’s words, live Christ’s words, exude Christ’s words. Many pressing concerns will attempt to dissuade you. People will try to discourage your commitment. Do not be discouraged. Proclaim Christ’s teachings to those who will receive them and to those who will not. Proclaim them to the rich and to the poor, the educated and the uneducated, the high and the low, the privileged and the disadvantaged. As you do, God will use them to draw men and women to the Savior.
Nowhere to Go But Forward
A Relevant Question
Spurgeon wrote, “There is a constant winnowing going on in all churches, and this drives away the light and chaffy ones. There is a fan at work upon this floor. … Be not as the chaff. … Better far that we die than that we deny the Lord.”