The Price Tag of Destiny
The Price Tag of Destiny
Pastor Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: Luke 9:57-10:1
There is a cost involved in fulfilling your destiny
Destiny Robbers:
I. Comfort, Security, and Convenience (v. 57-58)
A. Those who volunteer without conditions
B. Hastiness without counting the cost
C. Luke 14:28-33 Counting the cost
D. In order to fulfill God’s destiny for our lives we must be willing to sacrifice comfort, security, and convenience.
II. Procrastination (v. 59-60)
A. When Jesus calls
B. Procrastinate: To put off until a future time
C. First let me go bury my father (Matthew 8:21)
D. Hell will be full of people who had good intentions to give their life to Jesus one day
E. The judgment seat of Christ will be full of people who had good intentions about doing things
F. In order to fulfill our destiny we must give it our immediate and constant attention
III. Wrong priorities (v. 61-62)
A. Volunteering with conditions
B. The issue of “FIRST”
1. Matthew 6:33
C. We will be no good in the work of the kingdom if we have not made a quality decision to keep our eyes on Jesus
D. In order to fulfill the will of God we must determine to make God’s will for our lives priority