Biblical Salvation
Biblical Christianity
What is Salvation?
sal•va•tion \sal-ˈvā-shən\ noun
[Middle English salvacion, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin salvation-, salvatio, from salvare to save—more at SAVE] 13th century
1 a: deliverance from the power and effects of sin
b: the agent or means that effects salvation
c Christian Science: the realization of the supremacy of infinite Mind over all bringing with it the destruction of the illusion of sin, sickness, and death
2: liberation from ignorance or illusion
3 a: preservation from destruction or failure
b: deliverance from danger or difficulty—sal•va•tion•al \-shnəl, -shə-nəl\ adjective
Salvation = Being Saved
New Testament Salvation
Biblical Salvation
1trav•el \ˈtra-vəl\ verb
-eled or -elled; -el•ing or -el•ling \ˈtra-və-liŋ, ˈtrav-liŋ\ [Middle English travailen, travelen to torment, labor, strive, journey, from Anglo-French travailler] verb intransitive 14th century
1 a: to go on or as if on a trip or tour: JOURNEY
b (1): to go as if by traveling: PASS 〈the news traveled fast〉
(2): ASSOCIATE 〈travels with a sophisticated crowd〉
c: to go from place to place as a sales representative or business agent
2 a (1): to move or undergo transmission from one place to another 〈goods traveling by plane〉
(2): to withstand relocation successfully 〈a dish that travels well〉
b: to move in a given direction or path or through a given distance 〈the stylus travels in a groove〉
c: to move rapidly 〈a car that can really travel〉
3: to take more steps while holding a basketball than the rules allow verb transitive
1 a: to journey through or over
b: to follow (a course or path) as if by traveling
2: to traverse (a specified distance)
3: to cover (an area) as a commercial traveler—travel light: to travel with a minimum of equipment or baggage