There's A Lot of Shakin' Goin' On
There’s A Lot of Shakin’ Goin’ On!
Pastor E. Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: Hebrews 12:18-29
I. God is shaking everything that can be shaken
A. God has shaken the earth
B. God is shaking the heavens
II. God shakes everything with His voice
A. Psalm 29:3-9
B. We must not refuse Him who speaks
III. Only that which cannot be shaken will remain—the kingdom of God
A. Shaking can be likened to the threshing process in harvest whereby the chaff is separated from the wheat kernel through a beating process.
B. Only the kingdom of God will remain
IV. Characteristics of the Kingdom (Isaiah 9:7)
A. Increase of Christ’s government
B. Increases of Christ’s peace
C. Establishment of Christ’s throne—Christ’s position as King
D. Promotion of Christ’s kingdom—The Gospel of the Kingdom
E. Kingdom Order (establish)—order is the law of arrangement and succession
F. Kingdom Establishment (Uphold): Right foundation.
G. Kingdom Judgment (rulership): The word means to "rule, govern" by a ruler without separating legislative, judicial, and executive functions. Whatever is not according to God's divine decree in deciding a case is not kingdom.
H. Kingdom Justice (righteousness): Whatever is not according to God's righteous, ethical, and moral standard is not kingdom.
V. How do we survive the shaking?
A. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt 6:33)
B. Have grace—BE THANKFUL! Literally this means, “be thankful” that you are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken
C. Serve God through acceptable worship—English Standard Version says, “let us offer to God acceptable worship”
D. Worship God with reverence—deeply felt honor and respect
E. Worship God in godly fear—an inspiring awe and cautious approach
VI. Live the kingdom life that cannot be shaken!