When God Delivers You from a Crazy Situations 8-27-2017
Good morning. How is everyone today? I asked every Sunday, but I know they were all blessed cuz we all made it here safely. And then we got through the previous week. So we're definitely blessed. Let's go ahead and stand for praise and worship.
Wasting my time.
It's not all in bed.
Is my name?
Is my singing?
Is my pregnancy?
Is my neighbor?
of course not
of course not
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no, no, no.
Is my dad said in Spanish?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, of course not no no, no, no, no, no.
Of course not no no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no. No. No, of course not it's not.
It's not all in bed.
It's a new season as we know that we like to speak about the new beginnings and the rose that God is lettuce on in the past that he's taking us on in the new things that are coming about. So this song like our other Anthem is another anthem for our church.
It's all available to you.
Navigate to home.
Alright, that's kind of one more time.
I'm thinking that I'm just a damn.
They will be in.
Make my day.
I'm thinking.
and when I go
Is that we have to deal with. Only as Believers was definitely as Believers, but you know, if we're dealing with things what the world must be dealing with a man and so today I want to talk about when God delivers us some crazy situations and circumstances when God delivers us from crazy situations and circumstances. So are foundational scriptures. Are we having a kid's world today? Love you and people
Okay, so we going to stay and then we going to pray over our young people a man and then we're going to dismiss them to Kids World. By the way. Thank you for our young people and I just pray God In The Name of Jesus that you would touch them from the crown of your head to the soles of their feet Lord as they going to their class. I pray God that your word with minister to their heart. I pray God as they come out. They won't be the same because the word will have had effect on them. I pray for their instructor and giving her wisdom to teach them the word of God. We thank you for all that. You do giving you honor and glory in Jesus precious name. Amen at Kids R Kids while you remain standing are foundational scripture for message today is going to come from Psalm 34 and verse for so if you haven't Bibles you want to turn to Psalm 34 verse 4. If not, it should appear on the screen a man. Psalm 34 and verse for let's read that together going to read from the new King James translation. It says I sought the Lord and he heard me and he delivered me from all my fears. Let's say that one more time. I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears. Now, I confession of faith. We going to share in our confession of Faith repeat this after me. I am not moved. By what I see. or by what I feel I am moved by what I believe. I believe the word of God the victory is mine. I have it now. I can see it through the eyes of my face. In Jesus name. Let's take a minute to give God some praise open up your mouth and give God some praise. Amen. Hallelujah. Thank you Lord for blessing us this day. We bless you Lord. Hallelujah have your way have your way have your way have your way remove me right now father and speak through this Earthen vessel to your people. We give you all praise and glory in Jesus name you may be seated in the presence of the Lord. We talk about crazy situation say crazy situation.
What we going to look at today in the book of Psalm deals with David before he was King and it's also going to deal with King Saul but it's going to we're going to focus on what happened after David got delivered, but we all have to set this thing up cuz there's what happens when we end up in Crazy situations crazy situations create uncontrolled emotions.
Crazy situations have us doing things that we normally would not do. Crazy situations. Have you jealous? Have you ate?
Have you seen the things that people cussing us out acting a certain way that you normally would not do not differ that crazy situation. Amen. So when we talk about crazy situation crazy situations influence our Behavior a man when when you when you caught up in a crazy situation and in the crazy situation is one of them things where you go
What did I what happened to me that I'm in a crazy situation will make you start thinking differently earlier this week. I got a call from the first lady and I have a friend in in Atlanta, and I realize I wasn't at my Center. Crazy situation and Duo make you act a certain way and do things that God never intended for you to do. It'll make you hang with people and be with people God never intended for you to be with that's what crazy situations do and his Believers don't think we're not going to go through crazy situation and we go crazy situations when we take our eyes of God and put our focus on ourselves. They men say crazy situations. Crazy situation where consumed with anger and jealousy and fear and these are strong emotions that tend to make us act irrational and act foolishly. That's what the Bible tells us. We need to control our self the Bible always talk to us about having self-control. crazy situation
troll be when you start pointing the finger at other people and blaming other people then you need to look at your service. Am I operating in self-control?
But crazy situations across us to act emotionally and when we started I can emotionally we create a messy situation.
How many do you have been in a messy situation?
You know, it's a child of God. That is not what God called you do but you in the midst of a messy situation A man, I'm not just talking about relationship. It could be financially could be your help could be the children that could be the community with this nation is in a messy situation. Now a man in a messy situation from the top all the way down because we're not far that creates a messy situation.
Now when we look at the Bible on Psalm 34, we find David in a place where he's running and fearful for his life. Let me tell you something about about what happens. If you go back how many, you know, the story of David and Goliath David and Goliath. Amen. We know that there was some giant attacking the children of Israel and David under the anointing of the Holy Ghost to Firestone slew the giant kill them and it's the Reader's Digest version of Amen. I know the story, right? Here's the point. Sometimes you can be doing the right thing for the right reasons and still get caught up in a messy situation. Amen. David was doing the right thing even as a matter of fact before he went into smooth. Slay the giant King. Saul said David you going God be with you. Let me tell you something. Sometimes you're doing the right thing for the right reasons and you got to watch people around you. King Saul David's before he went into battle with the life God be with you because you know, what David I can't handle that even though I'm team.
So they tend to do and then everyone begins to Rejoice. They said David assault slain his thousands with David Slade his tens of thousands and Saul got jealous.
messy situation
Now the king is jealous of the one he sent in and black. Because now people have taken the focus off him and put it on David watch who you around. Is some insecure jealous people who are around you and as soon as God starts using you and your anointing in your gift watch them because they will create a messy situation. A man, so now here you have saw who's the king who got all the power jealous of David? Who's one of his soldiers at this point in time because he's a fit. He's afraid that the people will start liking David Mark and then likes all watch the people around you because they can create messy situations for you when you're just trying to do the right thing. Does that make sense?
I have a nephew who's telling me about this TV show called Game of Thrones. I've never seen this TV show but it's it's what I get. It's like King Arthur fighting and there is Kings and courts and all of his stuff. And so David. The only thing I can relate this to because today we are not operating it with Kings and and Knights of the Round Table and stuff like that. But David was in a very similar situation where the King was chasing after him.
Here's what I want you to understand. Some of us are dealing with situations now and our emotions have overcome line.
Some of us are going through things and our emotions have no control have taken control over as we're not in control of them. They're in control of us. allow fear to overtake him and he begin to run. I told you guys earlier that David just slew Goliath right? Let me tell you what uncontrollable emotions will do now he's running from so who's supposed to have his back because he's the king now, it's all son Jonathan tells him David you need to get out of here. Cuz Daddy is upset with you and he's going to take your head off of David what you know where he ran to the place where he killed Goliath. that's what
the Giant
epic king mansion of the Giant
have you ever had your stuff in the situation where you look up and you're somewhere and you're saying how did I get there?
Your emotions have gotten you to a place where you never should have been.
And I want you to go and read it. It's in first Samuel chapter 21. I want you to go there. Now. We find David in a place where the king of the enemy is. He's at the Mansion of the king of the enemy and now the king of the enemy looked at Amanda and the service are saying hey, isn't that David who killed Goliath?
So, how did David end up in the place of the enemy when he just killed the one who was defending the enemy? messy situation So David has to do something. So David acts like he's crazy.
or survival What the Bible the Bible tells us that matter fact, I need to read that so y'all can see that.
Bare with me. Okay. I need to read that somebody go to first Samuel.
Look at this what technology will get you a man. Y'all pray for pastor. Amen.
Come on. 1st Samuel chapter 21 verse 10 1st Samuel chapter 21 verse 10
1st Samuel chapter 21
Even if we create a myself.
I'ma say it again. Thank God. He's with us. In messy situations, even when we create them ourselves.
amen The one we fear God and live righteous. God will Deliver Us. It's often the most dangerous enemy, and that's you.
Sometimes we want to say the devil is an issue that ain't the devil. It's you. That's accountability right there a man.
So God is faithful in in Psalm 34 verse 1 and 2. So now David leave the king's court and hides in the cave at adullam. So he's free now. And it's at that point when you get delivered from your message situation. It's at that point when you can take a minute and thank God because he's delivered you.
Here's what David did he had an opportunity while he was in that cave because God had protected him from being killed by King a key. It was in that cave and he wrote this song He said Lord. First one I Will Bless The Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth David realize that God had delivered him from a messy situation. So David said I will Barack the Lord. I'm going to be a life of worship. I will all
He said I'm a bless the Lord, praise God. I'm going to do not only am I going to lift them up exuberantly, but I'm a bow down to him because I know who he is, and I know what he's done for me.
God deliver me. I'm a bless the Lord.
I'm a bless the Lord. when the messy situation Take some time to breathe. You think I'm going to bless the Lord see the problem. We forgotten.
Would God even in the message? the bless the Lord David said I'm a bless the Lord. He said my praise His praise shall continually be in my mouth. If you look over your life. If you look in what God has done for you. And you look at how God has been good to you. You can always open up your mouth and bless the Lord. You can always say God I will worship you no matter what, you know, if I have I'm a worship you if I don't have them to worship you they say they going to be with me. I'm going to watch them if they say they're not going to be with me. I'm worship you if the money is Down and Worship the money ain't there. I'm at work. If your old ways, I will bless the Lord.
His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Now. I have to tell you because you need to understand what's going on in this song while David was in that cave several of his people came to him and they started the fellowship with him in the Bible in first Samuel says these were the people who were down and out. These are the people who are going through challenges and situations and circumstances and they met David at that cave and they begin to fellowshipping and because they were going through and David was King and he was praising the Lord. They said we going to make you King over us. And sometimes when you're going through stuff God will send other people to you who aren't hurting for going through challenges because God has delivered you and you have started to praise the Lord. Does that make sense? Sometimes people will be drawn and they're going through things and you may not know that they're going through things. But God is sending them into your hand in your pathway because you have been delivered for something and you know to praise the Lord.
And when they don't have you can you can encourage them and that's what David did when he wrote this song He said I'm going to show those who are around me that they can encourage the Lord even when they don't. He said my soul shall make its boast in the Lord The Humble meaning those, you know, what life will do it or how much you win when things get snatched away from you.
a man
He saved my soul shall boast in the Lord The Humble shall hear of it and be glad you know, what we need to do is keep telling people how God has delivered us. Don't ever stop opening your mouth and telling God telling folks who who may be going through a similar situation. How God has been your delivery. How God has been your way maker. How God has been your comforter is always tell people because they may be going through the same thing. You're going through. That's what happens when God delivers you from a messy situation if you open up your mouth and you give God praise, Does that make sense? He says I'm going to Barack him. I'm going to put take the knee. Imma do it at all times. I'm a boast in him before The Afflicted. I'm going to boast in him before the helpless. Those who are sick of my boss to him and those who are sitting I mean courage them because I know what God has done for me. Does that make sense?
We got to learn to follow David's example in every area of Our Lives that we can never get too cute. Here's what I mean. We can't get so full of ourselves when things are good that we forget to give God praise.
We can never think anything is is it's going to be permanent because you know what changes change takes what you think is permanent and makes it temporary. career your money your pastor your profession whatever it happens to be can be temporary just like that. So whether it's going well or not safe, I'm going to bless the Lord.
In 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 18 He says in the Bible says in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you and everything you woke up this morning. Thank you for waking me up this morning. You can grab us a spoon or fork with your hand and take it and put it Lord. I thank you for that. That's a blessing right there. Cuz I know when we go to Hospital visitation that there are people who would love to be in your shoes. Amen. So the we have reason to bless the Lord. Amen. We have reason to boast of him. We have reason to call on his name and give him exuberant praise at The River Rancho worship. We have given us another day.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit enables us to bless the Lord at all times and for all things. You know, when you feel with the Holy Spirit, you can look at a situation. That's not quite right and say God is still in that. I don't know how he's going to work it out. But I know he's going to work it out. And I know that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord of War called according to his purpose and so I might be going through a hard time right now. But God is going to deliver me. I know the God that I serve and that's why I can praise him before I see the outcome. I can praise him now before I get my blessings. I can pray because I know the God that I serve these are delivering God Amen. I can open up my mouth and say thank you when everybody else around frowning about stuff and tell them God is still in this situation. I'm going to remind you to have joy have the joy of the Lord because no matter what you going through God is with you and he's going to bring you out of it. That's why we can bless the Lord at all times. It's going to require the Holy Spirit to remind us that God is still with us. A man Ephesians chapter 5 verse 20 says giving thanks always for all things to God who's the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ? I thank you Lord. And I thank you Lord for just us having a place we can worship. I thank you Lord for the people that you have sent as guest and members and leaders. I thank you Lord. I Thank you. Each and every one of our Lives I thank you Lord. I Thank You Lord, and I give God thanks for all things what I don't understand at all. I don't understand why you not moving on my turn.
But I thank you Lord. Amen. And let's not forget that everything God is working with us. Sometimes it's a painful lesson. We got to learn but he will deliver us out of messy situations. Amen. You know what we got to encourage those who are down hard. We got a current encourage those who are a broken right now. We got to listen to each other up as opposed to parent each other down.
I know what the person is going through. So I don't know how challenging it was just to get ready get dressed cuz the devil was after them all morning long and walk through these doors and thankful for that. Amen. We're grateful and thankful Lord that you allow us to come in and worship you in spirit and in truth and in Freedom, amen. So don't take this for granted a man. I'd like to be like burnable chapter 4 verse 36 in the Bible said and and Jose was also name Barnabas by the Apostle by the apostles which is translated son of encouragement. It would be great if we all could be the encourages. A man now, that's something we can Thrive fourth to be one who can encourage someone else. One who can lift someone else up one who can't a brother since I know it's hard right now, but I'm with you I know even more than me God is with you and know that all things work together for good. He's going to work this out. Yeah. I know they told you they gave you that pink slip but God got another door. He's opening for you just be encouraged. Amen. That's what we all should be coming Curry jersey men. in Acts chapter 16 verse 25 the Bible says but at midnight
Do you know what someone's midnight is?
You don't know what their men tonight is. But midnight can be a dark.
And I can be a very messy situation.
But the Bible says at midnight Paul and Silas were praying. See, I believe the church that forgot how to pray. amen They were praying and singing hymns to God. And the prisoners were listening to them. The prisoners were hearing the men and women of God in this case Paul and Silas giving God praise. Maybe that's what some folks need to hear from you. Give God some praise. Maybe instead of them hearing you talk about what the number 45 is doing. They need to hear you giving God some praise. I'm talking to somebody here. Hey, man, I'm talking to somebody get your eyes off folks and put it on God Amen. In 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 in verse 18 and says in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you or y'all starting to see a pattern here in everything you do give thanks and whatever situation you are. Thank God never you went Lord. I Thank You Lord. I Praise You Lord I bless you. That should be are no matter what I wake up in the morning Lord. God bless you. But I don't know how this day is going to go but I know you can't control. I don't know what's around the corner. But I know you around the corner. I'm a meet you there with whatever. Is there a man? Cuz I know you were in control. I need to bless the Lord.
So I had a couple bullet points here. Amen. How am I doing on time? Oh, man, I got a little time a man y'all pray for me.
Listen, go to bullet point number 2. Google define bullet point I want to show you something here because this has got to be a thing in the Bible in Psalm 34 and verse it starting with verse 3. Let those versus 327 tell us that we need to invite those who are going through problems to praise the Lord as well. I think about if you going through something right now. If you got it doesn't matter. Need to know what you going through but that's between you and got you going through something the Bible clearly tells us and verse number 3. Oh magnify the Lord with me. Let us exalt his name together. Don't get into your problem by yourself. That's why we're brothers and sisters in Christ and win the same body what the devil would want us to do is that at separating alienate ourselves from the body so we can't exhaust the Lord together. Amen. If he can get you in the corner somewhere where you can have your own pity-party cuz you know, you get around the saints of God Praises going to happen and when we lift up the praise the Lord he sent down the blessings that I need to do. I have any Witnesses in here. The Bible says in verse 3 old magnify the Lord with me beat bigger than any challenge that you have any person in your life in the president's the king the queen Stanford's whoever they want to name them self. He's bigger than that. He said exhaust the Lord with me over your bills over your health issues over your children over your family exhaust because God Is Bigger than any of that situation.
David reminds us in verse for he says I sought the Lord and he heard me and he delivered me.
Open up my mouth at the gym to praise the Lord even in the midst he heard me see if the devil. I can lift up my hands open up my mouth and know that God is going to hear you if he can get you over in that corner he can defeat you but as long as you open up your mouth and give God praise your Victorious.
What's 5 says? They look to him. And Meridian and their faces were not ashamed see there ain't no problem that God can't stop.
There is nothing.
I don't care how bad you think it is. God can handle it.
That's good. Having a helping you be watching out for me a men looking for 6 this poor man cried out and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles. Now that's something we can stand on. I don't have nothing I can give you guy. I don't have anything that you need. But I would love to give you my praise. I would love to worship you. I would love to give you everything and actually the only thing I want is your heart. That's what God wants. He wants your heart. If you will give God your heart. He can hear your cry. Is when we start playing with God trying to give him intellect and trying to give him a deals and stuff like that that he can understand that. He's like I don't have time for this. I need your heart. I don't want just part of it. He wants it all a man. That's what God wants and he said if you give it to me, I'll save you out of all your troubles for seven sins the angel of the Lord encamps around all around those who fear meaning have reverential respect for God and he delivers them.
But he says when when the devil tries to come at you after you have after you have daily been giving him pray. He will put a camp of angels around you.
You can't see it, but you wonder why it's something happened to somebody else and it didn't happen to you. God you circled me with a camper Angels cuz you know, I have been giving you praise. And I've been giving you my heart. He-Man Man, the magnify the Lord again. I just tell you it means to Proclaim how great he is.
Let me move on Amen and y'all getting anything out of this. in Psalm 34 beginning with verse 8 I love this cuz this this just to blow my mind verse that says oh taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him, if you'd if you know what I used to tell false all the time. You know, what? for yourself
What I'm saying, and I'm telling you where I came from. I know he's a delivery man.
for yourself
Amen, I'm telling you. You got to taste it for yourself.
Sabrina's word a little bit and getting courage from him just taste and see that the Lord is good. He said blessed is the man who trusts in him the Lord.
Respect for God cuz they not his people. Amen. They are form of something amen, but they not pissed people. He man. I'm trying to call on the name of the Lord because my sheep hear my voice.
And we know that in the midst of a Mystic messy situation. The Bible says that there is no one to those who fear Him that tells us I can stand on the word of God and he's going to deliver me.
Does that make sense? It says there is no what There's No Lack knows anything that you might need to those who have respect. Fear Him not scared of him. That's not what that word mean. They want those who honor him. Does that make sense? Amen? Sometimes we get into it we forget fear off. That's not what I was talking about.
I can feel your mom. You respect your mom. Are you there why I was scared of my dad, but that's a whole different subject. That's a different. That's a different message altogether. Amen. That's when he opened up his mouth. He didn't say much but when he did London lightning man, but I learn to respect him a man to respect you. It's the same thing with God. When you learn to respect God. You'll take care of you. Is that makes sense? It's so when David keep in mind when David was in this cave and this band of Misfits came and it was like David. I hope we hear you playing and we want you to lead us cuz we we don't have anything right now. He said you know what when you learn to fear the lord. Will take care of it. Is that make sense? He says the first 10. He says Young Lions lack and suffer hunger those who they not going to have enough. They're always want. And it'll never be enough. And they always hunger for something. I need more power need more money. I need more Fame. I need more attention. I need more whatever. It happens to Be Giants.
Then he said but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. I'm going to say this as a, because some of us want some people and some things in our life that are not good for us. That's why you don't have it.
The Bible clearly says but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. So I've been asking God and he ain't gave it to me. Maybe that's not a good thing for me. amen
Psalm 34 verse 11 y'all still with me is this making sense if it's making sense give God some praise.
parents parents
We got some for our kids those little ones that's over their learning and those who are on vacation. We got we got to learn how to teach our children how to have reverence for God and man. Verse 11. Come you children. Listen to me. I will teach you the fear of the Lord. First one says who is the man who desires life and love many days that he may see good and here's the deal verse 14 keep your mouth your tongue from evil and your lips from lying and speaking deceit.
I'm talking to Chris. I have never seen a group that has been raised up for full of lies and deceit. And wonder why they're struggling and yet on the other side of their mouths are saying I love the Lord. He heard My Cry he pitied every yeah.
But they not reading the Bible. Verse 14 and says depart from Evil and do good seek peace and pursue it. We have to teach our children to fear the lord. Got to teach our kids to have respect. I got to tell you this and this bothers me. On social media. I've seen too many little kids jumping in and moving like they having sex with each other. Not be I'm saying too much to too many little kids cussing grown. That should not be I'm seeing too many adults are afraid of kids. That should not be. When are we going to take our rightful position and teach them the fear of the Lord? That's what I'm not they friends. We're responsible for them.
Yes, my friend. We dress the life. The Devil is a Lie beat his daddy or his mama, whatever it is. You being put trying to be as friend. They need an alternate. They not even at the house yet.
In Psalms chapter 34, I mean Psalm 34 verse 15. It says the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their cry. God watching you wherever you go. If you try to run to the booth in the corner in the back in the dark he can see you. a man you can run from me. You can run from whoever you think would hold you accountable, but you can't run from God. A man, this is what we need to be telling folks a man or 16 that says the face of the Lord is against those who do evil to cut off from the remembrance of them from this Earth for $0.17. The righteous cry out and the Lord hears that there is a there is a a a pattern here when you respect God and you cry out to him. He will hear you no matter what when you respect him and you cry out to him. He will hear you no matter how bad it is when you respect him and you cry out. He will hear you don't ever think God doesn't hear those who are right those who are in right standing with him. He will hear you even if you create your own messy situation.
What's 19 says many are the Affliction of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all they can come at you a whole bunch of ways. But God is going to deliver you a man. He says he's embarrassed when he guards all his bones. Not one of them is broken verse 21 evil shall slay the wicked.
Quit trying to mimic them. Be the light be the salt. We're trying to be like them. Cuz there is a end for each one of them says the evil evil shall slay the wicked and those who hate the righteous shall be condemned verse 22 says the Lord redeems the soles of his servants and none of those who trust him shall be condemned. Y'all getting the message. Isn't making sense. Here's what happens when God delivers you out of messy situations. We are called to praise him. We are called to bring those who in their own midnight their own messy situation and show them how to praise God. Cuz God said if you right righteous, I'm going to hear your printer. a man I'm almost done. Here's what I want you to say encourage the righteous.
encourage the righteous
Here's why you know what? It's hard for them for those of us who are trying to live. right is hard And if we don't encourage each other we cannot expect the world to encourage. It's easy to do wrong. It's easy to lie and steal and cheat but it's hard to be up right in this world. It's hard when somebody go off on you to take it and it's hard to take it. But God is calling us to live righteous. So we have to encourage each other. Does that make sense?
I'm almost done Psalm 33 and 18 behold. The eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him? On those who hope in his Mercy.
Psalm 34 begins in a cave And it ends in Calvary.
David's message to that group of men. And the ejected band of outcast. Is our message to the world? Regardless y'all of what we've done. We can be delivered. Who the death? Got the only son Jesus Christ. I'm going to leave you with this in 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 22 a 24 who himself bore our sins. In his own bot on a tree that we having stents might live for righteousness by whose Stripes you were healed. We turn the guy we can run to him and he will be our refuge. You'll be our strength in the time of a man. Give God a big hand of praise.
Real quick. Y'all know Pastor don't believe in this coming to church here in the message and not being able to do something with it. So I keep challenging everyone read one proverb a day. Pick up your Bible. It's hard to say you a Christian when you don't pick up your Bible a man pick up your Bible open up to the Book of Proverbs read one a day. The second thing we all going through stuff identify a place in your life. Will you need operate on faith God I'm going to trust you with this. This situation I'm turning over to you. And I know that You Hear My Cry. Find two scriptures that speak to your situation. Healing you need there's a ton of healing scriptures in the Bible relationship anger. Whatever. It happens to be find it stand on the word of God. Not what the lady philosopher says was stand on the word of God, Amen. And then for those who are really hungry want to work out of town you to get involved with ministry here at UCF. We going to start growth was getting by with the growth growth group a man and then invite someone to come to Sunday worship service a man. Can I count on y'all to do that? Alright, give God one more hand to pray.
I want to do I want do anything.
The word will go out and it won't go out boy. Going to do what God intended. What we want. And in the reason why United Christian Fellowship exist is so that we can go out and increase the kingdom of God. A man, that's why we exist if anyone want to know why we're meeting here while we're coming together as a family is so that we can go out a man out of the four walls.
And tell somebody about Jesus Christ. That's why we exist. There's no other reason to have another church unless you have a purpose. And our purpose is to come here on Sunday to be encouraged to head to work but to go out and tell someone about the good news of Jesus Christ. And as we go out and tell those about the good news of Jesus Christ, they may not be ready to come to your worship service center, but you can invite them to your home. You can invite him to coffee. Doesn't matter where you tell them just help. Hey, man, so I want to extend the invitation to amazing invitation that that God has left for us through Christ Jesus.
In my old church. We used to say we going to open up the doors of the church.
Here's what I want you to see. Jesus stand and he's already taken care of everything when he died on the cross account. You paid the price for all of our sins yesterday today and forever.
All God is asking for us is to ask him to come into our heart. the Bible clearly If you confess with your mouth Lord, I'm a sinner. I fall short I mess up. But I heard about the Savior Jesus.
and I want
I believe. The Jesus died for me I believe. I want to have a personal relationship with you.
God I want to live. for you I want to walk with you. for the rest of my
if you pray a prayer like that and you mean it in your Jesus will come in.
and here's what he says if you say that with your mouth and believe it with your heart your
He doesn't make it difficult for us. We ain't got to run and knock her head on that wall and walked out. He just says if you confess with your mouth and believe the Jesus
that's something that happens on the inside.
When you do that. the work begins everybody know I don't lie to people. Once you give your life to Christ the devil is going to be all over you. He's going to try to steal all the joy that God has given to you. This is why I recommend you get with some mature believers. and begin begin to read your Bible begin to pray put some of this on your playlist. Amen.
This is the stuff that's going to get you going and keep you going when you know.
Can you please?
This is the way.
So for those of you who I pray that prayer. We've never prayed that prayer before you believe in your heart. I welcome you to the team. a man I'll need to see that. I don't need to see that because that's between you and God in Me. I remember my old church that used to make people come up and stand and say all of this stuff. It was all emotional because you never saw him the next week a man. Can we can I keep this real? They got emotional for that one week and then you didn't see him come back a man. Both of those of you who have done that welcome.
Now if you're here at the first time yes or second time. Yes. God bless you. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming down to United Christian Fellowship. There's a lot of places people to go, but God bless you. coming down you not a visitor. You are guessing what a guess. We've been ready for you a man. We've been prepared to receive you a man y'all see we got food out and you know, we've been ready. Amen. That's how you do when you invite guests to your house. You don't you don't be like you hear? No. You read it you waiting for me, man. So you take care of your house you make it ready for guests to come so that they're comfortable that's where I guess the day. God bless you. Thank you. Did you have your connection car? Please? Fill it out. We want to stay in contact with you a man. If nothing else. We going to have our ushers and our greeters get prepared. We going to take our offer. Let me tell you about the offering.
How many of you got that connection card got the connection car?
A couple things I want you to see this connection card in this envelope two things. If you want to give a tithe or offering to United kids preaching felt to your writing the check when you put it in here you put in here. That's all good. That's what's important to the past if you have a prayer request request. And you want me first lady prayer team that pray for you write it on the back. Information on the front as much as you're willing to give us so that we can stay in contact with you if you have a prayer request. Is what I'm concerned about a man. I trust God is going to take care of everything else. Amen. And here's what I want you to do it. Once you take that connection car with that prayer request. I want you to put it in this envelope. You see even the pastor. I got a prayer request in my wife will pray over me and I'll pray over hers.
That's how important prayer is to me. So put it down because sometimes people come in and you don't know what they're going through. So, you know these generic prayers, they're great, but I'd like to know So when there is a testimony and God and God handles it, we all want to Rejoice a man now put it in you can steal it or you can just close it. It's up to you. And then when they bring the offering the offer will be doing a basket offering basket around just drop it in a man. That's all we're asking you to do a man. We going to have the 4th we going to bless the offering and we going to pray over the connection card father. We thank you for the offer in that is about to be received. I pray God that you would take the offering in the tithe and multiply those that are coming through electronically through give a give a fly and those that are going to be in put it into these envelope. Good morning. Glory the prayer request that are on here. The word says for those who are righteous that you hear our need. When lifting up each one of these connection cards till you were lifting up the envelopes to you and guide you take it you black, you know the hearts of each and every one of your children. You make a way out of no way you make sure everything is taken care of more and we acknowledge it by virtue of these connection card that you will do what your worth is in Jesus name. Amen. All right, we going to have the ushers and greeters common take the offering and in the collection cards.